Was she a virgin?
Was she a virgin?
All FF girls are known sluts.
>spent over a decade in a world filled with magical chads
Not a chance.
>implying she was before that
Yes. Only one guy wanted to fuck her.
Who's not to say one of the Eidolons probably fucked her brains out?
She raped Cecil while he was skill a dark knight.
If it's a japanese game, always assume that she's a virgin until explicitly stated otherwise.
She fucked Cecil when she was still a loli.
Her TAY costume is da bess.
It's very nice yes.
For the love of god please post more Rydia.
All these Rydia threads we've been having lately have made me realize just how sexy she is.
No, you see, time moves differently in the monster world! For some inexplicable reason!
It's time logic.
>there are people out there who dont think rydia is best FF girl
On /vr/ one guy said his wife got him to play it, and when he asked her "why does Rydia lose her white magic", his wife then said "Because she was raped by all those monsters she summons".
I see.
>She is
Seems legit
She's probably a virgin.
I always got the impression Rosa was kind of a monotheistic God(Bahamut?) worshiper.
Rydia meanwhile seemed more like a Shinto Priest type, summoning spirits into the world to help while being a master of various elements. Obviously simplified into a standard FF package.
FF doesn't shy from sex too much.
Kefka was lusting for Celes, and the slave crown was supposed to be kind of rapey.
Tifa & Cloud fucked, by word of God, in disc 3 before going into the crater.
There's just never really a scene for Rydia and Edge to be alone together, nor does she ever settle the fuck down.
Even in the After Years, where apparently only Cecil & Yang bothered to breed, Rydia is wandering around.
Kain is wandering around.
Edge is actually running a Kingdom.
Considering the birth rates of the main cast it seems that FF4's population of 50 something people isn't a representation of the population, but is the population.
>Haven't ever heard anyone mention it before, and don't browse random boards so never been to myself
>Think it must be a small board
>223 threads in the last 7 days
Jeez, tiny.
>Considering the birth rates of the main cast it seems that FF4's population of 50 something people isn't a representation of the population, but is the population.
FF4's world does seem pretty small yes.
I guess you also have a point everywhere else as well.
Cecil fucked her while he was a dark knight
Not all of them
>Edge finally makes it to his room after a hard day of being king and shit.
>Walks in to find Rydia laying across his bed under the covers waiting for him, clothes laying on the floor, with a sly smile on her face.
I want to believe.
Then he wakes up.
That was too lewd.
I dunno. Can you still be a virgin after taking daddy Leviathan's cock every night?
You know, its possible that Rydia doesn't age between FF4 & The After Years.
16 something years pass between the games but Rydia was only a child at the start of FF4, so her being somewhat into her 20s and unwed isn't quite as damning for her as being a 36 year old woman with no children.
This is fact.
>milfu in the sequel
>green pubes
Is Rydia the perfect vidya girl?
Man, they've got to fuck all the time.
Are their any weird random green haired kids in TAY?
Maybe they do have a kid somewhere.
>this is fact
>posts a qt who most certainly is not a slut
I guess that makes sense.
Don't cry.
Stay away from the summoner.
Shut up Cecil, she's an adult.