No Man's Sky patch confirmed

These retards have been playing an incomplete game. They've been working on a new patch.

Check the date.

Now you all can shut up now.

How is it that a fucking "gaming" subsection of a news website is more informed about the game then most of you?

10 hours

Ah yes the "Day one" patch will fix everything

you know like all those other times


i hope this shit has denuvo so it doesn't get free publicity from pirates.

it's the dawn of a new age when the anti-piracy measures kill bad games.

It literally is, they're bringing out the real build of the game day 1.

You're just looking for a reason to shitpost

this is the worst release since Rome 2


It's on GOG, get rekt.

Spore of the 2010's

Holy shit, I can’t believe it. This is the game I’ve spent years waiting for. LITERALLY YEARS waiting for it and this is the steaming pile of turds Hello Games puts out for us, like we’re some kind of idiots who don’t deserve a real game. Since 2013 I’ve been patiently glued to my computer waiting for news, updates, gameplay for this. Every VGX and every E3 I’d park my ass in my chair with my model Enterprises and Xwings and like a little fanboy wait for some glorious bit of info on NMS that would revolutionize the way I play games, but NOPE! None of that EVER happened… Now with just a couple days left all hope is LOST. It seems like a huge chunk of my life has gone by, and for what? For this, and empty husk of a game? Fucking Sean and his crew of goons couldn’t even be helped to do ONE thing right for the fans. He talked awfully mighty about endless universes and exotic planets and it looks like we’re just getting another fucking Spore in space. How long do I have to go for an actual game that’ll shake up the industry. I’m literally about to cry right now. I haven’t played any other games in anticipation for this one, and now I have NOTHING left to look forward to. I canned my copies of Dune and trashed my entire Babylon 5 box set thinking they’d be obsolete after NMS. God damn it Sean, I was your biggest fan too and you did this to me. Your peak was Joe Danger and quite frankly I think you deserve it!

its on GOG so its free on PC

>it's okay guys, the day one patch will fix EVERYTHING that's wrong with the game

Called it yesterday that this would be their major damage control after a few days of silence.

yeah a minor bug fix patch will fix all the gameplay issues and lies

Please don't remind me

the game is complete
the patch fixes upgrades so they work

oh well then.. uh.. the day 7 patch will fix EVERYTHING.


What a shitshow.

Spotted the faggot who doesn't know how game development work. In the modern era of game development the disc is gold a lot sooner and when the game goes gold what this means for you retards out there is that if you buy a game day one and play offline there is a chance sometimes higher than others depending on what the game is and for this one again that has went gold and then got delayed and then went gold again no shit Sherlock that the version of the game on that disc is not going to be the same as when the game comes out especially on Steam as a whole fresh download where everything just downloads anyway.

the best version is that one with
>hello games: you can do some things!!
>Sup Forums: you can do anything!!
and then the same three last pics

How the fuck does NO ONE during testing notice that upgrades actually reduce the effectiveness of your mining laser?

Like fucking really, that's pretty much the ONLY THING YOU DO IN THIS FUCKING GAME and they didn't even fucking notice?

Does this change the middle of the galaxy just being a portal to another galaxy

>free publicity from pirates
Piracy just destroys sales. Not advertise games

this includes the journos that will deliver a score.

NMScucks on suicide watch.

ah and so it starts


They did notice you fucking butt whiff. The day 1 build is going to be huge. The copy of the game these early leakers are playing are literally store demos.

every denuvo game that isn't Doom would disagree with you.

Its not so much a question of noticing it, so much as it is a question of "can they fix it before the game has to go Gold". If they could make it in the day 1 patch, no one would know the upgrade system was bugged to begin with and it wouldn't really even be an issue. Day 1 patches are incredibly common in video games for multitudes of reasons. Its not entirely genuine to assume no one saw it in testing.

>not knowing how QA works

oh boy.

do you even play video games?

Well naturally they are working on updates.


>literally store demos.
I know you're meme'ing user.

Stop it.

>sim city

I'm not memeing. 2 weeks ago there was a store demo in Japan that people were playing that had twin planets that were identical on the surface.

Look it up.

>this buttmad delusion

pretty much this, they probably did the bare minimum tsting to make sure you didn'[t get CTDs and currupt save files, then worked on other shit for the Day 1

Might as well stop the thread here.

If I'm gonna be generous, I'd say the game will keep people interested for 3 weeks until people stop caring about it.

Just like evolve Just like Uncharted 4


Had it been a PC exclusive, it'd just be


> hey uhhh, is it normal that my gun doesn't shoot?
> Well we just sort of assumed they did. Guess we'll have to fix that in a day one patch

>a friend of mine says sim city is much better and has much more depth to it than Cities Skylines
>he's a huge origin fanboy and hates steam

then again the fucker is just a contrarian in every way possible.

i gotta stop having friends.

