This game is fucking great, im definitely buying it after the free weekend (before the discount ends)

This game is fucking great, im definitely buying it after the free weekend (before the discount ends).

However, I'd like to ask something to the veteran players:

Do higher levels get more tactical? Theres barely any tactics on casual matchmaking.

And also, whats the deal with IQ, blitz and Thatcher?

Im not going to pretend to be an expert after playing for 12 hours, but I feel that they're both really useless operators. Because it seems that electronics do not play a big part in the game. They have a very small AOE, kapcan's traps are incredibly easy to detect and can be shot down really easy.

Also, Thatcher only has 3 emp nades and their effect seems to be very short.

IQ skill like I said, doesnt feel very useful.

And blitz is just...ehh, like I accidentally stepped on an electrified barbed wire and it barely dealt 10 damage, and I only stepped on it because I was an idiot who didnt realized the sparks meant it was electrified. I feel his traps dont deal enough damage and are extremely obvious. Even electrified reinforced walls throw sparks from the other side.

So are these guys good and Im missing something or are they really just bad?

100 hours veteran here, the game does get much more tacticool on higher level matchmaking and ranked, like you can pull off some crazy, extremely satisfying tactics.

IQ has great weapons and she's very light and fast so she is hard to detect, also she's a life saver if your team fails to find the objective during recon phase because she can find it too through walls from a respectable distance. I'm not much of a thatcher guy, I dont like his weapons personally.
And blitz is meh to me, his mp7 is great but like you said the electric traps are too obvious and dont deal enough damage, hope he gets buffed

Youre mixing blitz with bandit. Blitz is the gsg with the shield, bandit is the electric trap guy

I am going to buy the game too, it's really good. better than the beta I played back then.
OP what version are you gonna buy? regular or season pass?
I probebly regular.

IQ is great for spotting bombs through walls and she can also see Pulse (who becomes quite popular at higher ranks) through walls when he's using his device.

Bandit (pretty sure you're talking about bandit and not blitz) is good for zoning and crowd control. As you said most of the time players won't just stumble into electric wire and die, but if a a corridor is filled with it then they're going to have to shoot/make noise to get rid of it. electrifying walls is also really good to fend off Thermites.

Thatcher is mainly useful for the previously mentioned good thing about Bandit. More often than not a Thermite won't be able to put his charge on a favourable spot since it would either be electrified or can't activate due to a Mute charge, with Thatcher's emp's you can toss em on a wall and instantly clear it for a thermite to blow up.

>some of the best weapons, extremely fast, and her ability is good for spotting the bomb sites or finding annoying Valkyrie cams

>okay weapons, but his ability allows you to destroy a bunch of electronics in the length of around 2 walls. This includes Mute Jammers and Bandit's Electricity, both which will block Thermite for breaching reinforced walls.

Bandit(not blitz)
>excellent weapons, his mp7 almost ha sno recoil, incredibly fast, good for roaming. His ability works like a worse version of Mute for blocking purposes, but on the other hand can damage, while still low can still catch someone unprepared and make them move away in panic.

The real useless operators are Tachanka and Castle.

Bandit's MP7 kicks like a mule, actually.

Luckily, the horizontal recoil is almost nonexistent, really easy gun to control.

Thatcher is at his most useful depending on the location of the objective, if the objective is in one of the garrages or close to breachable walls then he's good to pair with Thermite and has a decent weapon with a scope, thing is you have to pick operators before you know the location of objectives so it's not something you can reliably bet on, even then he's still a decent operator, it's hard to tell how good his emp is because for all you know that time you emp'd some traps/cams may have saved a teammates life in a crucial situation.

Not him, but what's the price difference on the two? I just bought the gold/season pass one, but it was like 3 dollars more expensive than just the base game in my local third world currency.

When you play on ranked thermite and Thatcher/twitch are more like necessities for attacking while bandit is good if you wait next to a reinforced wall and put your electric charge up when thermite puts his charge down destroying it.

Over 350 hours under my belt

Higher level ranked play have people that think as dynamically as you do. It gets wah more tactical, and more communication is key. Communication wins the game. And one your question about the operators.

