On SJWs in vidya

>if you ignore them they will go away
While in essence this statement is true when it comes to negative beings (SJWs) it will not hinder them from feeding on the energies of those not aware of what's happening. To succeed, awareness must be spread so that the big mass can
>ignore them and they go away

Remember: Negative forces feed on both positive and negative energy.
Positive energy (for example, trying to reason with them) will only let them continue their attempts to extract negative energy (for example, hate towards them) from you. Negative energy directly focused towards them let them feed without much effort and strengthen their cause (restrict the free will of video game developers)
The only way is to not feed them any energy at all.
Spread awareness.

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Last bump - good luck

>It's a Sup Forumstard shit thread
You actually lose brain cells if you waste your time reading that shit.

I don't browse Sup Forums - they are also influenced by negative forces.

>It's an user that's too crazy even for Sup Forums
God bless you, user. I hope you can find the help you need sometime soon.

don't waste time arguing with people who are incapable of logic or reasoning
make fun of them instead
only the laughter of their peers will inspire them to change

which one are you?

>It's another negative being
Thanks for the bump though. I hope that you're only being influenced by outside influences and your true self is good and strive for positivity. If not, then still this is another bump.

Daily reminder

The masculine seeds life while the feminine creates it.

fucking hell all mouthbreathers

>it's a gg thread

Back here already you reddit loving cucks?
I suggest this thread be shitposted into oblivion, and don't forget your sage

wtf i hate logic now

No, son, you are the cuck

Shit that's a pretty scathing indictment of this whole fucking mess. And to think it all started over a loose slut of a woman using the suicide of Robin Williams to shill her own game. Somehow we all became involved in the biggest act of cultural warfare and social engineering in history

>newfags that came to Sup Forums for GG will never leave


>Varg is okay with Jews

You fucked up. You fucked up. It's not even entertaining

I really wish I never bought that game, whether it catered to retarded SJWs or not it was just an awful game that I could never bring myself to play after the first week of release.


You mean Louis.

>tfw SJWs in vidya is what caused me to get into politics
>they are responsible for pushing their own lunatic bullshit to people who were originally clueless about their antics

Why the fuck are these always written so overdramatic

You can read this in the Colonel's voice from MGS2 and it sounds like part of the big reveal codec call

What the fuck happened to just playing and discussing videogames man

>mfw GamerGate was 100% right

>>if you ignore them they will go away
>While in essence this statement is true when it comes to negative beings (SJWs)
It's really not. They're pushing ridiculous ideology so hard that it's become the new status quo, and the reasonable middle ground positions you people didn't defend are now classified as "extreme right" and "hate speech" and whatever the fuck.

If you ignore it, it just spreads until everything dies and we end up in hell.

Here is why you can't ignore it, OP:

>In a small section of the garden a tiny weed spoke to the blooms that grew there. 'Why,' he asked, 'does the gardener seek to kill me? Do I not have a right to life? Are my leaves not green, as yours are? Is it too much to ask that I be allowed to grow and see the sun?'

>The blooms pondered on this, and decided to ask the gardener to spare the weed. He did so.

>Day by day the weed grew, stronger and stronger, taller and taller, its leaves covering the other plants, its roots spreading. One by one the flowers died, until only a rose was left. It gazed up at the enormous weed and asked: 'Why do you seek to kill me? Do I not have a right to life? Are my leaves not green, as yours? Is it too much to ask that I be allowed to grow and see the sun?'

>'Yes, it is too much to ask,' said the weed.

The only thing that is necessary for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing.

The situation is dramatic, that's why. It's easy to infantalize it or strawman it down to something as simple as video games, but it's about a subversive targeted social movement. That's a lot to take in for some people, and it's easier to keep their heads down and write it off.

If you write a boring wall of text, no one will read the entire thing, but if you make it captivating you encourage the reader to read on.

It is a good read though, the subject sounds tinfoil as fuck but it will start to make sense pretty quickly.

And if you fight back, they also get stronger because you gave them ammo and they arent looking for debate or reason so they have no qualms about twisting your words against you.

You can't win against them. Theyve ensured they they exist in an unassailable position.

I remember watching standup comedians the other day for the first time in forever and being legitimately surprised.

Most of them were absolute shit and tried too hard to be shocking and edgy, but it still made me remember that those kind of jokes can be made.

