Ok so here's what we know so far
>universe is not round, it's a hallway or corridor shape
>the "center" that sean keeps talking about getting to is actually the end of the corridor
>unviverse is not infinite, it loops when you get to the "center"
>No ship upgrades
>You can get new ships, but they are just cosmetic only
>Multi Tool gets weaker as you upgrade it, supposedly a bug but we'll see if it gets patched or not.
>6 base animal types, near infinite variations on them based on "Joint Scaling" i.e making different parts of their body bigger or smaller, changing color, etc
>there are 500 planets in the game
>350 of them are actually random and proceedurally generated
>50 of them are for story missions and progression
>100 are alotted for planets from people on your friends list who discover planets and name shit on them to give the illusion of a massive, shared universe
>final mission takes place on a planet at the end of the corridor if you follow story progression, this triggers the "Death Stranding" scene (Not actually a scene promoting the Kojima game, obviously, just called Death Stranding scene due to the similarity of how it looks)
>0.0001% chance (not exact, just meaning a very, VERY low chance) of a god planet appearing as one of the proceedurally generated planets, this unlocks the "good end"
No Man's Sky
Other urls found in this thread:
>have to (possibly) play the game 10000 times to get the good ending
and i thought getting ZEKE together in Peace Walker was hard
>Nu-Mans Sky
I'll just wait another decade for infinity: The Quest for Earth for something actually infinite or close to even their engine would be good enough
I seriously hope most of this stuff is placeholder/unfinished filler content. If it's not this is going to be the biggest let down since Spore.
I wouldn't say it's not the same level as that. Spore had potential that's why everyone else we disappointed, but in this case everyone knew they were blowing smoke from the start so there's nobody to let down
Why would anyone buy Nu-Male's Lie when they could pirate it on PC? There's at least a chance modders could fix a few of the horrific design choices.
We really need to hold Sony's feet to the flames on this shit, as they were the ones pushing it HARD, with all of their "treating it like a first party!" shit, along with the MASSIVELY inflated price tag led to the expectations that this shovelware title would be something much more.
Its difficult, spore was a legit AAA heavyweight. This game is just essentially another indie walking sim but in space. The only difference is the hype got out of control due to the idea of the scale of it. It's just such a weird game. People are going to be let down, for SURE, because they're expecting limitless grand theft spaceship, but what they're really going to get is a rather low quality, essentially mobile game.
and you cant even really blame the team for that, it's only like 12 people with a relatively small budget for what the game is being presented as. It's just a shame that the marketing went the way it did, because a lot of people are going to have a foul taste in their mouth when it comes to sean and hello as a whole going forward after this. If they were more humble in presentation it could have been the exact opposite and they could have come out looking like ambitious champions, but now they're going to look like incompetant liars.
>>No ship upgrades
>>You can get new ships, but they are just cosmetic only
and little interest I had is lost
False flag post.
The game is bad enough without the made up nonesense this guy sprut. To distract from the real problems this game has.
> Instead of completing a challenge or having to play the game well, the "True ending" is unlocked at random
They couldn't have made the true ending to, like, establish some colony shit, available only on hardest difficulty with extreme price or something
But Spore actually looked interesting while this was never anything other than procedurally generated walking simulator in space.
>Scaling" i.e making different parts of their body bigger or smaller,
Do these parts include butts and titties? It's very important
>0.0001% chance of a god planet appearing, this unlocks the "good end"
I cant fucking wait for autists sinking thousand hours into the game just to get the achievement.
butthurt numales
Where was the info on the god planet and good ending posted? Or was that last part made up?
that percentage is not real, it just indicate that its super rare to find it. someone was just retarded and put in random numbers for reference
>>there are 500 planets in the game
of them are actually random and proceedurally generated
of them are for story missions and progression
are alotted for planets from people on your friends list who discover planets and name shit on them to give the illusion of a massive, shared universe
Source on this one as I want to see the riots when it is true
well i think numbers aint confirmed but this is basically what it is.
I derive happiness from seeing others suffering, thats why.
If it's legit then it's kind of creative.
>even in space, you're just playing through a corridor
Lazy design on cosmic scale, jesus christ.
can you visit the pepsi planet?
Source for this?
only off brand coke asteroid
its also kind of a fucking lie though, since its advertised as 18 novemgintillion
If it's light can reach your eyes, then sure. But I doubt it, since Pepsi gravitational pull is so strong.
pepsi black hole then
what wonders await us inside
>18 gajillion possible planets
We've been over this
Full RBG color spectrum for plants already creates 16.777.216 possibilities, it increases exponentially from there. Doesn't mean you'll have this much fun.
>1000 gazillion trillion planets
thats only the number of different seed combinations that can happen
only 500 of them gets generated tho in one's playthrough
Right except its only 500 planets in the fucking game. Not 500 planets, repainted 15 gorillion times, you get 500, 50 of which are uniform for everyone and part of the story.
Always funny how they lie just to make it sound more.
So is OP just spouting random garbage so that when the game comes out and is obviously better than this, the fans can feel validated for blowing $60 on a game that didn't live up to the hype.
This is a nice strat OP. Commendations.
Sup Forums is your friend
>even space simulation is now linear corridors
You can't make this shit up.
that is not how probability works, user :(
I'm going to see how far I can travel at a right angle to the center just to prove this retarded picture wrong
>People are hype for this shit
Guys guys I got it. What if we made ffxiii...IN SPACE
Funny story, I actually started the whole thing with putting the date after names in quotes. The whole "-Name, [year]" thing. Before me it was just "-Name".