Thatcher is a beautiful pair to thermite, and counters mute, kapkan, and his emps disable cameras permanently, pulse's hbs (for a few seconds), and gun sights (for a few seconds).

IQ is a counter to Valkyrie and Pulse, and she can detect the biohazard container and bombs if they weren't located in the prep phase. She also has a great gun.

Bandit uses his traps to slow down enemies. It isn't about doing damage, more like slowing the enemy down so you can hear their location and it forces them to stop and disable the battery and barbed wire. The battery is also used to stop a thermite charge when he activates it. In order to counter Thatcher, keep one of the batteries in hour inventory, so when Thatcher throws down his shit, disabling the other jammers and batteries, you can break thermites charge by placing the battery on the wall while thermite activates the charge. And your are a very speedy boy.

Castle's shotgun rivals Frost's shotgun. His panel's + mute's jammers = pretty secure area. A smart castle is really beneficial to a team.

Season pass gives you all the operators plus all the incoming new ones without having to grind for renown.

While his shotgun is good, his ability is useless. Just too easy to break his panels down. Too many operators have counters for it. It would be better if they buffed them to have like double HP, so it would take two charges/grenades/hammer to take one down. As it is now, it barely stops anything. Hell, you can take it down in less than 15 melee hits.

Join us on vg teamspeak and we will show you tactical gaming. We are a big family but there is always room for more.

Castle isn't useless. I won a game recently because the last operator alive on the enemy team didn't have breach charges so he couldn't get to the objective at all.

Is there an operator tier list? What would it be?

How is ash's breaching round different to a standard breaching charge?

Why do people say mountain is useless?

What is tachanka's strong suit? His ability is definitely the weakest in the game. A machine gun gets easily flanked and its not more useful than the other guns imo, if it had a small, breakable shield id say it would turn him into an useful op and notvery broken.

The panels do break with normal melee attacks

happened to me too. it's funny

He was retarded then. He could hit it and get it down in less than 20 seconds.

Ash can breach from a distance without being immobile while setting it up, Very strong ability and excellent for rushing.

Montagne is far from useless, people just don't know how to use him.

Tachanka has no redeeming qualities. Only thing his Machine gun is useful for is breaking walls quickly between bomb sites.

Thatcher is useful at higher levels where people are using mute jammers to jam reinforced walls etc. If you're only ever playing against retards then you're not going to see him as particularly useful.

IQ is genuinely useless abilities wise

>How is ash's breaching round different to a standard breaching charge?
Breaching charge: have to stand next to a wall and place it slowly, then back away and detonate.

Ash's breaching round: shoot it at a wall from any distance and it explodes.

Castle's panels take a lot of melee attacks. Too many for it to be an efficient tactic. Better to just go around or breach it with a charge.

There's no really any "OP" operator, they're all good and situational really.

>He was retarded then. He could hit it and get it down in less than 20 seconds.
it's still give you advantage because he is breaching from close.

The DLC canadian dude with the underbarrel shotgun is broken as fuck in the right hands, though.

Would have agreed with you in her early days and before Valkyrie and the buffed Pulse. But she is still on the low side.

Blackbeard would say otherwise.

But that gives you time to kill the meleer with a nicely thrown c4. The only people that can break it down, even with a mute next to it, are ash and sledge. And sledge has to be next to it to break it down, so again c4. Ash only has two charges

They've been giving IQ some loving, as currently she can see the rough shape of the electronics and avoid shooting friendly drones.

She is pretty valuable against:
Bandit, Mute, Kapkan, Pulse, Valkyrie.

Especially since Pulse is really picked a lot nowadays she is a okay counter to him, as his heartbeat sensor can be detected.

You can also break it down with one grenade, or have Glaz shoot it down. And lots of people bait C4 attacks by attacking the barricade.

A good buff for Castle would be to make the barricade go all the way to the ground, and work with Bandit's electricity. It would go a long way in buffing them both.

I object to tachanka being useless, he is low tier as he's only good on certain map layouts but he can be absolutely top tier when placed well

His turret does ridiculous damage and if you have it in a room near the objective boarded up you can just unleash a volley of rounds when the objective begins being contested.