Spending too long on the internet makes you forgot SJWs have no power over real life shitlordry and would probably have gotten laughed out of that audience if they pulled their bullshit.

Falls apart against SJWs, since defending yourself and confronting them also furthers their cause because you created an 'evil' other for them to use as a scapegoat.

Why does the left one have to look like Chloe from LiS. She at least in the end had some self-perception, those hambeast have none.

>Theyve ensured they they exist in an unassailable position.
Then why bother at all? We could have had a good videogame thread ut noooooo, you came here to bitch about SJW and your sob story on how hey are "2stronk 4me" and "literally unbeatable"

Mods, you can close this thread now.

>>And if you fight back, they also get stronger
That's because no one understands how you can fight this. It's not with words and logic and debate, it's with power, the same way they do it.

When they take over a website and enforce bullshit rules on anyone who disagrees with them and leave everyone who agrees with them for example, you can't debate this, because they have power, as you pretty much said. What you need to do is gain power and do the exact same thing. It sucks and I understand why people don't want to do it, it's disgusting and subhuman behavior. But if you don't, the world is over.

>And if you fight back, they also get stronger because you gave them ammo and they arent looking for debate or reason so they have no qualms about twisting your words against you.
>You can't win against them. Theyve ensured they they exist in an unassailable position.

That's precisely what they think. And to an extent, they're correct. You simply cannot trump emotion with logic. No matter how well-founded your reasoning or researched your argument, appeals to emotion always win.

The problem isn't in defending your platform, it's defending it with useless facts and truths.

You can only fight fire with fire in this case. Use emotion to represent them as they actually are. There was great penetration with the term itself "Social Justice Warrior," though ultimately it wasn't insulting enough. We probably should've gone with "crybully" earlier. Take atheism, one of the forefronts of the SJW movement. The greatest blow to that was the fedora meme. Make them ridiculous and contemptible, but never ignore them. They flourish without opposition.

I think it's hilarious that anyone takes this drivel seriously. You're just as mentally unstable as the SJW. All these cringy fucking macros with quotes, jesus fuck.

But I am doing something.

I'm actively ignoring them and supporting the games I like.

For better or for worse, the jews at the top of the foodchain know that it's suckers like me that buy games, not bitchy pink haired transvestites, so they'll keep dishing out games catering to me, like Final Pantsu Adenture 5 : Return of the Thighs.

The wonders of democracy.

If people didn't speak out against it then they would have continued their bullshit for however long they could. GG at the very least exposed the corruption and caused that one site to lose 7 figures in advertising money. Plus it also showed a lot of people just how inept journalists are.

SJWs are dead senpai

if you want to fight censorship buy the games you like

>group of people say they don't like something
>company listens and changes said thing

>this is wrong

Maybe you should tell the company that you think this stuff is good, because at the end of the day a company can only change its product based on what feedback they're getting. Maybe you'd get more done if you used the energy you constantly waste bitching about kotaku or polygon or political opinions on telling the makers of these products how you enjoy what they're doing en masse before these SJWs dictate what they want doing.

>the jews at the top of the foodchain know that it's suckers like me that buy games, not bitchy pink haired transvestites,
Is this why Archeage got a tranny SJW community manager who promptly banned 90% of the playerbase for speaking about anything except SJWism in ingame chat?

Or why Bioware hired this youtu.be/xQkENXa9WNE?t=30 troll as their new writer?

If EVERYONE ignored it, then it might go away, or at the very least die down to the deepest depths of the internet.

But getting everyone to ignore it is impossible. Particularly the average people easily led to believe their lies under a fake mask preaching for equality.

As put it, the only real way to make them stop is to continually laugh at them so hard they get embarrassed and find something else to do with their time. If they are a laughing stock, nobody will care to associate with them. But it needs laughter with finesse, not merely pointing and throwing insults.


And look, it subsequently died.


Hasn't been relevant for years.

>multibillion companies
>nah they don't count
I can give you a hundred more examples and you'll have an excuse for every one because you're not arguing in good faith.

My bad, the "smart jews". Of course there's always gonna be some people doing stupid things, but they'll serve as lessons for others.

Archeage lost most of its fanbase because of the fiasco, and thus most of their revenue. Went from being among the top 5 most popular MMOs in Korea and Top 10 in the west to being outside top 50-100.

