There are scrubs browsing this board RIGHT NOW who have a skill rating below 60

>there are scrubs browsing this board RIGHT NOW who have a skill rating below 60

How is that even possible? What are you even doing all game?

enjoy skill rating 40, OP

fucking scrub

>tfw 64 scrub

It's possible just by not belonging to the top 10% of players or playing support. Support is suffering.

If you're playing overwatch at all you are a scrub

who is still playing overwatch? i know for a fact blizzdrones arent because they went back to WOW

>What are you even doing

im playing on console

>there are faggots who play Faggotwatch

Cool story, homo


not playing this shit game
you normie shit

>misusing the word scrub
>playing overwatch
>caring about matchmaking rank in anything that isn't a completely deterministic 1v1 game


I am skill rating 32

Not playing Overwatch because it got boring.

>want to group up with other players because solo/duoq is hell
>get a group of 4 on overwatchlf, need two more
>only people available have high SR and player rank on overbuff so we invite them
>they're genji and tracer "mains"
>win one match against even team, I got gold elims and damage as Zarya
>tell genji and tracer to start pulling their weight, tank and zenyatta are doing more damage
>next match we're against 6 top 500 players
>Genji and Tracer keep flying into their tight group and getting rocked instantly
>Genji rage quits
Unless the guy is top 500 don't allow someone who "mains" one hero to be on your team. Inflexibility is not something you want in an Overwatch team member.

Those 100 hours in Genji are far less valuable than 10 hours in 10 heroes.

>"""""competitive"""" overwatch

OP please shut the fuck up.

It's nearly impossible to rank up in this game if you don't have a full team of friends to play with. Your random team mates drag you down so much that every match depends on you to carry. I've been stuck in the 40-50 hell for three weeks. Now I only play quick play because theyre easier to carry.

Also turns out that I can't aim with FPS games

tone down your bait next time

Threre are literally people in this thread that have yet to to reach the top 500.

>play lucio
>nobody tanks so there's no group to follow and I can't speed boost everyone into a push
>swap to reinhardt
>somebody fills the lucio for me
>start pushing with lucio and two other dps while our last two guys fucked off somewhere
>holding my shield up on the point with lucio healing me, just watching the last two dps heroes I'm blocking
>notice they're shooting my shield uncontested
>notice there's no gun fire coming from my end of the shield
>our dps has fucked off

Seriously why do people think that there are no roles within dps heroes. Like one flanker or one sniper is good enough, but when you have a 76 and mcree pretending to be a widowmaker, or a reaper pretending to be a genji, what the fuck is that? Shit I even saw a roadhog who thought he was meant to be on our backline, hiding behind pillars and peeking hooks, on payload.

The Roadhog thing just happened to me last game. You're a fucking tank with a shotgun and a crazy heal. Get in people's faces and fuck shit up.

this is pretty common with people over 60 I've noticed. If you know what you're doing, Genji or tracer can pretty much lock down an entire team, no matter how shitty your team is, and just create an indefinite overtime until your shitty team wins.

Once you get more competent teams, who work as a unit, these tactics stop working and since that's all they've ever played, obviously they're just gonna throw the blame to other people because they never learned the team component.

I just got it on Friday.

If you're actually able to carry as DPS then you can rank up quickly. Your losses will be slight and your gains will be huge.

Besides just W/L and underdog/favored status your SR change is also modified by your streak and by comparing several stats against the global average for that character.


You know. You sort of should be impressed, but it's such a low number that it ends up just feeling lame.

Like a bronze medal winner.

>Always play either Support or Reinhardt
>Can't carry a team like this
>Regardless of how well I do, I can't change the outcome of a match by myself
>Stuck at around 50 ever since I got my Ranking

My group's support has 67 MMR, eat shit

48 here
go ahead bully me
3 hours

>How is that even possible? What are you even doing all game?
I literally can't aim.

I've been playing multiplayer online games on a very successful level, even team based. Something like 30.000 hours of video games played in my life, but among those maybe 200 of playing shooters max.

If there was a class that was able to carry a team without aiming, like melee only I would do much, much better.

