Why is Warrior so fucking shit in Dragons Dogma?
Why is Warrior so fucking shit in Dragons Dogma?
ur shit
It's not shit, you're just shit.
But really, most of its undeniable problems (lack of a jump mechanic and 3 skills) disappear with basic mods.
It's one of my favorite classes, doing a warrior run in BBI was the most fun I had with the game.
Literally git gud.
I mean, it works, but it has less options than other classes.
>Guts build
Comparing this class to Guts has done more damage than good.
more then 3 skills is still a work in progress last I checked.
>Guts build
>no mobility
>no ranged
>no speed
Take your Arc of meme vocation and fuck off.
>no mobility
Jumping attacks, dash attacks.
>no ranged
You mean the entire 0.5% of Guts life that he used ranged attacks?
>no speed
4 of his attacks are speedy attacks
Nice try Griffith
There is not a single class in this game that isn't fun to play in my opinion.
Check m8
Because the game's combat is poorly thought out and lacking balance. Enjoy spamming jump attack and stunlocking beasts.
>"""risk vs rewards""" class
>the """rewards""" even when you do get them aren't good at all
This is pretty much the problem.
Considering the amount you have to charge up, the skill doesn't do enough damage.
one shotting a griffin at like level 40 is a pretty good reward m8
>Why is Warrior so fucking shit in Dragons Dogma?
Because it reminds you that you're more or less playing a gimped fantasy Devil May Cry.
I respect what DD tries to do but coming from Itsuno I find the combat disappointing.
Warrior's extra fun, provided we're talking about base game in normal mode. Hard moge shithuge stun/kd resistances and BBI though - nah.
at level 40 you can just spam attack a griffin with no thought whatsoever and accomplish more as most classes in as much time as you do charging up as warrior
"Arc of" skills do insane damage, are you high?
At that point they are not a threat at all so it's not really useful.
Maybe I like the play style and don't really care how effective I am in this single player game? The game is already easy enough.
With an insane charging time cost and a "hope this fucker doesnt fly away" cost.
What you just said had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the comments that preceded it. Nobody was talking about how good it feels to use the abilities, the fact remains that their power is underwhelming.
a single brainsplitter costs much less stamina, activates immediately and does far more damage
Other classes can do similar amounts of damage in the same time it takes to charge that skill up without becoming vulnerable as fuck or having to time their attacks carefully.
Because you spend 90% of the time channeling Arc of Deliverance/Obliteration and spamming jump slash. While all the fun ranger/assasin classes are zip-zapping around with Instant Reset, badass ranged, and the slashy special... Here you are, slowly inching towards your target for an utterly underwhelming payoff.
It's like instead of fucking a ton of hot girls, you're getting a handjob from a Tumblr hair-dyed fatso and saying "Look boys! I'm getting laid", and while they're repeatedly jizzing massive loads all over their 8/10 turbo sluts, you're there pretending you're as cool with "Melanie from Reddit", taking forever to come... And when you finally climax, it's pathetic.
And the whole time while it's happening you're sweetly massaging your favorite picture of the literal buttfag that is Guts from the shitty Manga that is Berserk whispering "muh Guts..."
My pawn is a warrior. He is fucking useless, but I spent an hour to get Wounded Heart.
Eh, warrior needs conquerers periapts as much as yellow vocations need explosive arrows. Please don't tell me you just charged it up as soon s the fight started and didn't aim it at the weakspot like it was intended.
>without becoming vulnerable as fuck
>hyper armor through roof
>Dexfags not understanding the nobility and enjoyment from crushing your foes with a mighty Sword
Enjoy your "nothing personal kid" easy mode class you literal faggot
Fighter is a much better class than Warrior
Fuck anyone who thinks fighter isn't the most fun class
because you're too stupid to add a mod
4 man sorcerer squad is best
>shield babbie class
>being THIS much of a dirty knave
>Warcucks getting rectal Ragnaroked.
Instant Reset alone gives every class with it a massive skill ceiling increase compared to plebbarian.
>being THIS much of a coward
Enjoy your turtle class faggot
>needing 6 skill slots
>needing instant reset
Just as I thought, turtle babbie needs to easy mode an already easy game.
>turtle class
>mfw putting out far more damage, having better mobility and survivability than some fuccboi swinging a mallet and dying to a magic blast
SHIELD USERS throughout history
Roman Legions
Greek Hoplites
Medieval Knights
two handed overcompensating cucks through history
poor people
spear chucking dindus
check mate
>resorting to real life to justify his cowardice in a fantasy video game
sword and shield assassin is miles better.
How's that exodus slashing going for you senpai?
Perfect blocking takes timing and isn't a get out of jail free card
So save and easy that you have to put effort into getting hit. His shield is also way weaker than Fighters and MKs. Nah, sword&bow is an interesting playstyle.
