No Mans Sky

ow let's all take a moment to laugh at the anons that fell for the lies.

Other urls found in this thread:

Said it from day 1, typical hype bullshit crap that gets boring within 5 hours of gameplay or less.

Cry for me, faggots

their tears are delicious

No Mans Cry

Original donut steel

>tfw will have fun while you shitpost here

Why? Because some leaked demo build had a few bugs?
It will still be one of the greatest gamed

>People who are this deep in denial.

>30 hour long demo
Nice try faggot

found a video of a no man's sky player

it was the full game
keep denying it

It feels like people who were hyped for No Man's Sky were people who had no idea how game development works and what limitations it brings.

Yeah ok, the game might generate BILLIONS OF YEARS OF CONTENT, but its still a fucking video game made by 20 people.

Did he died?

Holy kek

No it hasn't been "confirmed" stop talking out of your ass, retard

no he managed to write a long winding post about how authentic he is and how music video people should hire him shortly after

>The creators have to confirm their blunder otherwise the game is good


Should of aimed a couple inches higher desu


>No Man Buys
>getting this fucking refunded


Sounds like someones butthurt the games going to be great and they don't get to have their ebin shitposting

Sounds like someone is projecting their own buyers remorse onto me and desperately tries to cling on to the hope that the game could possibly not be absolute garbage.

For what fucking purpose?

>$60 for an indie game

The worst part is that it'll probably do well enough that this becomes a common thing.

I hope so, let the sheeple waste money on the crap, the only downside is that they won't be able to shut up about their shit games later, oh well.

$60 will be a bargain considering the ridiculous amount of content in it




it feels so gud

Why is Sup Forums so giddy when shitting on others? Is this really all you have going on in your lives?

I appreciate that this guy did this. this is real art.

>There's over 18 billion planets!
>But they're just the same 20 planets copied and pa-
>18 BILLION!!!

>Le epic reaction image!! XDD

Fuck off rebbit

im having evolve ptsd right now

where de bullet did go? no exit wound in other cheek. i think is probably fake honestly


Coming on too strong there.

No why would you make that wild assumption? Always feels good when shit games tank as people who you know, actually fucking lovw video games and care about the industry? Laughing at people that buy into media hype is another issue but still nothing wrong with it


Nah. Took a trip to my hometown. Went to a shooting range for the first time yesterday with some friends I don't get to see very often.

My job gives me a strange sleep schedule, so I've been up since three. We're going Go-Karting tomorrow, then we're buying a few buckets of wings to eat while playing smash, taking turns on super meat boy, and watching movies.

It's what we've always done

You're not some kind of newfaggot are you?

everyone needs to buy this game on steam and then get a refund straight away, each refund means hello games gets hit with a $30/40 chargeback and before long they will be broke as a joke.

it's satisfaction at knowing you're de best. you analysed the situation months, maybe even years ago, and your read turned out to be correct

>Ha ha! Turns out that game I wasn't planning on buying isn't as good as I wasn't expecting it to be hahaha fans of that game BTFO
This is beyond pathetic.

Why are you lying?

>no exit wound on the other side


>Haha let's bankrupt this company and make thousands of employee unemployed!


>>Ha ha! Turns out that game I wasn't planning on buying isn't as good as I wasn't expecting it to be hahaha fans of that game BTFO
>This is beyond pathetic.
what did he mean by this?

I'd prefer to watch it fail organically

He swallowed the bullet.

>camera conveniently pans away the moment he shoots

he catches the bullet in his teeth on the other side

Sounds nice user, can I come?


I don't think I've ever seen a bear penis before

So is it out yet? What's so bad about it? Is it a generic open world game or what?

The bullet went so fast that the skin didn't have time to break and just passed through the molecules.

I'm not :/

Explain how. Go on I'll wait since I'm such a no life hater

thread for those of us who are still hype

It's a game about exploring and naming shit as advertised but a bunch of kiddies desperate for a new tortanic are pretending that they marketed it differently.

sounds pretty great desu

Do you live in New York's metropolitan area?

>being this insecure
Did you at least suck their dicks?

I live in the UK, it's kinda close

>y-you're lying
alright, here's proof
>i-insecure much :^)

Sure I'm insecure. Whatever makes you feel better.

maybe this website isn't for you

>kinda close
Has the newfoundland-republic of ireland chunnel been completed?


