No Trans Sky

This "man" is a programmer at Hello Games.

What does this mean for No Man's Sky? Will there be an sjw agenda being pushed in the game? Will the game itself be lacking because thwy hired a transgender to do the job who might not be the best person for it?

Does this mean anything? Is this tranny a legitimately good programmer and their "gender identity" in no way affects game development?

The mysteries of No Mans Sky must be solved

if the game is good then why the fuck should anyone care? just play the damn game.

>maybe instead of making games what we should all do is take a really really good nap

This is one of the people working on one of the most (over)hyped games of the decade

This Nu Male here probably has one of them Nu age hair cuts too, looks gay

Sup Forums is leaking again, ugh

t. nu males

just kill yourself already

Based devs make based games.

There has never been an american/european dev with trannies that has ever made a good game.

I want to say, "who cares about their sexuality", but it ALWAYS depicts the outcome of a game.

Why do FtM trannies have such an easier time passing than MtF trannies?

I would just live with it now man calling yourself trans now is like 2 years ago when it was cool to call yourself autistic or an aspie. It is just a cry for attention for twats like him to me it is now just a word people use to try to mae them sound edgy and not normal.

>Scottish """""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""

Holy shit, I can’t believe it. This is the game I’ve spent years waiting for. LITERALLY YEARS waiting for it and this is the steaming pile of turds Hello Games puts out for us, like we’re some kind of idiots who don’t deserve a real game. Since 2013 I’ve been patiently glued to my computer waiting for news, updates, gameplay for this. Every VGX and every E3 I’d park my ass in my chair with my model Enterprises and Xwings and like a little fanboy wait for some glorious bit of info on NMS that would revolutionize the way I play games, but NOPE! None of that EVER happened… Now with just a couple days left all hope is LOST. It seems like a huge chunk of my life has gone by, and for what? For this, and empty husk of a game? Fucking Sean and his crew of goons couldn’t even be helped to do ONE thing right for the fans. He talked awfully mighty about endless universes and exotic planets and it looks like we’re just getting another fucking Spore in space. How long do I have to go for an actual game that’ll shake up the industry. I’m literally about to cry right now. I haven’t played any other games in anticipation for this one, and now I have NOTHING left to look forward to. I canned my copies of Dune and trashed my entire Babylon 5 box set thinking they’d be obsolete after NMS. God damn it Sean, I was your biggest fan too and you did this to me. Your peak was Joe Danger and quite frankly I think you deserve it!

you don't belong here

You have to go back.

kill yourself.

What the fuck am I even looking at? That isnt a trans anything. Thats just a fucking white male nerdfaggot. Fucking transtrenders and white male pc cucks need to hang themselves. This isnt even video games. Fuck off.

Here comes the cuck white apologist male in defense of the horribly oppressed transgender community

this person is more of a man than you are, Sup Forums, how does it feel?

Why did you change the title of the game?

No man's sky would be still accurate considering she is no man.

>transgender/gay = gay
I'm right leaning but quit your shit

it's a female to male trans

When did anybody mention homosexuality?????

oh shit a FtM
finally a reason to post this again

that person was born a girl and then switched to being a guy hahahahahaha you thought it was just a regular guy? props to him, he got you

I like to oppress traps... by holding them down and gaping them

Take a shower you fucking weeb

No. It's a transtrender whos delusional and took T and still wears their giant faggy ass effeminate glasses like they all do because they fucking think they are some sort of disney cartoon character and its uber kawaii desu!
They are delusional as all fuck.

Because they aren't obnoxious fucks.

I want to punch his face and never stop punching until my fist makes contact to the ground the back of his head was against.

Iunno, but it seems like there are way less crazy FtM than there are MtF.