He really is a 50/50 gamble of being amazing to clutch with or being found really early

But then it would be incredibly easy to destroy them with a charge.
With the barricades its quite easy to shoot the feet but if goes all the way down and you don't have a bandit, they pretty much got a free pass to destroy them, even by punching them.

Castle is a must on any team for anti snipers. Tatchanka is my most played operator hec an really make a defense strong with the ability to just insta kill anybody without a shield.

Only way I can see that working is in low level ranked or casual if no one droned him or found him out. Even then, you could just peak and shoot him.

A charge wouldn't work if it's electrified, and it would stop melee attackers from attacking. And you can punch them without standing in front of them, so you will not get hit by your feet. As they are now, they are basically useless. Either make them work as double HP to be more durable or make it extend to the ground to stop drones and work with Bandit somehow.

How is he anti sniper if Glaz can shoot his barricade down?

A special that cannot work on its own and that need another OP's skill is pretty useless to me.

Is there a tier list or something like that for this game? Would be nice to have some more info of the operators I should focus on unlocking. So far the only operator I see people universally agree to be shit is Tachanka.

>shilling this piece of shit game


reminder that this game has lag compensation up to 1000ms

>Montagne is far from useless, people just don't know how to use him.

How do you use him? I have a friend who plays as him but I think he's gotten maybe 5 kills over his entire playtime and he's almost always dead first. I wish he would just drop the shield and pick up a gun but I can't say anything because he's the kind of guy who would get really hurt and go through some kind of crisis if he found out I was getting frustrated.


> (You)
>Only way I can see that working is in low level ranked or casual if no one droned him or found him out. Even then, you could just peak and shoot him.

I play mostly on ranked, if you don't stay in the same place from the start it us quite rare for people to whizz out drones mid round unless it's last couple of people. The trick is you want to set up a few rooms away from the objective and ideally at the end of a corridor leading to the objective.

I've had a good few games were I have hidden him in a side room to clutch a win at the end with a hail of fire. But like I said he can easily be found early too which is why I say he is a 50/50 gamble

Full shield up and ran straight at enemies then bash them to death, I have a friend who does that to fairly good success, if you line up behind him when you breach rooms he can be good as a mobile wall as well.


why are the SAS shotguns so shitty?

>pump action
>low damage
>shitty magazines w/ such a small space for bullets

there's isn't a single reason to pick one of those when compared to the semi-auto ones - at least other games always gave a damage buff to pump action shotguns

So you can get everything with grinding?

Shit. This explains literally every game I'v ever played without Glaz

Yeah but the Dlc characters do take a lot of grinding to receive.

Standard characters to unlock are 500-2500 points. The Dlc ones are 25,000

Must have attackers are basically Thermite and Thatcher, followed by mixture of Ash/BlackBeard/Sledge/Buck. The rest are up to preference.

Defenders are basically Rook and Mute, followed by Valkyrie/Bandit/Jager/Smoke and Frost. Followed by the rest depends on situation or preference.

Check the Rainbow Six general on /vg/

He is good for blocking players and you use him as decoy for fire or attention. The moment they have to reload, you either switch to pistol and kill or rush and melee. Only thing that can hurt you with you extended shield is a c4. If they have none left or they used it, you are basically untouchable.

Hmm, I can see it working, but it feels too much like a gamble for me. I have yet to see it actually used in success. What rank are you on? I hardly ever see people pick him since Gold-Platinum.

Yes, you can unlock all the basic operators in around 20 hours of play I guess, then the same amount for each DLC operator.

Only things unshockable without grinding is some cosmetics that cost real money.

it's too bad because this game has potential to be good but there are so many laggy fucks in this game it's not even fun

>Must have attackers are basically Thermite and Thatcher, followed by mixture of Ash/BlackBeard/Sledge/Buck. The rest are up to preference.
>Defenders are basically Rook and Mute, followed by Valkyrie/Bandit/Jager/Smoke and Frost. Followed by the rest depends on situation or preference.
Thanks user. I already have like half of those, but I'll look into the other ones.