>or a reaper pretending to be a genji, what the fuck is that?
sorry m80, reaper IS a flanker

you need to be up close to deal damage, hiding behind a rein shield does SHIT. Why do you think he's got a warp and an invincibility speedbuff?

You go in, assassinate, come back out to tell the tale. Only s76, McCree and Bastion are really good behind a Rein.


Playing Reinhardt is suffering, essentially a wasted slot since no one uses my shield.

>there are people browsing this board right now who actually spent money and play this garbage

can someone pls post yandere dva

switch to another hero then if you notice your team is not taking advantage of you

same shit when I hear a lucio complain that nobody is sticking together. You're not gonna change your teammates so try to play to their weaknesses as best as possible and swap to Mercy even if Lucio would be better in an ideal situation with proper teamwork.

If your team didn't work together much the first 5 minutes chances are good they won't for the next 5.


it's fun

Ranking up isn't all it's cracked up to be. The pool of heroes you can play is narrowed down constantly and now I can only play the few heroes I have a huge amount of practice with (Zen, Lucio, Zarya, Rein) and are in the meta, otherwise I feel like I can't do everything possible for the team. I miss playing McCree and Junkrat and such.

>There are people on this board who play competetive
Please an hero

fucking know that feel, people seem to spread out right after I get my shield up, and then I walk right into the enemies, still believing my team is behind me, only to realise in my deathcam that those fags aren't and died in far away corners of the map

I got placed at 50 then went down to 41. At that point I thought there is no helping it since I soloq but then I stopped being a whiny bitch and instead of blaming muh bad team I started to focus on getting good as a player and now I'm at rank 60.

rank 68 on ps4
rank 50 on PC

console plebs are easy to wreck compared to PC. On Pc, if you're team is doing shit, someone will start bitching and say it was either bad team comp, because they requested specific heroes and no one switched or blame the tank or support. In most of my matches, there is no teamwork, just ppl arguing instead of getting their shit together because they believe they're on point and the rest of the team isn't.

>not playing your favourite hero no matter what

what a fucking scrub

I'm rank 71 and i play only soloq , you just have to get good with Lucio or Zarya , and don't pick any offense and defense heroes.

Comp has turned me into a "winning is the only way to have fun" person.

Zenyatta is my favourite hero in the game though, and no one will ever get annoyed at me picking him, so it's not all bad.

>>there are scrubs browsing this board RIGHT NOW who have bought this game



>console plebs are easy to wreck compared to PC

I played on PC and disagree. PC shitters are so fucking easy to destroy.

>competitive overwatch

Because it's the worst competitive mode that i have seen.
You can't choose maps, you can't choose game modes, your individual skill doesn't matter, you are pretty much forced to play support because every shitter instalocks offensive heroes.
At least quick play is fun, comp is just quick play but with fun removed.

Getting smashed by better teams m8
What of it?

>your individual skill doesn't matter
t. rank 40

I hit 59, but have never been able to reach the 60s. I don't really care about rank, though, since the game keeps wanting to pair my friends and myself up against the same team that just beat us or with the same useless random player.

When you and your 4 friends get a 6th teammate who spends all match asking you what kind of dog you'd like to be and detailing the genetic diseases they're susceptible to, you stop caring.

>your individual skill doesn't matter


>match win rate 4/6 thanks to playing with other shitters
>usually the only one doing fucking ANYTHING as tank or support, if needed, I'll run soldier or reap
>end up at 49
>play another match
>consistently face rolled by teams with much better comp than hanzos ana and sometimes torbs
>at 45 now
>remove disc

I didn't even finish my placements matches. Did 6 of them an had the worst time of my life. Anyone defending this shitty competitive hasn't played a good competitive game.


>I know everything about a game mode after 6 matches

You probably had a shit time because you're a shitter.

i think you should learn what the word scrub means first

>calling anyone casuals

Are you retarded? It's literally quick play but instead you are forced to play the same map on both sides or best of 5 in the case of koth. Don't even try to claim that there is anything more to it than that you fucking nigger.

>I get bullied for picking mercy now
thanks blizzard.

pick zen or fuck off you shitter

>What are you even doing all game?
nothing special, just being bad and can't aim

We know you like to be talked down to whore, be happy we even notice you

Just find a few friends to play with. Even going in with one or two friends who aren't total shit can make your games go much better.

