Dark Souls 2

>Dark Souls 2
>insane tracking on some attacks
>poise is fucking useless
>most of the bosses are big armored guy with big weapon
>super linear for most the game
>shitty blatant fanservice

>Dark Souls 3
>insane tracking on some attacks
>poise is fucking useless
>most of the bosses are big armored guy with big weapon
>super linear for most the game
>shitty blatant fanservice

i like both for different reasons

pls hate my post


I think they all really good games.

>Dark Souls 3

Said literally no one ever.


>poise is fucking useless


>children still posting low quality bait on my board

There is no one soulsbourne game that is BAD, just pros and cons to each. I love them all as great games individually, rather than comparing each to the ones before it.

DeS is pretty garbage.
Shit PvP, mediocre PvE, nu-bosses everywhere.

>There is no one Souls game that is bad
Absolutely, but
Please let this meme die.

Lore i guess?

>Dark Souls 3
>insane tracking on some attacks
Show examples then
>Poise is fucking useless
>most of the bosses are big armored guy with big weapon
True, but there is a difference between a boring big dude in armor and a good one. Dark souls 3 has good ones.
>super linear for most the game
>shitty blatant fanservice
more like good fanservice

>Dark Souls 2
>super linear for most the game

If you're not going for that 1 million souls this point is simply not true

Agreed, even my least favorite souls game is better and worth dozens more hours than any other games I play.

>more like good fanservice
>Andre literally copied and pasted from Dark Souls 1
>incredibly neutered Anor Londo
>Firekeeper is another shitty Maiden in Black callback
>Creighton still alive for some reason
>Aldrich has Gwyndolin's top half just because
Come on, man. That shit is some hardcore pandering.

Meh. It's not much better than DaS3.

Don't the credits reveal that miyazaki didn't even direct it?

as you say, but still people play through it countless times, ds3 1 pass and to the trash it goes.

>Dark Souls 2
>super linear for most the game
No it isn't. You can go 3 ways right from the start, and 2 more after killing one boss. It's as nonlinear as Demon's Souls. Drangleic Castle -> Nashandra is not "most of the game".

psss... soulsborne

>Aldrich has Gwyndolin's top half just because
Not just because, you're an idiot.

excellent post

great explanation

you showed him