Those are old vid's from battlenonsense, not saying the games all that great netcode wise but still, should be noted.

How alive is the game on PC?
I feel like consoles would have more players but playing a tactical fps on consoles seems dumb

This is due to free weekend, before it hovered around 11k, and these are just steam numbers, after this free weekend and dlc therel probs be a bump in numbers, the games fairly unique so I imagine there will always be a playerbase.

europe player here

The other week I was playing ranked with friends, we went up against a lvl 120+ Gold rank team (we're all 50-80 Silver 2 rank).
All these fucks had pings well above 150 and curbstomped us into the floor. We called them out on their shitty ping. Turns out they were a US clan who actually purposefully played on euro servers to get that ping advantage.
Fucking hate that shit, man.

>just the steam numbers
where else can you play it on pc?
or are you saying that there's cross platform feature?


The game is a Ubisoft game, so most players would just have it on Uplay.

From my experience having lower ping gives a much better advantage than high ping in this game. Especially since they made that whole low ping advantage update a while back. The low ping peaking is an insane advantage.
The wacky ping shenanigans starts happening in the 300+ ping

But the whole matching system sucks, while I was silver I kept getting matched vs gold and plat, and when I reached plat it was all diamonds with insane an impossible k/d and w/l ratios.

Anyone know how this stupid points system works? I can sometimes gain between 15-110 points a win, and lose 19-160 on a loss. But it doesn't seem to relate to how you're actually playing, just random.

well i didnt expect anyone to actually use uplay

You don't really have a choice, game uses Uplay even when you buy it through Steam, so might as well get it directly on Uplay and avoid the double DRM.

Can't say our ~30-40 ping gave us any advantage against those guys. Also, we've noticed over the past few months that we definitely have more trouble dealing with higher ping players than normal ping. Whatever that advantage should be for low ping, we're not feeling it.

I do

I always get around 80-120 ping, and the only times I feel any advantage is when I am matched vs people with 150-200 ping. Almost all of my deaths vs 40-60 ping users is like the webms posted above related to netcode.

I actually never saw ~ping in this game. Are you in Portugal? Cause that's where the shitty Siege servers are located in Europe.

I meant ~30 ping, lowest I ever saw was mid 40s.

Nah, Netherlands. Our ping is never higher than 40 unless the pc decides to download something for shits and giggles. Pretty funny to see your friends try to climb a wall and rubberband back to the floor, though.

This game is so good, it's a shame I have such a hard time finding games, or getting my friends to play

>Trying to make my friends play it
>They decide to buy gta5 for the 3rd fucking time and ask me to play with them
Fine I'll make friends through the game itself

>buy gta5 a 3rd time

Got banned for 'modding'?

Holy fuck do you have those friends too, amazing how Rockstar managed to sell the same fucking game 3 times to so many people

My friends got the 360, PS4 and PC version, I'm reconsidering the friendship now tbqh

Yeah it's the same with me

I get around 80-100 in Sweden and 100-130 in Israel.

We used to be 5 friends but two decided to move on to Overwatch and one doesn't have the time anymore.
Always queuing with randoms that just never use their microphone.

is there any reason to actually play ranked?

I mostly play by myself, and have like 120 hours, and have rarely played ranked - my only experiences of it are of teammates leaving in the first round, which isn't fun in the slightest. and horror stories about rampant hacking (i do think there's a lot of exaggeration) kinda just put me off.

more renown, hacking is done now due to anti hacking software.
But really its to be played against properly communicating teams so it is for the challenge

>Do higher levels get more tactical? Theres barely any tactics on casual matchmaking.
yes. Join us on teamspeak, you'll get some tactics going.
>And also, whats the deal with IQ, blitz and Thatcher?
iq hunts down pulse, valk cams and EDD's. Blitz is for bullying. Thatcher is thermites best friend. Opens up muted walls and electrified walls. Seems like you mixed up bandit and blitz. Bandit is like mute but he offers a more permament solution of destroying traps. Some skill required.

>So are these guys good and Im missing something or are they really just bad?
they're useful in a team.