Not being a total shitter helps too.

I solo queue and play healer.

There have been many rounds where I get gold medals in eliminations as lucio.

It hurts.

>tfw just made the 10 placement games + a win for the season 1 player icon

I like it

No, it's shit because punish if someone from your team leave. Instead of banning him, you are forced to play outnumbered otherwise system will give you lose penalty. Yesterday me and my team won first round but some retard quit before second started for no reason so we lost and my rank got down. Thanks Blizzard.


Ok I have never played an FPS before this one and I'm rank 71 and it's easy as shit to win you idiots on Sup Forums really are as bad as they say.

>Your rank is based on winning or losing instead of your skill.
This is exactly why it's shit.
In games like csgo it's possible to rank up even if you lose, because it looks at your personal performance, not at your teams performance.

I go on console whenever I want to own kids. Rating 72 on console, 66 on PC. I laugh at people who insult consoleshitters when they don't even have a skill rating above 65

Solo is frustrating as fuck

I'm only getting 22 FPS

so not much

>join game
>someone locks in genji
>another person gets on mic saying he wants to play genji since it's his main
>other person won't switch
>the guy wanting to play genji freaks the fuck out
>he chooses torb and sits in the spawn the whole game so we lose our match
>all because he got so mad he couldn't play genji
>after we lose he says you guys deserved this, learn to switch characters

>3 games later
>have TWO people go afk when we were leading in a KOTH match
>end up losing the game

>skill rating has gone down from 65 to 56

I don't think I can handle these type of people anymore

Reinhardt, lucio, symetra (who'd be underpowered without), mercy and winston don't really aim to be successful.

seeing people brag about their rank in a casual game that was basically created for mindless fun gives me mixed feelings

t. rank 37

Blizzard was the one to push the competitive bullshit in the first place

>monitor can't go beyond 50fps
>60 ping on average
>shit reflexes, my first fps was killzone on ps2
>no idea how to play, total shitter with never more than 40% precision with soldier
>average 10k heal as mercy
>average 7k damage cancelled with dva

should I have hope of just stay the shitter I am?

back to quick play then

Right, right
I mean I wonder how did I get up from 49 to 73 and still rising, all solo?
You know you can communicate and tell your team what to do. Usually they obey and you win, taken that you know what you're saying to them

>playing game with 3 friends
>all high 50s, I'm at 59
>every time I get to 59 we get an ana main
>politely ask if he can play somebody else as she is extremely situational
>they yell at us and "intentionally" die over and over

Thanks for adding Ana blizzard.

I ranked 56 initially and never went back to competitive.

Why do characters like Genji or Hanzo always attract the biggest shitters? Are they that desperate to prove how good they are that they can't even relax and have fun playing anyone else?

eat shit if you cant solo support to 67


>There are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who actually plays this game.
Why would anyone still play this shallow dead game?

I have literally never touched an FPS in my life until this game came out. I have a 45 rating and I'm fine with that because I know I fucking suck.

weeb characters

I managed skill rating of 46, helped by the fact that in no less than 4 of my qualifying games, I had half a team of hanzo shitters.

>tfw you have an accuracyrating of 24% so you're stuck playing Lucio because friends don't trust me on anything else.

Everyone wants to be good with Genji.
Plus, most people think Ninjas are pretty sweet

Mercy is still my to played character, but I had to stop playing her. Wait until they buff mercy. There is zero reason to play her with lucio/zenyatta being flatout better supports.

nah. I'd say silver is more humiliating

you'll always be that guy who came just short, got beat by the ONE other guy. You'll always be second banana and never taken seriously. I'd honestly rather be 4th than top three.

>tfw rank 70 only solo q on ps4

>Reinhardt, lucio, symetra (who'd be underpowered without), mercy and winston don't really aim to be successful.
none of them carry games though, but rely on decent teamwork

what sensitivty do you play with

I don't give a fuck. I only played with my friends and they all sucked hard shit and all ranked down in the 40's.

60 and above is like top 10% of the game.

my highest was 59, and some guy in a pub was shit talking me telling my rank is fucking low and i suck. I was on fire most of the game.

I was playing bastion and he was crying about how I got PotG, it was hillarious.