Wow I thought figuring out the killer would be part of the fun. Thanks Cunt soft!
bump a dump
Holy fuck.
I did not see that coming actually.
And people said that Another Episode had absolutely no point story wise.
AE haters BTFO
That grown-up Monaka cosplaying Junko
I love it
>Didn't see that coming.
Which part, the robot part or her being Monaka?
Because the latter should have been a connection that you made in the first episode.
>That shitty quality
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she's not even the real traitor. They made it a little TOO obvious, even if they were planning to reveal it this early.
>Because the latter should have been a connection that you made in the first episode.
Why do people think shes the mastermind? You guys really think the mastermind would be revealed in episode 4?
The hair was copy pasted from Monaca
I called that shit ages ago. The hair was a dead giveaway.
I want Monaka to bully the HECK out of me dude
Then where is the real Miaya?
The one who worked on Neo World Program
But that girl she made a robot out of is already a former Student. Everyone already knew that girl.
I doubt Monica created a exact copy of her when she was 4 years old.
>Then where is the real Miaya?
>The one who worked on Neo World Program
It was Monoca all along.
... even the part of her being a robot ? Because I don't believe you
When, exactly? That doesn't make a lick of sense.
shes dead Jim.
No it wasn't.
Miaya was a real student at Hope's Peak.
That's why no one thinks she is the traitor cuz she worked with the new Neo World Program.
Also i think Monica was about 4-5 years old when Miaya entered Hope's Peak.
The whole wheel chair plus monaca esque hair, plus computer voice made her pretty fishy.
Monaca is obviously not the final boss. Its another fakeout like AI Junko and Izuru. Also you fags would complain if they revealed Monaca in the final episode because there would be a ton of people asking who she was. They need to do it this way to set her character up properly within the confines of this story.
Jesus christ does this mean I have to play AE now to find out who this green haired bitch is?
>Weedman isn't inside the building because no one likes him
Kodaka pls
Just read her wiki entry, you don't have to play that garbage.
If you want the short version: She is Junkos biggest fan and wants to be her successor. She is the daughter of the Towa group (the rival to Togamis group) and she convinced her father to play both sides of the game. Towa group mass produces the monokuma bears and all the other technology, while also producing the air purifiers and all the other shit people need to survive.
>my forbidden action is that I can't turn right!
>turns right several times, most recently when carrying Makoto away
>no characters seem to notice this
If you didn't think the bitch was suspicious then you were ignoring shit
Everything you need to know from AE can be said in 2 sentences. The 10 hour filler shit inbetween isn't worth sitting through that drivel.
Seriously ?
I'm on the verge of buying AE, since it's the only one I haven't played.
Should I save 30€ and read the wiki ?
Yep. Or just watch the cutscenes on youtube, although 80% of them don't matter in the context of the plot.
I remember watching the cutscenes of "The Answer" from P3FES. If you carefully choose someone who doesn't brag on top of the game it's actually pretty comfy.
Don't listen to that assblasted user.
Watch the full playthrough. Gameplay sections are pretty fun, and they contain a ton of sweet character interaction and development, which were cut from """the movie""" shit. Of course you just can skim through actual gameplay and look for these interactions.
It's way better to watch full playthrough, because if you watch just cutscenes, it'll be "villain introduced, did nothing and was executed".
Yeah don't worry, I was going to do that anyway.
But I'll try to find a no commentary gameplay.
>Gameplay sections are pretty fun
And this is how you know that you are talking to a moron.
Some shoddy third person shooter with wonky ass controls, a whole 6 enemies types, an instant-win button and boss fights that all play the exact same is being called "pretty fun".
Just read any review for the game and you'll see that no, the gameplay is below mediocre.
The character interaction between Toko and Naegis sister are pretty much always the same, until the end of the game. Every other character that gets introduced is worthless to the story at large if they're not outright killed after their introduction, especially the 4 other kids.
In a game series that is known for its executions, each and every execution in AE is a copout because not one of them actually dies.
Another Episode is a shit show through and through, the only value it has is that it answers 2 questions (and they get answered only at the very end):
1) where did Junko get all the tech from?
2) where did Izuru get Junkos AI from (this only gets answered post credits, which is also retarded)
So was Monaca's creation Usami then? During Dangan 2?
Other than the English Dub of the first Anime, I can't seem to get into this series. Like holy fucking shit do they have the stupidest trials
I'm gonna assume everyone here's ready for spoilers
>All those fucking hours spent on the first trial with those fucking obvious clues.
If you didn't piece em together before the trial then I weep for your brain
>That fucking retarded actual cause of death for the second trial
Like what the fuck? Even so, the actual murderer literally has no reason to pose the corpse Genocider Jill style considering he has no idea who the actual Jill is
>The third trial where the case is literally solved merely moments during the start of the murders
Even so, the line of reasoning to transfer the suspicion to the Goth Chick was pretty faulty, I mean she could just have referred to the previous deaths. But nope, totally a dead giveaway that she knew there were already people going to die.
>Bandai is dead
>the Great Gozu is dead
>Tengan is dead
please stop killing off the characters i like
The first game is bumfuck retarded, everyone's accepted that. The second game is the good one.
The anime is pure fucking trash, but yeah the trials were pretty weak in the first game up to case 4
>boxer gets his shit fucked by an old man
>can't save his husbando from getting thrown off a ledge
fukken destroyed
Koichi is clearly the fucking mastermind and he cucked Monaca out of her plans.