>join us on teamspeak
not the user you are responding to, just another user. But bought Siege during the steam sale, i suppose i should start playing it and playing with a team instead of randoms does sound appealing.

Netcode put my friends off playing it, that and I suspect some of the more rage inducing moments that happen when learning the game, I can imagine being headshotted from a murderhole can cause a lot of new players to just give up.

>reminder that this game has lag compensation up to 1000ms
okay so what.
core gameplay is still extremely unique and fresh and the game is fun as fuck.
Stop me.

You can get teamspeak info from the general.

Not him but most say not to bother with ranked if you're playing solo.

Ok, thank you.

>I can imagine being headshotted from a murderhole can cause a lot of new players to just give up.
I'd imagine me going to town with pulse caused a lot of players to quite who weren't allready convinced.

You get a weapon charm by the colour of the rank you managed to get to by the end of the season. I should have stopped when I got to plat 3 but I wanted that diamond. 10 losses in a row later and I am down to gold 2.

While the rampant hacking is exaggerated, it's still way above the average I ever found in other games. I seem to get one in every 5th game. Hopefully BattleEye will lower that amount.

Game is immensely more fun when you are in a coordinated team with people who actually use their goddamn headsets. Don't even attempt to try ranked without at least 2 more friends to play with.

I found the spawn killing on some maps to be much worse than murderholes. They fixed the worst cases of it, it used to be abysmal on some maps.

>I found the spawn killing on some maps to be much worse than murderholes. They fixed the worst cases of it, it used to be abysmal on some maps.
spawnkilling is extremely easy to counter.
The windows are boarded so look for any broken ones, you have even got drones to do that for you.
If you see any, open fire they have only one place where they can see you, but you can see them from everywhere. You also have glaz which is a direct counter to spawnkillers.

Spawnkilling is like any other firefight, except attackers have a massive advantage that is thrown away only if they choose to throw it away.

He is really a necessity on maps like kanal or house, depending on the location

I'd say rook is a must for any defense, especially at lower levels. His extra armor really helps the team.

He's not really a must in upper levels. His armor doesn't help against a headshot

What? Castle is great at fucking his roaming teammates.

Everyone is pretty balanced except
Blackbeard and now Pulse are a bit too strong
Tachanka needs a buff
and IQ is really situational

IQ is the fastest attacker with good guns, meh ability
Thatcher is ok
Blitz is the shield guy, you mean Bandit, and yes, Bandit MP7 is good.

is there anything extra that can be done in the game to receive more renown?

Fuze Op, Love him.

I was getting about 800+ a match with the booster during the event
but otherwise you're looking at about 250-300 a win in casual without the booster

Castle barricades can be destroyed with melee

LOTS of melee. It's not breach proof but it works nicely.


> breach window
> peak it
> kill everyone

It's literally impossible to shoot down blackbeard if he's just peaking

Another example:
> teammate picks someone with a shield
> teammate crouches and uses shield
> blackbears is free to shoot cuz his own shield pretects his head


No, I am talking about the old spawn killing, like on Oregon, where if you would spawn on the construction site you had nothing in front of you, and defenders would just wait by a window and gun you down as you spawned. By the time you had control of you character you were dead.

They fixed it by placing a a scenery object to break the line of sight now.

Remember in the setup stage if you take his barricade down, he gets it back to his inventory, and afterwards he can take it down as well. but don't let his shitty barricade stop you from getting inside, he shouldn't place them in spots that might fuck his own team over.

Do challenges, there are also weekly challenges you can do by going into ALT + F2 and clicking on the challenges tab, sometimes they have some that add free charms.
You can also buy booster packs. I believe you get a 24 hour one free when you get the game.

fuze is terrible
He's loud as fuck, his shield is the worst and when he busts his balls everyone in the map can hear it

The daily challenges are rather easy to do.

apparently there's some glitch in TH where you can just leave the game on over-night and farm renown

>Smoke and Sledge's SMG-11

That video is very old. It was fixed long time.

Smoke is for utility

You open a hole with shotgun, snipe with SMG ACOG.