Kyle Bosman is a fraud

where were you when kyle bosman was confirmed to be a fraud?

a fraud how? Do you even know what a fraud is?

Or he just forgot that paralyzed Pokemon can't be put to sleep

>Pokemon fan
>Doesn't know that paralyze/burn/sleep/freeze/poison don't stack up


> ecelebs

Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow thread btw

To be fair due to confuse stacking it all gets real hard to remember

Fuck off with the e-celeb shit. This isn't videogames.

Kyle is kind of autistic, Im surprised he didnt knew that.

He is autistic about the things autistic people care little about

Consider him an autist squared

Give it to Sup Forums to know about the different kinds of autists

Please stop bringing EZA up on Sup Forums.


Negative attention will slowly outshine the positive


Was kind of dissapointed that Jones won by being overleveled

It was bound to happen, kyle knew how to play so he cleared the game using knowledge and not bigger stats, also probably wasnt seeking out all trainer battles ever

His team was trash tho, muk? fearow? baka

Guy mentioned on the show he goes for favorites and not meta picks

Brandon Plays Pokemon was amazing. I never expected anything from it, but it turned out to be great.

too pure for this shithole

There was quite a bit of stuff Kyle got wrong about the games, from saying "Mega Balls" instead of Great/Ultra, thinking Tangela was part poison, not knowing Gyarados was part flying, etc. Just small stuff, but he's not as autistic about Pokemon as he may let on.

almost everything outside Todd posting and rare pepes are too pure for Sup Forums

>being this much of a fag

>yfw it's over


I can't wait for Pokemon Sun and Moon at this rate.

I just want more Brandon Plays.
It was my favourite show.

Mine too

>Platinum sucks.
Straight from the king's mouth.

Suck my dick, Platinumshitters.

>the one status ailment that doesn't show up as a status ailment is healed when you switch out

>Jones starts with Toxie

Agreed, however.
Kyle used minimize. And while the fact that he used such a evil technique had me in stitches he deserves getting 6-0 for evasion moves.