ITT we post the most useless piece of shit in their respective game

ITT we post the most useless piece of shit in their respective game

That's not Symmetra

OP in the game of LIFE


Symmetra is niche at least. Mei is always bad.

Why is she so fucking fat?

She's good for porn, though.


She's decent in pubs since snipers are ranpant and its easy to block their aim with ice walls essentially making most fights 6v4

>not d walker

Sounds like someone is mad as a mei I can solo a point and hold it by myself for 12 seconds while my team runs back from respawn.

>literally the most OP character in the game

>line up the killing shot on someone fleeing as McCree
>our own Mei builds an ice wall in front of me
I get that they think they're helping by preventing the enemies shooting at us but are they all really too dumb to realize it goes the other way too? We should be shooting at them, not just stalling them forever. Fuck Mei.

There's the occasional moment where a Mei will negate an ult with a well placed wall or trap someone inside with us for us to kill them but that's extremely rare and there are plenty of other picks that would be more useful on a whole anyway

I hate mei walls. They either fuck your team or get you fucked. They're just not very fun in general.

I just imagine Meis are played by people who suck shit at shooters, they get an ice beam to freeze them in place for a free headshot, and walls to delay combat for a while so they can avoid it.

Fucking scum, she should be deleted


do they change balancing really often or what?
i don't play overwatch but i swear every few weeks people complain about a character being OP and then being way too weak
shit happened with mei, genji, hanzo, widowmaker, mercy, mccree and probably others too


>all this mei hate

This kind of salt can only come from someone ranked below 60. LOL

Pkd you need to calm down.

below 60 tons, lol

Or from someone who has realized that her gimmicks are worthless for people who can actually play and aim?

Do you all really not swap to her to lock down the Adderall Genji that's farming your retarded teammates?


Overwatch is the TF2 for MOBA players. They complain about anything that kills them twice a game.

>trying to lock down a genji as the slow fast slob Mei
At least Winston can chase him down easily


Best Hero by far

Her wall shouldn't be much of a problem with all that salt you are producing.

That doesn't even make any sense in the context of my posts, holy shit Mei players are all retarded aren't they? Next time stop blocking your team with walls, you're NOT helping

That doesn't even make any sense in the context of my posts, holy shit Mei haters are all retarded aren't they? Next time stop dragging down your team with shit Hanzo plays, you're NOT helping
That doesn't even make any sense in the context of my posts,