Are you a vampire, dude? Holy shit. I hope you're using a few proxies.
nice to see unsourced shit and everyone lapping it up
It's based on the info from the dude who paid $1,300 to play early:
The first half of the OP is all true. The second half is hard to say with only one player's experience as reference, but it doesn't look promising.
>Le toasting in epic bread with real INTERNET legends
can you sign my taint?
Wait, it's mean my mother sleep with my gf?
He doesn't make or link that picture ever.
He also doesn't claim anything resembling what OP is claiming.
the second part came from datamining. the 500 planets and the secret god planet and "true" ending thing.
What datamining if the game hasn't been datamined yet, you asshat? it's just straight up lies
I just want space engine with gameplay.
yeah sure, buddy
>He doesn't make or link that picture ever.
No shit, that pic was made on Sup Forums based on the guy's description.
>He also doesn't claim anything resembling what OP is claiming.
You have a fucking link to the source and refuse to read it.
You're the worst kind of faggot.
real image because op is a fag
I rather want to see their meltdown when they get it
perhaps this is the inspiration?
probably, even though the left to right axis is time
except for the fact that this guy is playing without the day 1 patch. It might as well be a fucking beta without it. All of this will change on release with the patch.
Those are galaxies not systems
>6 base animal types
>making different parts of their body bigger or smaller, changing color
Then you must be at least 500 years old.
He said inspiration, not an exact copy. Is that a tube shaped object with things in it? Then he's right, and you're wrong.
>>there are 500 planets in the game
of them are actually random and proceedurally generated
of them are for story missions and progression
That seems silly as fuck user, and directly against core market claims, not dubious shit.
False flag?
This sounds more like a confused way of trying to describe how you are not going to more easily see players towards the centre.
In reality this would be true because the density of stars goes up the closer you get to the centre of a galaxy. So even though you would be closer to other people there are more stars to check between a given distance.
Funny, you remind me the poor little fat kid at school who pretend he have a girlfriend, but can't show her because she lives on another continent and doesn't own a camera. But oh God the sex is great.
It's also a lie, there are more base animals/creatures, and also different parts that are all affected in position, size and a lot of aspects
yeah, they are gonna make a patch that will fix literally everything. It's gonna be the best patch ever and the game will unjust itself.
The patch will fix all
>density of stars goes up the closer you get to the centre of a galaxy
confirmed by the redditfag that has it that that was also untrue, as well as when murray said "the creatures get crazier and crazier the closer to the center you get", the guy that has it said that he felt absolutely no marked difference whatsoever in the density or interestingness of the creatures on the planets, or the density of the planets themselves from the start to finish of a galaxy.
Source - my ass
the nucl.ai presentation, search for "No man's sky presentation" in youtube and it should come up.
Nah, patch wont fix base gameplay, but the patch will most likely fix the progression issues (he did get to the center quick)...
Maybe the whole "its not a entire galaxy" thing, because thats class action tier, gross misrepresentation of the product.
This is great and all OP, but source? I don't like the game but too many people are gullible here without checking the salsa first.
I have serious, serious doubts about that guys claims then.
Hell, day one i will be watching. If everything OP says is true, then ill buy into the game and get in on that sweet, sweet class action lawlsuit just to run that company into the fucking ground
one of the fucking nigger devs actually came out and said there were 6 base types you doubleshitter. there was an example in some screenshot about how the joint scaling worked in the same shot, looked like something from steam.
Yeah that's hardly a reason to cancel a preorder. The faggot was dumb enough to fall for the digital copy preorder meme, let him make a good decision for once.
No source? why should i believe this.
to not* cancel a preorder
It was pretty obvious, sean was a massive asshole when people were asking him questions about the game, also blowing smoke out his indie asshole 24/7, this game will be a dissapointment and you all fucking know it.
Except those posts sound like they are trying to describe exactly that just in an ass backwards way.
He is saying it like space itself expands as you get closer to compensate for the same number of planets on the rim as at the centre.
Depending on how the map works it might create that perception.
Then buy the game.
There is a big difference between "disappointment" and "knowingly lying massively about core marketing points about the game".
If the redditor is correct, then its the second. IF the redditor is correct, then Sean can kiss Hello Games goodbye.
I agree i'm just saying it was overhyped for what it is and people believed it without actually using their brains.
Hey, i am happy with a base space exploration game, and personally 60 dollars is nothing.
But if there ARE really only 500 planets, etc, than seans company is gone.
It just seems real dubious somebody would do that, not just one person, a good portion of the company Directly lieing about the product.
Maybe im just getting too old for Sup Forums, and all the memes are just tireing now.
> muh god planet
Literally a rumour with no credibility
>60 dollars
>Colbert marketing
Not anyone's fault but Sony they marketed this shit harder than god damn Uncharted 4.
I don't understand why people are so interested in this game, whether they plan to buy it or not.
I can see people who wanted to buy it getting this interested into the leaks, but it seems like most of us here are not interested in the game and just want to see the reaction it will cause.
Seems like a massive waste of everyone's time.
Ok but the death stranding thing happens very early on. It's not the center.
I literally just want adventure mode minecraft in space.
Thats it. Thats all i ever wanted.
It looks like it will deliver.
They're gonna make so much fucking money bro.
And then make another game that won't meme as hard but get kept around by Sony funding.
Bad guys win.
There's literally a 'start new game plus' location at the end.
>They're gonna make so much fucking money bro.
They will lose it all with basic class action false advertising claims. Not just on one claim, but many different claims from many different party's. (again, if the leaker is true)
This type of gross negligence is what kills companys that releases a product.
They didn't lie. The algorithm, in theory, can generate 18 vagillion planets. They don't use the algorithm to generate that many planets, but all things being equal, it could do it.
Ok, sure, but the "ds" thing happens in the atlas, which is not the center of the game.