Fuck off there please

what if I don't?

Because a game you won't buy not being as good as advertised is the textbook definition of irrelevant and if this makes you happy you desperately need something going on in your life.

The obsession with trying to make the new KOTOR is frankly infuriating as an oldfag

instead of talking about the game, there's twenty posts screeching and posting >yfw without any actual gameplay discussion, analysis or critic.

It's just a bunch of retards trying to forfill another self-fulfilling prophecy to make themselves feel intelligent.

I guarantee you, if this game, or any game, turned out to be 10/10 game of the year best thing came to gaming, these retards would still post threads with images like a slightly buggy space cow screaming "FLOP" and "NO MANS CRY"

this is the cancer killing the board

>Nu-Male's Cry

Who the fuck ever thought this was going to be good?

If NMS was a weeb space waifu simulator, Sup Forums would be praising it as the GOAT.

>actual gameplay discussion, analysis or critic.
>actual gameplay discussion

>So what can I do in this game?
>A N Y T H I N G

>the new KOTOR


me neither

Haha wow you're a fucking loser mate.

>projects his shit life and social situation onto others
>other guy takes 2 minutes out of his day to post proof
>loser goes full damage control

Honestly if I had to live like that I would legit want to die. Please go make some friends user.

proving my point even more :^)

Mate I'm sure he was talking to you the same way you talk to girls in an effort to relate to you.

fake man


So wait, has anyone proved its samey?

I skimmed though the video, nothing looked samey, but fuck man i im not watching all that shit.

Maybe a infographic or something?

google "kasper shoots self"

>I watched a 10 minute video and didnt see the same planet twice, wtf Sup Forums?

No shit its going to take more than a YouTube video of gameplay to show how little diversity there really is in this game.

No, if there is little diversity then it will be extremely obvious.

No, no it wont be.

The division had plenty of diversity in the videos before its release, then people started playing it and realized it was boring as fuck.

Stop falling for the same tricks over and over again you stupid fuck.

Link to leaked gameplay video?

>point of the thread is to laugh at gullible retards
>thread is filled with people laughing at the gullible retards
huh, funny that.
Anyway I've tried discussing this game before and when I ask "what can I do exactly?" all I get in response is "NUMBERS!!!! NUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBER!"
The whole game's selling point is numbers, no seriously, the whole game is just marketed as "NUMBERS!!1ONE" all the posters and advertisements, they never talk about the gameplay or the mechanics just "The game is THIS big!" "Did you know it will take 999999999999999999999999999 years to discover all 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 planets?"
There was even a presentation that was nothing more than a straight hour of nothing but math and numbers.
These faggots are selling an indie game for $60 just because "NUMBERS!"
Fucking scum.

Name 1 lie I dare you.

>the division had diversity in its videos

Lel, we are all not as dumb as you. There was already infographics (loose term, of course) why the division was shit on Sup Forums.

I have not seen anything of substance of the "samey" claim.

Baseless trolling is lame. I want evidence to shove down their throats


Good game

"You can do literally anything"

>I have to have things described to me in a simple and easy to understand way to understand anything

Jesus Christ you are a dumbfuck. Enjoy your empty space simulator.



"Friends will show on the galactic map
You will be able to see other players
Only a few people can be seen at one time. If lots of people converge on an area, then you will only see a few of them
Friends do not take priority in regards to who can be seen
There will be PvP
It is unknown whether players will be able to trade between them"


Meme line said in everything that has no weight. Was said here too bonus if you can find the source if they actually said what you claimed they said anyways.

This hasn't been proven wrong.

Here's the actual quote.

"If you discover one planet every second, it would take 500 billion years to find all of them. By that point our sun would have burnt out."

-Sean Murray, Hello Games

Good lord this faggot should be arrested for self fellatio.

>outright lying about multiplayer with no sources

The devs themselves had said there would be no pvp, go lie out your ass somewhere else you dumb faggot.

>he spends his free time shilling shitty games
>he doesn't even get paid for it

What a pathetic person.

Here are the sources. Have fun being proven wrong dumb faggot.

Are you all that fucking poor that you cry about 60 bucks? Your mommy and daddy can't give you that much? It's fucking two hours work!

more like no man's buy