>Your GOTY so far?
Your GOTY so far?
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You can't say Blood and Wine is your GOTY because it's not a standalone game, you utter faggot.
with tits like that you can even rock dyke hair
Whatever makes your day, friend.
enter the gungeon
quit hard, no checkpoint
rest was shit anyway
Overwatch for me.
I know obvious choice but I'm still playing it so it counts.
i want to lick her feet
Deus Ex
Probably this game. You just know it's gonna be great from all the videos on it.
Does the game let me impregnate this qt?
Last year it was monster hunter 4 Ultimate
This year it will probably be pic related.
No man's sky
Either Monster Hunter Generations or Ratchet & Clank.
>procedurally generated game
One and only one.
Witcher 3 by a fucking mile.
this, same for me so far.
I assume NMS or dishonoured 2 will be my GOTY
I choose no man's sky.
Witcher 3
Looking forward to Deus Ex and Dishonoured 2 though
Man, you Final Fantasy fans are in for some dissapointment and some heavy shitposting later this year.
Guys, I adore Witcher 3 as well, but it is GOTY 2015, not 2016
>Quick I have to shitpost a DLC that's got more content than the full price $60 I pre-ordered from Gamestop
Will you Britbongs fuck off?
overwatch with stardew valley as a close second
Honestly, so far? Nothing. The only 2016 game I've played this year that I somewhat liked was Tree of Savior, and even then it was only because I forced myself to avoid the cancerous community at all costs.
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
It's unlikely to change
what games even came out this year?
theres been so god damn many good games lately but i dont remember exactly when they came out
Dark Souls 3
singleplayer = stardew valley
multiplayer = all trash
There's already heavy shitposting about this game
God damn why was b&w so good? It must have been the lack of emergency and just geralt being on a witcher's contract that made it comfy. Ontop of the whole new area that looked comfy, was as big as skellige without being a pain in the ass to travel around like skellige.
>that whole fairytale sequence towards the end.
That seriously was amazing.
Total War: Warhammer.
Now can she do it with the vest off
1. Dark souls 3
2. Blood and Wine DLC
3. Deadbolt
4. OmniBus
It's true, I play the indies.
Zombie Night Terror isn't bad but I haven't finished it.
I can't play that it isn't cracked yet
Normie here, Doom.
DOOM, with Overwatch being behind it somewhat
I'll also plan on buying the new Hitman at some point because I've actually been hearing lots of good things about it, episodic bullshit be damned
So far Battleborn or The Witcher 3 BW
here, have an even bigger version
>you now realize this exists
not even joking but uncharted 4 t b h
GOTY for me
Dragon's Dogma.
GOTY 2012. GOTY 2013. GOTY 2016.
no game has come even close, it's kind of embarrassing for devs to have dropped the ball so hard
>2016 game
>dying your hair for mad shekels from blizzdrones
That's pretty pathetic.
>Your GOTY so far?
Does this girl have an instagram
Is this even possible natty.
Dark Souls 3
Thank you so much
>he thinks this woman is natty
that old cuck in the back
poor guy.
>the goal is to hold it up for less than a second
Just doesn't seem that impressive.
>swn pound your bp
>can lift 2x your bodyweight off the ground
not that impressive
Definitely not The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt™ Blood and Wine© which could arguably be considered a standalone game with over 30 hours of captivating gameplay for the considerable price of only $19.99.
Nope, that is definitely not my GOTY 2016 due to the fact that the combat it absolutely terrible. My refined taste is far superior to that inherently dull normie "game". *yawn*
You have to start somewhere.
You don't go from lazy sloth that can barely do one pushup to doing 200+ pushups and only being mildly tired.
>Witcher 3
I thought Sup Forums hates cinematic trash?
>>Your GOTY so far?
I wish I could say ZTD
but I can't
why are you "greentexting" that?
>JUST 13000 witcherfriends
>30000 for skyrim
It's not fair bros.
1. Dark Souls 3
2. Doom
w2c muscle gf?
Witchers are infertile. So yes
Theyre called memearrows newfag
>witcher 3 retail activates on gog galaxy
>skyrim retail activates on steam
Yeah. I'm a little biased because it's the first game I played on my new pc but holy shit that was a fun ass ride.
does this game allow you to succ this qts feets?
Life is strange, got a tat of it.
Life is strange fell apart at the end. I feel sorry for you.
rip and tear you polish w3 shil