And Bioware has been alienating their fanbase for ages, and I'm not talking about just Sup Forums, I browse 2 different RPG forums and all of them are hating what Bioware has become.(And coincidentally most of them pinpointed Dragon Age : Origins and ME2 as the last 'old' Bioware games)

>>multibillion companies

Which have lost billions of those dollars in the process. What the hell are you arguing for?

>I can give you a hundred more examples

No you can't.

Yeah, funny how the money keeps pooling at the top, and the ideology keeps flowing down to the masses regardless, what massive failures, eh fellow gamer?

>I'm actively ignoring them
he says while posting pictures about sjws

Since the other thread got deleted I'm gonna ask here some more info on gamergate.


But I don't understand. If there any proof she did that ?
>I asked if gamergate was about some journalist having sex with developers for positive reviews

If so, how could anyone defend such behaviour practically throwing "journalism" ethics out the window then stomping on it?

Again if there is actual proof of that this is baffling.

I literally have no idea what you're telling me friend, my favorite companies have not even once censored their stuff or gave in to 'SJWs' so I'll keep supporting them, and they'll keep catering to me.

It's an image showing that ignoring them does work. I'm not speaking with SJWs right now am I? Nor am I ever gonna waste time arguing with one, but I don't mind showing other non-SJWs what happens when you just turn away.

>I can give you a hundred more examples and you'll have an excuse for every one because you're not arguing in good faith.

Go on then. Because honestly, EA, which owns Bioware, has been bleeding stock for years now and Archeage was swiftly killed by poor development practices.

>my favorite companies
Which ones?

Are you actually serious? You can't even be "politically incorrect" (which means saying anything that's not far left SJW ideology) on private WoW servers ran by Eastern Europeans, because they have female chat mods.


You don't get rid of a tumor by ignoring it.

>bleeding stock for years

>set out to bring ethics and standards to games journalism
>make Breitbart famous

Good work, guys

Platinum, Piranha Bytes, Troika (RIP), old From Software(Tenchu, Armored Core,etc.) Croteam and a couple other japanese ones whose names I can't remember.

Breitbart is top tier if you just use it for entertainment.

Except that image literally shows how they bled for a good couple of years.

Lowest point corresponds with Dragon Age 2 and ME3 aftermath, coincidence?

None of this happened, thankfully for the second point

>the only way to stop the triggered ones is to make them joke material
I'm okay with this.
You are cool.

It's just a videogame, bro.

Fuck, marry, kill

Are you going to move the goal post?

You said
>EA, which owns Bioware, has been bleeding stock for years now

This has proven to be a fallacy.
EA's valuation is at its highest since the company first got publicly traded and has been on the rise since 2012.
I don't quite understand why you would bring up Dragon Age 2 (2011) and Mass Effect 3 (2012).

This post is exactly why GG lost.
The way to win is to convince the people in the middle that you're right, not to just slap one anothers backs and agree with the people who are already on your side. And you enemies aren't going to join you just like you aren't going to join them.
You need to convince the middleman, or the people who aren't interested. But GG calls these people SJWs instead of trying to make a reasonable and attractive case.

Ask yourself how this movement appears to an outsider. A tumblr-created OC recolour of an anime girl pushed by people who will call you a SJW if you don't agree with them or ask any questions or are in any way critical of any aspect of the movement. Does this sound appealing to the outsider? No. It's a clubhouse of faggots sticking their tongues out at everyone and that's why nobody gives a shit anymore other than hardline faggots.

To be honest with you, this nonsense seems to be running its course. Social justice tranny developers are becoming more and more irrelevant with every passing day. It's been proven that they're a minority in the industry and catering to them is pointless.

Hopefully this will also become true of social justice in general.

we all should be like the weed.

It's only the gaming press that's extremely cancerous, the actual industry is pretty neutral on the subject, and the ones that lean too left are going straight into the shitter.

To me, i don't really care. If sjwism truly does lead to better and more enjoyable games, that's fine. If they lead to shittier games, the market will reflect that and they will burn themselves out with no profits. There's no loss here really.

The last two lines sound like capitalism.

I can't believe people can be as fucking dim as you.
"Tranny developers" are just as relevant today as they were a year ago, and a year before that. They will be just as relevant a year from now.
How "relevant" they are completely depends on how much of a shit you give.
If you join a big retard group of faggots who want to obsess over Brain Wu's timeline every single day, and discuss every single tweet it puts out, then you're tricking yourself into thinking it's a big deal.

