Are Personas based off of 『stand』s?
Are Personas based off of 『stand』s?
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The Japanese are unoriginal and 90% of their anime and vidya is based off of stands and Jotaro in one way or another. So yhe answer is yes. Also Persona and Jojofaggots has to be one of the cancerous fanbases on the internet. Literally the MLP of of anime/manga.
Fuck off, m8.
JoJo fanbase was alright until the anime started and everyone jumped on the bandwagon.
Yeah believe it or not almost everything in video games is a jojo reference
So everyone jumped on the bandwagon on 1993?
they are completely different though
normal people can see them
and they need to be summoned
This post reminds me of the kids who say they use greentext outside of Sup Forums because that how you quote emails.
like actually? wasn't there a dev interview or something for one of them where they straight up said it and how Persona 4 is inspired by Diamond is Unbreakable with the quiet Japanese suburban town being beset upon by a supernatural serial killer that preys on women?
It's like giant robot animes watch the old MS series and you will start to see stuff that newer animes have "absorbed"
If it ain't jojo then it's berserk.
I'm not gonna lie that thing looks pretty rad except for the codpiece thing.
The dude who made Persona 1 (and SMT) was good friends with the creator of JoJo.
Persona existed before JoJo got stands
Persona did it better
Anti-jojofags are the bronies of hating fanbases
That's funny because JoJo was always popular and it wasn't until the new anime hit part 3 that people began a bandwagon for hating JoJo.
God I fucking hate JoJo fans. They always try to shoehorn fucking LOL IT'S ME REALLY ME DIO HAHA into everything.
calm down reddit
Sometimes anime series just go full retard like in case with series like Naruto where a character utilizes his emotions to defeat the enemy or Auras inDBZ
In Hokuto no Ken it was pretty manly, when Naruto and other anime series tried to do the same everyone looked like a little bitch.
Also Auras are fucking retarded in DBZ meanwhile in Hokuto no Ken it was pretty reasonable.
>part 3 1989
>persona 1996
You retarded?
Plus jojo's more creative with it.
>exposed vulva
Actually revelations came out in 96, stardust came out in 91
It's a
Male, he even has a wife
Because someone will ask for it
You thought it was reddit, but it was me, DIO!
Actually yes. Stardust Crusaders predates Persona 1 by several years and the personas in it were partially based on stands.