Do any of you genuinely get excited or hyped for video game releases anymore? Personally a little over a decade of constant disappointment has left me bitter and cynical when it comes to games, and I just can't get amped up before a release any more. If I had to pinpoint the exact game, I'd have to say it was Diablo 3. That atrocity of a game coupled with its half assed release taught me to keep my expectations in check. The one game I think I can remember being pleasantly surprised with was C&C 3 (also Kane's Wrath), and also Bloodborne to some extent.
Everything else this gen has been just lackluster. Or maybe it's just me getting old
Parker Nelson
I haven't been that hyped in forever and will likely never be that hyped again.
I will be butthurt about it for the foreseeable future
Aaron Sanchez
Nioh looked really neat right from its rereveal at TGS last year, and the alpha demo was tremendous fun.
Christopher Martin
I don't think I ever been hyped for a release, but that's mostly because I only look at games that are actually out and play them. Find it hard to care for something I won't get to play until 1-3 years later.
Nolan Roberts
I look forward to Atelier every year. It provides me with two or three weeks of warm feelings and comfort.
Owen King
>Bloo hoo hoo there's nothing to play
See, I don't believe that bullshit. Pessimism and narrow minds keeps people from experimenting with new games. There's a lot of good indie shit coming out, not the 16bit chiptune-OST crap you'd usually associate with indie titles either.
Eli Jenkins
Last time I got super hyped was Uncharted 3. Never again.
Daniel Rodriguez
Gavin Stewart
I'm excited for Gravity Rush 2, Ni-Oh, Nier Automata, Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, and that Dark Souls 3 DLC whenever they decide to drop it.
I could spend a month on a single game due to work and classes taking up so much time but being lost in a game is still exciting to me. The jury is out on the premise but Bound on PS4 looks pretty cool and I can't wait to jump into it.
Joshua Sanchez
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided in August >Final Fantasy XV in September >The Last Guardian and Rise of the Tomb Raider in October >Gravity Rush 2 in December >Resident Evil 7 in January >Persona 5, For Honor, Horizon in February >Zelda in March
Benjamin Adams
I do, but rarely, mostly because the current gen of games doesn't appeal to me that much. I was actually super hype for Overwatch, then my PC couldn't run it and I had to refund it, then cry myself to sleep.
That said I'm usually the kind of guy who ends up going "came for X, stayed for Y" about things. Like Orange Box with X being Portal and Y being TF2 until it went to shit.
Gabriel Bell
I don't get excited any more. I bought MH4U when I saw it on sale somewhere and that was the greatest vidya purchase I made recently, I genuinely enjoyed it.
But otherwise I'm not excited for anything, games I want to see never get made anyway.
Chase Sanders
Im only hyped for bannerlord
I hope they add another kind of mountain niggers so i can slay them all again
Jonathan Gomez
I love platinum games and I love bullet hells, I'm definitely getting Nier: Autamata but whoever made that image is an enormous faggot.
Hudson Gonzalez
It still hurts
I was unbelievably hyped, the most fun I had with that game was before the release playing through all the previous games in order and fantasizing over finishing the story.
Jose Price
the only game im remotely looking forward to is planet coaster
i can't deal with all this AAA trash anymore, they all suck
Eli Thompson
Diablo 4...
Parker Roberts
Yes, because I'm not an overly critical fuckstick like the majority of Sup Forums. You can't please these people.
Isaiah Morales
i got hyped for killing floor 2 and now im extremely hyped to play pic related as soon as it releases
Josiah Harris
Sadly that's kind of what happens when you get a couple loud, annoying assholes surrounded by introverted teenagers who don't know how to form their own opinions. As much as we say "ow the edge" here, this board's sure good at embodying it sometimes.
William Phillips
it'll be a streamlined piece of shit, and you know it
Gavin Gonzalez
Yeah,one game that I'm really hyped for is Serious Sam 4. I hope croteam will deliver.
Aiden Reed
no, but i do get excited for new boardgames. unlike vidya, boardgames are only getting better.
Alexander Walker
Not him but that's why I tend to like indie stuff these days. It's not some bunch of washed-up businessmen running the leftovers of a good dev group and milking that cash cow for all its worth, you see the new ideas in the small stuff.
You know, like it's always been more or less. I mean for fuck's sake, if it were released today Sonic 1 would 100% be considered an indie game, or at least a freelance job like Mania.
Adrian Peterson
i stopped reading vg news sites and reviews about 10 years ago, and instead now rely more on my keen intellect and knowledge of my own tastes and desires and havent been let down yet
Sebastian Green
Spore taught me early how hype destroys you. I barely had any hope for hoi4 so i wasnt very dissapointed.
Im hoping the turks deliver on bannerlord, because im actually looking forward to it.
Ayden Gonzalez
also, looking forward to URR and daggerfall workshop stuff.
Zachary Rogers
I was hype af for DSIII. I enjoyed the game in the end, but the PvP and some other design choices disappointed me immensely. I wouldn't call it a let down, but it was weird when I was done playing it after 2 months when I played DSII for years.
I was also insanely hype for SFV... and for me, it delivered. Still play it everyday and I love it aside from the technical issues
Before that, it was Fallout 4 which disappointed the fuck out of me. I don't really see myself getting hype for anything else in the near future.