You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't pre ordered this yet

You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't pre ordered this yet

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Preordering games is for idiots.

Because I already pre-ordered the game that will be better and the GOTY

The last game I preordered was Duke Nukem Forever.

Im waiting for it to be 5 dollars

it's pure papamole

Joke's on you, I did preorder it. Still waiting for that GMG key to be delivered.

Why wouldn't I just wait for the day it's out?

I'm not a mong.

I don't like to preorder games, will probably pick it up though

Because I don't pre-order on principle, even though Adam Jensen MD looks promising.

I only really liked the first part of the last one

preordering is for retards.

I probably will get this game but seriously stop preordering games you cunt it just justifies them to sell games with DLC for £80 and that be considered the normal price for a game. fuck sake

didn't like the first one

second one doesn't look like its fixing the reasons why i didn't like the first one

game was bad

because PC version will be shit at launch.


I'm not gonna support devs that slap DRM on top of DRM.

But also because I literally never preorder.

the preorder package
so fuckin what if they removed it they did in the first fuckin place.
ill wait a whole month after it comes out before even beginning to consider dropping a dime

To be honest I find the whole "Mechanical Apartheid" thing stupid.

I liked Deus Ex better when it was about actual social issues rather than robot racism.

3 things I enjoyed most about HR

>smooth animations (dat roll from one piece of cover to another)
>comfy hubs

I've not seen any of these in MD.

>I'm not gonna support devs that slap DRM on top of DRM.
otherwise you would just pirate it, denuvo exist because of people like you

fuck off sjw

>tfw Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were both released on my birthday
I was born to be a cyberpunk

>Racism isn't an actual social issue

Don't cut yourself on that edge bro!

Why would you preorder something that you can buy digitally?

Are they going to run out of bits?

You have 10 seconds to tell me a single thing that actually looks good about this game.


Look at Dragon Age Inquisition and Lords of the Fallen. Both were made available to pirate due to some flaws in their versions of Denuvo, and they didn't get pirated because it was well known by then, from the people who bought the games, that they were shit games.

Besides, sure I pirate games, but I also buy the ones that are actually worth the price tag.

Me playing it.

Because preorders are the game industry's cancer. Even games I was 100% convinced were going to be good and that I'd like them I didn't preorder.

I didn't ask for it.

I don't preoder.


>Look at Dragon Age Inquisition and Lords of the Fallen.
both were also mediocre at best

Look at Doom and total war warhammer, both sold great

silly pirate scum

Because Thief flop

I didn't ask for it

Because I don't care to

Because I don't own a system (console or PC) capable of running it, and I don't have enough money to afford one right now.

Also, I absolutely suck at both the original and Human Revolution.

>he thinks modern racism is actually a relevant problem as opposed to conjured misiformation
>he thinks apartheid was fundamentally racist and not as a way to ensure afrikaners survival

It looks a lot worse than the previous game.

I'll pirate it and buy it if it turns out to be good after all, but I'm not gambling on a preorder.

>Warhammer sold great

Color me surprised.

It's like you know nothing of the Warhammer crowd at all. I mean, even the shittiest tablet/mobile games sell like hotcakes, because the Warhammer fans are just that fucking thirsty for their stuff to be more prominent in video games, regardless of what form it takes.

A lot of them are the kind of people who never once backed out of buying GW shit even when the price increases made no fucking sense.

But also, this is Total Warhammer. So it's not like this series is coming out of nowhere, without a pre-established fandom.

Do i get anything exclusive and interesting for pre-ordering? If not, I'll keel xenoverse 2 on my top priority

I'm not big into books.

>But also, this is Total Warhammer. So it's not like this series is coming out of nowhere, without a pre-established fandom.
you could say the same about dragon age and yet it sold poor not because of denuvo but because of forced sjw content and general mediacority

>hurr you can now play as le girl and kick men ass all day!! xDDDD

I was never properly trained in its operation.

To be fair, the fans of old Bioware saw how low they fell with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2&3, so a lot of them just refused to buy anything from Bioware ever again.

>To be fair, the fans of old Bioware saw how low they fell with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2&3
same goes for total war fans after rome 2

I'm one of those people.

I used to think they could do no wrong.

S'all good though.

>same goes for total war fans after rome 2
absolutely not. Even if it were true, as soon as Total Warhammer gets announced, they immediately win them back because Warhammer as a setting had been asked since fucking 2005. Total Warhammer is in fact a completely mediocre game, but despite that everyone praises it as a 9/10 just because they're clouded by fandom over the Warhammer IP.