You said War was harder than bow classes, but in reality it's piss easy to play, just cucked to the max in terms of power. The skill floor is in the basement mate.
Stop being so fucking autistic, jesus.
>these guys are talking about shields
>don't talk about the obvious superior shield bearer, the Mystic Knight
the brine exists, jump into it
Don't you have a dress to wear
sorry prettyboy, while my plate have the feeling of being no more henvy than a dress, I'll save you leather covered ass with my superior techniques and magic
>not harder to play than Bow classes
Funny, I don't see legions of Stridercucks crying about Bitterblack Isle being "too difficult!"
The best playstyle is using all 4 weapons:
Sword - main combat.
Daggers - dodge, double jump and nothing personnel.
Shield - perfect blocks, jumping on enemies, buffing strength and dodging with a sword
Bow - a bow.
Why the fuck would anyone play a Fighter over a Mystic Knight?
Sword+Board classes are always the most boring form of combat orientated classes, Dragons Dogma is no different.
At least Mystic Knight offers a unique twist/fun magic.
Warrior >>>>>> Fighter in terms of fun.
Fighter is fun as fuck, stfu you fucking cuck.
dragon's maw
hindsight strike
Strider is not a real vocation, just an annoying part of getting Eminence and Leg-Strength.
>everybody complains about how shit warrior is in BBI
>that's exactly what made it so fun for me
There was nothing more satisfying than getting the absolute shit kicked out of me and barely coming out on top. Embrace the suck plebs.
Because it needs all the skill slots but doesn't get them because the devs are retards and hate fun.
they should have given warrior a secondary weapon, like a throwing axe or spear or something.
Wew, Fightercucks sure as feisty. They've got to be after choosing such a boring/generic class
Mystic Knight renders your piece of shit vocation obsolete, Fighter is the Mage of melee classes. Boring/nobody chooses them because their pawn fills that niche.
Assassin, MK, MA, Warrior, Strider, Sorc are the most fun/unique classes in the game. The rest are junk
Warrior is good though. It only becomes shit once you reach BBI
>overcoming all odds to prevail
It truly is the Guts class
>Strider is not a real vocation
One of the funnest, though. Brain splitter is great.
Please no, I like him being simple. No extra shit.
>tfw taking a massive blow and tenacity kicks in
They aren't all that bad in BBI. They hit hard enough to cut through the absurd damage reduction a lot of the later enemies have, even without using any periapts.
Yeah, totally. It's not like, certain other vocations deal way, way more damage while being 100% safe. Warrior is definitely balanced compared to all the other vocations in the game!
Exactly, look at how fucking boring and easy that shit is.
I've never chosen a bow/ranged class ever since my first Assassin Playtrhough. Shit just makes everything in the game asinine by comparison and complete fucking boring
Yeah because fighting CGCs as a Warrior in Hard is definitely entertaining and doesn't highlight how broken in the bad way the vocation is at all.
Seriously though, if we're talking about broken damage output there's nothing to compete with Strider + perips.
Warrior is fine in the base game, things get bad in BBI because everything has insane physical damage and stagger resistance, with some shit being straight up immune to physical
The other non-blue vocation are hurt by this too, but while fighter and the yellows have i-frames up the ass with shields, dragon's maw and dodges, warriors only have exodus which is garbage because eliminators don't give half a shit about your dinky sword and just armor through it
Playing Warrior is fun, period. The only fun ranged class is Sorc/Magick Archer to an extent but they're completely fucking broken and the fun is completely wiped away when you realize how easy they make the game.
Warrior genuinely offers the best most well rounded experience for first playthroughs and I regret not choosing it.
nah, warrior is just shit and gets frustrating when you get to BBI
fighter offers the most well rounded experience
>doesn't highlight how broken in the bad way the vocation is at all
It only highlights how broken hardmode is. That and BBI makes it look like the developers didn't intend on players chosing this class.
>nah, warrior is just shit and gets frustrating when you get to BBI
Seems to me that you're just not good at the game if you're not being carried by some easy-mode "no fun allowed" class.
>fighter offers the most well rounded experience
Now that's a shitpost, they make the Mage vocation Devil May Cry tier by comparison.
Look at every poll, nobody chooses Sword+Board in any game, Dragons Dogma is no exception.
Exactly, ranged classes completely nullify the enjoyment that can be had in Bitterblack Isle and even this "Warriors are bad in BBI" meme is grossly overstated by scrubs who couldn't play the vocation properly.
Now excuse me while I stunlock Cursed Dragon and Death. Then I will propel the three living armor guarding the Bitterblack Sanctum over the bridge. Also send Matt Damon flying off his disco rift all the way to the moon with a cool-looking attack.
