Do you buy pre-owned games?

Do you buy pre-owned games?

yes, when they're cheaper

Sometimes I'm not looking for a long-lasting experience, I just wanna get my video game fix and be done with it. Why should I have to pay extra for a nice unspoiled tarted up new box when I'm only interested in playing the game.

if anything, the woman has had more partners than the man

>implying women don't have HIV

The image accuses women of being sluts, while the text accompanying image accuses men of being sluts. Seems pretty fair to me.

Statistically, men and women have the same number of partners.

ive had 3 (2 actual sex, 1 was an affair), im pretty sure te girl i cheated with was also fucking 2 other guys so you're wrong

Always, because it's worse than piracy and I fucking hate video game companies these days.

Used to. Now I just pirate and emulate.

I love being an empowered consumer.

>buying games that shitskinned plebs touched



You're assuming strict heterosexuality, aren't you?

I like how all the arms of his past are men.

I do.
Sometimes because they are cheaper, sometime because they are out of print.


What does sex feel like?

>Being a literal cuck and buying someones sloppy seconds.
No thank you.
But jokes aside I usually buy really cheap used games that I usually wouldn't play.
If I enjoy it I keep it and if I don't or I just beat it within a week or so I get a refund.

Salty bags of milk coins.

If It's cheaper, and you don't mind not getting a manual, which they don't even make manuals for games anymore, then there's literally no reason not to.

[citation needed]

Like sticking your dick in a warm, snot-filled tube made of ground beef.

If you're fucking a nigger, the same but through a brillo pad.

What does love feel like?

The first girl I had full intercourse with was 16 (so was I).
She had at least 6 other partners that I was aware of at that point.

Eating large quantities of chocolate.

holy fuck you got the short end of the teenage love stick

Are you joking or just bad at maths? There's no other way for it to work.

this meme has been so corrupted over the years i forgot what the originals were

was it tits that felt like sand bags and pussy that tasted like salty milk/coins?

it was CP

By the time an attractive girl hits 18, she'll already have had 3 miles of dick run through her. This is objective fact.

I don't like chocolate.

I'm fairly certain the person who made the claim was not being truthful, which is why I asked for a citation. Excellent comprehension skills, user.

Depends how old the game is.
If I were to buy a SNES game, I would have no illusions about it being preowned


Not really. I had 0 problem with it but, then again, I'm not quite normal. Just saying that pretty sure even the average woman's partner lists dwarf those of the majority of men.

hows it feel knowing you were just another number to her?

You're a dumbass. Literally stop posting.

Absolutely not.

My biggest problems with how used games are handled by retailers. Best Buy has a high standard for their disks, but a low standard for their casing.

GameStop needs to be run out of business. They open new games hoping suckers will ignore the fingerprints on disks, when used games are shuffled in and sold at new prices. If the seal is broken, I refuse to buy.

Buuullshit. Unless the guy looks like Tom Cruise, the numbers are going to be much lower for men. The one or two guys that have women knocking down their doors are averaging out the total.

More like the other way around. Unprotected sex with a woman who had unprotected sex recently involves scraping semen off her walls with the head of your tip