I'll bet you hate obsidian and poe

And yet a shitload of them still bought and praise Attila.

Anyway, I'm not even saying Total War: Warhammer is a good or outstanding game. It's not. It's just praised so much because aforementioned fans are so fucking thirsty for anything Warhammer related.

It's funny because TW Warhammer is even worse than Rome 2 in just about every respect.

Denuvo and Malik dead

what about good doom sales eh? also rise of the tomb raided clocked almost one million sales on steam
those games should sell like crap because denuvo right?

DXHR was only passable. The lack of Montreal and a proper ending was bullshit and why I'm holding off on buying DXMD.

But you can also play as Corvo. It's optional and adds more variety, in my opinion.

I haven't played an obsidian game since New Vegas, which I thought was okay. Way better than F3 at least.

post your steam library

>rise of the tomb raided clocked almost one million sales on steam
after 8 months being out? that's not selling "fast". Dark Souls 3 sold 1 million on PC in about half of that time.
Doom benefited from having a dedicated PC version with good support.

goddamn nu male millennial hater

Cuz u cant do a slav squat in it...

I don't preorder games.

except it works.

>Doom benefited from having a dedicated PC version with good support.
so at the end it's good to have denuvo in our games or at least it's not a problem for a legit customers

I don't hate female protagonists(at least in video games) on principle, it depends entirely on how they're implemented. It's just been for the past six years or so, western developers have used them to push their bullshit agendas.

Keep in mind when I say this, often when I post my opinions people call me a stormcuck.

>Getting triggered this hard

not really
Dark Souls 3's PC version was shit and it still sold more than D44M.

It actually makes sense to the plot to play as her though. Did you play the first one?
What planet are you living on?

I have a bad feeling about it. Like I cant exactly pinpoint it but I dont think this will be as good as HR.

>Dark Souls 3's PC version was shit
in what way

>apartheid wasn't racist

don't burn yourself on that hot take

Oh, so you're one of those people.

Let's put DXHR in it proper context, the only reason any of us liked it so much is because we were surprised when it wasn't absolute garbage.

DXMD has way higher expectations on it.

its gonna be dumb shit because it wont effect the player in any way whatsoever so there will be no reason to ever care

On the same page as this guy, chose Dishonored 2 instead.

Also kinda agree with , mechanical apartheid that is never mentioned in the original but somehow is a huge thing that happened, feels shoehorned and lame.

I'll wait unitl its cheap or it gets cracked

Why should I?

I never asked for this sequel

Can't afford it comfortably yet. Food, expenses and dental bills come first.

the leaked beta was neat until you played the full game and realized that it was everything HR had to offer

That much is true, but we were all expecting way worse.

I preordered HR and I thought it fucking sucked.
After the Thief reboot sucking a big dick too I don't have high hopes for MD.

human revolution was a dumb game pretending to be a smart game

because Human Revolution was boring

Which is funny because the first Deus Ex was a dumb game that surprised you by being smart in unexpected places.

Inquisition is a great game, maybe you just have shit taste

I-Im doing it later today

Because i never asked for this.

I shouldn't fall for it but here's a reply anyway.

Why would you preorder a game unless it's a limited big dick edition?

No store is gonna run out of regular copies of an high profile AAA game, ever.

>Inquisition is a great game

What are you doing out of your containment zone on /vg/, Biodrone?

It won't beat the original

>Inquisition is a great game
Based upon what merits? Having better gameplay than Dragon Age 2 isn't a selling point.

I'm not even the same user.

>tfw pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition

it is funny because its true

the original was a goofy looking game with
bad voices but then you play it and its like 'woah these are some REALLY well designed maps'

meanwhile human revolution prided itself in being a 'thinking man's shooter' but you are rewarded more by crawling through a vent than by figuring out how to take out a warehouse full of enemies

>>You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't pre ordered this yet

Waiting see if it's any good, and that Squenix hasn't fiddled with it.

Thi4f being ballsand how the current Hitman game are being handled... best to wait and see.

it doesn't have better gameplay than DA2 though


The funny thing is, I wasn't really claiming Inquisition did have better gameplay.

Just that using that argument isn't saying much.

It also had some surprisingly good writing despite its less than stellar voice acting.

>someone actually wrote a political debate in a video game in which both sides are given valid arguments and the correct answer is left for the player to determine, not told to you by the game