All with only one skill. :^)
I have no idea how biting at the ankles of a CGC or bashing it with your pommel forever is fun to you, but to each his own.
Sorc is fun though.
Hard isn't broken at all though for the other Vocations though, it's Warrior itself that has the biggest problems.
You're being retarded and missing the point. Just because one class is powerful doesn't make it easier to play than another class.
Look at fighting games dipshit, the relative difficulty to play the class is considered separate from their overall tier placement and power.
War = garbage class that's easy to play with a bottomed out skill ceiling.
Assassin = amazing class with an incredibly high ceiling.
>I have no idea how biting at the ankles of a CGC or bashing it with your pommel forever is fun to you, but to each his own.
Have a ranged pawn like you should?
>Hard isn't broken at all though for the other Vocations though, it's Warrior itself that has the biggest problems.
Except it isn't if you're not completely shit at the game.
That's all I hear from people who complain about Warriors, they just expose how awful they are when their DPS whore class isn't 5 shotting every enemy at a safe distance.
It's literally like Magic scrubs bitching about 2handed weapons in Dark Souls "being too hard!". No fucking wonder when you're coming from some piss easy class to play.
>it's Warrior itself that has the biggest problems
Because it doesn't seem to be developed with warrior in mind. The class does perfectly fine in the normal game, most of the complains come from later added content, like the one that made those had a bias against warrior.
>using a fighting game comparison
Do you play Tekken? Because Capos are a FUCK LOAD easier to play than a Mishima you fucking fag.
Striders/Ranged classes in general are Dragons Dogma's easy mode just like Magic is in Dark Souls
Just look at
>press magic to win and stand atop a safe ledge with zero thought process/planning
It's a complete fucking bore
Anyone have the Matt Damon "good luck I'm behind 7 eliminators" pic?
>is arguing how "just because one class is powerful it doesn't make the game easier to play!"
>is an Assassinfag
Every fucking time, holy shit.
But the Assassins class totally fucking makes the game easier to play? Are you autistic?
It's one of the easiest classes alongside Magick Archer/Sorcerer.
Assassin is my favorite class but NO ONE is going to tell me that they aren't one of the easiest classes in the game to play.
Now you are going full retard. The most powerful classes can just steamroll through BBI, there is no skillful execution here needed. Maybe for instant reset, but that's not needed to succeed.
I could argue that warrior needs more skill, you can't just equip explosive arrows and blast your way to Daimon.
Because in DDO they are basically perfect.
Played through the game 12+ times with pretty much every Vocation and ranged classes like Strider/Assassin/Magick Archer/Sorcerer completely ruin BBI.
Warrior is definitely my most preferred class to play, probably because i'm a Gutsfag
>claiming that certain classes aren't overpowered
>plays assassin
I fucking dare you to go through BBI as a warrior and say that again.
It literally happens every time. Assassinsfags are the fucking worst.
The game's pretty fun with all classes. Warrior just got the shaft in Hard BBI and maybe in hard base game. Woildn't know about normal difficulty since I never played on it. Death as a warrior isn't even hard, its just mind-numbingly tedious. But boy does it ever feel cool walking out of BBI fully decked out and then steamrolling everything you meet in the base game.
Obviously, that's the problem. That all the end-game content isn't made with Warriors in mind or that Warrior wasn't changed in order to be able to deal with said content at a similar level to the other classes.
>itt: people not being crazy about being able to play a literal guts build
today i've seen the worse Sup Forums has to offer
Reminder that the best warrior is still shit.
Why would people get crazy for that? Literally everyone does it.
You're shit
plate armored knights didnt use shields
Maybe we're just Berserk fanboys
In my personal case, oversized swords have been my gaming fetish since 1997, when i got my hands into this game's warrior i was really hyped, physics were close to real life (if anyone could actually wield those motherfucking swords)
Berserk simply turned up the overdrive with my giant sword love
No, I don't get it really. Guts and the warrior class have different fighting styles. He's a quality build while the warrior is pure STR.
Berzerk is indeed, GOAT
>Guts and the warrior class have different fighting styles.
Not really, that argument applies more to Dark Souls gutsfags.
Dragons Dogma's warrior class has certain moves that adequately represent Guts fighting style. Obviously not to a tee (then they would be OP as fuck) but it's one of the closest games out there.
Not to mention Dragons Dogma's setting already being close as fuck to the Berzerkverse.
Guts is way faster when it comes to movement speed and swinging that sword and uses different weapons as well.
>Guts is way faster when it comes to movement speed
Not so much golden Age Guts and even then Warrior has numerous speedy attacks.
As for different weapons, so does a Warrior? If you mean ranged then yea, but extremely rarely.