Japanese game

>Japanese game
>character design is by an artist who used to do loli porn

Other urls found in this thread:


>Japanese game
>story is written by Quzilax

literally who

You know the drill. Provide sauce for pic.

name25 games

What game does this?

Name 1 (one) видeo игpы where this happens.


>not Yukino Minato


Dude nice
I finally got my raise

What is Megaman Zero?

but it's not pedophillia because they're not real

>accidentally hit IQDB instead of your post number to quote

nice girl, name of doujin?

Do people actually feel aroused by this without feeling creepy?

>no games where you can have a small anime girl sit on your lap.

Feeling creepy makes you feel alive.

raises and promotions for everyone!

Fuck I totally absolutely know this artist. The name just won't come out.

Happens all the fucking time, how do I remember people names


There you go guys, good stuff in there.

>Japanese game
>Script written by gomenasai

Are you literally retarded?

"Onii-chan" simulator where you take care of your own customizable little sister when?