The only reason SJWs seem "less relevant" now is because thank fucking god some of these kiddies are finally finding something else to fill their time with.
This shit was always nothing more than persecution complexes, paranoias and confirmation biases.
That's it.

>this shit is everywhere! they're shoving it down our throats!
screams the guy who spends his days on 8gag whipping himself into a 24 hour fedora frenzy, with five tabs open at all times keeping him updated on SJW happenings around the world.


>capitalism is evil

You know, I thought this sjw communism thing was a meme

OP, I think you've joined a cult.

Why the fuck are you getting angry at me? I'm agreeing that this GamerGate nonsense wasn't even necessary in the first place because paying attention to SJWs gave them patreonbux and some mediocum of relevance.

I never said they were particularly relevant in the first place, they're just becoming less so as the industry naturally prunes these people out by denying them profit. After getting battered around like a cheap hooker, they're going to fuck off and find some other media as a propaganda platform. It's that simple. The developers of Sunset went bankrupt because, surprise surprise, most people don't like walking simulators with pretentious socjus stories.

>giving them the attention they want to fuel their argument

just ignore them and their argument will die with them

>I think about Arino
Wait do these cunts know about gccx?

On the one hand, you're completely wrong when you say that you'll never encounter SJWs unless you go looking for them. It's a pretty big movement that has penetrated almost every corner of the internet in some way.

On the other hand, I recently saw the Comedy Central roast of Justin Bieber and it was filled with racist, sexist, slut-shaming, homophobic, transphobic, and whatever other trigger words you can imagine, plus jokes about ISIS. It was fucking glorious. Whoever said video games and comics were just easy targets because the people who make up those industries are complete pussies was exactly right.

>it was filled with racist, sexist, slut-shaming, homophobic, transphobic, and whatever other trigger words you can imagine, plus jokes about ISIS


You are a fucking dimwit

Wew kid it's almost like you didn't even try to grasp what I was saying in my post

Offensive jokes have been normie humor forever. How is South Park so popular? The biggest stand up comedian in the UK is Frankie Boyle, who is offensive. The biggest stand up in the US right now is probably Louis CK who says nigger and faggot and is generally offensive.
What's the biggest cartoon in America? Family Guy. Full of edge.

I absolutely fucking hate you idiots who still subscribe to the idea that offensive humor is in any way RISKY when the reality is it's the complete opposite. It's a free pass to laughs and notoriety.



As someone who genuinely hates leftists, thanks Gamergate.
You made the problem go from bad to god awful.


>video games and comics were just easy targets because the people who make up those industries are complete pussies

>You said

Nope, not me, sorry pal.

>I don't quite understand why you would bring up Dragon Age 2 (2011) and Mass Effect 3 (2012).

Because of the early reveals of the trailers and "promotional" material ? Were you not here on Sup Forums during that time? During their Bioware gay flag logos? Were you not here for Hamburger Helper and yes/no leading to gay scenes? Yes they're on the rise now because they put all that shit behind and are doing Star Wars stuff.

What actually is your point? You seem convinced it's a really good one.

My only point is that has no point


>that pic

the fuck

Chris chan.

>Sup Forums says: "they should make their own games if they want their agenda so bad!"
>they join studios and start making the games they want
>Sup Forums says: "what the fuck! why don't games pander to me!"

This is the past 5 years of Sup Forums in a nutshell

>>they join studios and start making the games they want
Actually, they don't. They just get one of them to be forcibly hired at a studio as basically a commissar for diversity and make the studio make the game for them. They don't do any actual work ever.

>make their own games
>join studios

>After all these years Sup Forums still hasn't made a game


Sup Forumsirginquest was good though, I really liked the Sup Forums mansion part. I liked all the DEEP LORE in the notes scattered around.

They made good songs tho

Yes, the studios make games.
If you gave as much of a shit about video games as these apparently evil liberals did you too could join up and start making vidya.
But you don't! :^)

Their games are fucking shit. That Brianna Wu tranny created something that looks like a TV show from the early 00's and that Zoe Quinn created a damn text adventure game. No one wants to play those games.

>Yes they're on the rise now because they put all that shit behind and are doing Star Wars stuff.
You are aware that Dragon Age: Inquisition also has gay scenes yet was released in 2014?
That there was not a single hint to a sudden move away from the inclusive trend that Bioware is in ?

I really don't understand where you're getting at with all this.
Espicially considering my previous posts and the posts I replied to.