You people are literally retarded if you fell for his bait.
I hope Monaca kills that worthless lap dog.
Everything he has been saying so far is
>B-But my boyfriend Munakata said
fuck him, what a moron
I hate Monaca so much
>He fell for the epic Monaca is the traitor meme
No wonder the writing in DR is so stupid, the fanbase is even dumber.
Give her the D
Do you lack basic reading comprehension? Where did I say that Monaca is the traitor?
All I'm saying is that I want her to kill Boxer. Or are you trying to deny that Gekko-girl is a robot that is controlled by Monaca, despite being shown exactly that in the episode?
Monaca has no reason to kill anyone.
ah shit I fucked up then, the first one is the one I played through while the second one was the one I just browsed online. See you in a few months after my mind has forgotten about this game and hopefully all the spoilers too.
Wow, the villian that hasn't been caught yet is the villain? Bugged crime mechanics
Are you retarded? Then why did she fucking shoot missiles at Boxer? Do you close your eyes when you watch the episode or are just a mouthbreather?
How the fuck would he have survived if she was shooting to kill?
By fucking missing the shot? Do you think the guy will just stand there? He's an Ultimate Faggot like everybody else, he has animu fighting powers.
Let me sum this up. Because Boxer dodged the missiles, which you can clearly fucking see in the episode, Monaca has no reason to kill anyone. And you call people dumb? Get the fuck out of here.
But he did manage to kick a disabled girl in the head, so that's okay.
He managed to kick a robot.
Pretty sure Boxer didn't know that at the time.
Besides, a Boxer not being able to punch kinda limits him a whole lot.
>Pretty sure Boxer didn't know that at the time.
He could if he is the gotcha
That's what they want you to think.
There will be more than one killer.
Just like Oldman seemed to know that Boxer can't punch him.
Wait, if Boxer can't hit anyone, how did he hit Ryota in the stomach?
Could he be rusing us?
I hope there's more suffering on the way for him.
If it wasn't for him being an asshole, Hinata might not have become Izuru and caused all the shit that went down (granted, Junko would have probably gotten her way eventually but she didn't need any help making it easier).
He can hit them, just not punch them.
Which is why he resorts to throwing chairs and kicking people.
he can hit people, notice how often he's kicking.
A boxer kicking/kneeing literally every time.
And stopped his punch an inch from the old man's face.
He literally punched Ryota in the stomach though. Rewatch the scene in ep2 or the flashback in ep4. He isn't using his knee. This is after the game started.
Looks like a knee to me.
it's a very obvious knee my man
Ultra Despair Girls is worth playing just to see TOKO FUKAWA'S STINKY UNDERWEAR.
You can imagine your inhaling her nectar! Just like DR2 says if you're brain thinks its real then it is real, right?
So are Munakata posters dead for good now? How can they ever recover from this?
His plan made muh more sense in this episode than the previous one
The old guy BTFO of him so much he lost anything he gained 10 minutes before however
>implying he would reveal the mastermind so early
>disgusting streamfag who is also probably a secondary who never played udg
die normie faggot
>owning a dead handheld with no good games
You have no right to laugh at me.
I can see Monaca being the one planting the knife and fake blood on Aoi for shits and giggles, wanting to get a reaction out of the killer once they find out she's still alive.
Why do people here have to do wars about everything even within the same fanbase? Do you really like bein jerks that much?
>shitposting hopelessly
Doesn't this belong on Sup Forums
It was pretty obvious Munakata was Monaka but I didn't expect her to be a robot controled by Monaka
Munakata is the white haired dude with the sword. If you don't know their names, just describe them by their traits or nicknames.
>getting the anime spoiled on Sup Forums
it's my own fault for being on Sup Forums period without watching it yet, but still. the despair is real.
>Reading comprehension
Munakata = Yu Narukami
Gekkogahara = Hot Wheels
Is there any porn yet?
Of Danganronpa? Do you live under a rock?
Better yet, the time you waste waiting for a response you could have checked pixiv yourself. Fuck off.
>Based Juzo is at it again
why would you open the spoiler?
Ha ha she's a real cripple now
>I'm not a robot
>Ha ha she's a real cripple now
what? Do you people actually watch the show or do you just string random shit together? What the fuck made you think she's a cripple now?
She's not a cripple. She broke her legs in AE but if you think broken legs are permanent, someone should just break yours because you're obviously too stupid to use them.
WHO /juzo/ HERE?
If Monaka's involved, then this could also mean that AI Junko will be back, possibly this Asami
There were two hard drives with her AI on them, Kurokuma's and Shirokuma's. Even if one of them was fried in DR2, there's still the other one. Not to mention she could've made backups of her as well, meaning that even when Monaka loses AI Junko will be around.
Since it said that OP thought figuring out the killer would be the fun part, I thought he was referring to having to out Chiaki in DR2.
Cause that wasn't fun.
It wasn't fun at all ;_;
>inb4 she isnt the mastermind and op gets btfo
Um her legs were crushed by concrete, I don't think you're walking after that.
>She turned right AGAIN in this episode
>Audience is probably too retarded so we better make it extra clear that wheel chair chick is a villain
In case you haven't figured it out, this particular part of the series is not a mystery. It's an action thriller.
Killer Killer reference next episode.
The mastermind was introduced in episode 1 in the first one :)
>Never played DR
>Watched the first anime
>Read a lets play of DR2
>Didn't even bother with Makoto's sisters game and read the wiki
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