>Ign or gamespot or some shit site does an article listing EVERYTHING YOU CAN DO IN NO MAN'S SKY - their own click bait title
>Its a video ad so this was probably IGN's disgusting article
>"In no man's sky you can shoot in ship, shoot on foot, look at plants and even gather plants to make radiation not bad"
>You can even see the bullets on foot act almost identical to ship lasers in space
>This is a top selling $60 indie game that hasn't come out yet

Fucking disgusting.


That isn't.. waaaa..?


this is exactly what happens

>i gotta stop having friends.

Way ahead of you there.

t. genius level coder with no friends or relationships

All my fucking money to spend on nice things like cars and electronics.

>game gets shown
yes, but what do I do?
>gets shown again
seriously though what is the actual game
>game shown again 18080 QUINTILLION PLANETS!
what am I doing on them?
>game gets shown "reach the centre of the universe!!!"
why though?
>game comes out
there is absolutely no point to anything, procedural content is proven for the millionth time not to be fun and you can reach the centre of the universe in 12 hours.

I have a PS4 and I won't be touching this shit. It's just a pie in the sky walking simulator. An ocean wide and a puddle deep.

>P-Please just buy our game

Please fucking explain how both streamers were playing on the same exact planet.

>literally "but they'll patch it!"

fuck off sean lmao. one simple patch isn't going to magically fix the game.

>3 weeks

you're giving it way too much credit

game was dead a few days after launch

your friend is retarded.

f-fuck off

so, no then?


>nice things

>like cars

>genius level


Cars are just another type of hardware, and going fast in a car is the most liberating thing I've ever felt.

patch adds any gameplay or fun?

buy houses, not cars. mortgage rates are low

How do you get it free on GOG?

Rome 2 was fixed pretty sharpish and I didn't have any trouble with it when I played it. It isn't the worst, not by a long shot. Play more games, newfag.


>>literally "but they'll patch it!"

And that's exactly what they fucking do you moron. This is not the exact same game we'll be playing on day 1. This happens with almost every game.

it's like I was saying a month and a half ago

game is shit, devs clearly lying was telling enough

no we just have evidence

kek you moron


Prove it (you cant)

Surprisingly Evolve is doing quite well since going f2p, and it doesn't have horrible pay walls... (Not yet, at least, we'll see.)


i disagree, retards can actually be reasoned with to a certain level, he can't.

he's the type of fuckface that starts playing a game you've played since release and complains that you're not playing it right.

Because there's hardly any variety in planets so it's entirely possible? Because the game always starts you off on the same planet so you can find certain materials/equipment?

Besides 2 people getting their hands on the same demo disk, 2 weeks before release just doesn't seem very likely.

Sup Forums is full of pirates. Sup Forums is like a permanent advertisement, see /vg/ and Sup Forums catalogue

So is there more than just terrestrial planets?
Are there gas giants? Frozen planets? Moons?
What about stars, do they have variation as well? Are they even there?


I played Evolve during beta, liked it but never would spend money on it, now that it's F2P I'm having decent fun with it, and yea it only takes like 5 or 6 wins to buy a new character and that's pretty decent

Homefront 2 literally died because of drm

It's a pretty okay game but the few people who own it said it was total shite

T-t-t-they'll totally fix the game in 2 weeks guys!
They'll surely add some real content by then!

Indeed, its like these shillfags never learn


i pirated ETS 2 when it came out, shilled the shit out of it, then bought the game.

all for free baby.

ATS isn't worth buying tho.

"Hey, guys let's incorporate a completely broken feature in our end product to give it some artificial padding!"
"But what if someone leaks the game and ruins it for others, won't they think less of the game because of that?"

learn to read. was asking for proof on how piracy destroys sales

they weren't, the planets simply lack in real variety

>b-b-but the patch will fix it!!!

What will it fix, exactly? Will it change the core aspect of the game? You know, the running around, shooting rocks and plants and shit? Collecting stuff and then sorting it and then clicking buttons, rinse and repeat?

Will it? Cause a patch will ONLY fix bugs. That's all it'll fix. So the opposite effect of buffs will be fixed and so on. But I seriously doubt it's going to fix the fact rocks stay in the air when you shoot their base away, or the poor textures, sounds and so on.

The core game is just bland. For $30, it'd be OK, not for $60.

>Because there's hardly any variety in planets so it's entirely possible?

That's not how procedural generation works

>Because the game always starts you off on the same planet so you can find certain materials/equipment?

Every player is going to start on a different planet.. Have you even read up on the game?

>Besides 2 people getting their hands on the same demo disk, 2 weeks before release just doesn't seem very likely.

I never said Demo disk, what i did say was that they were playing a "Demo build" of the game that will get the final build in the day 1 patch.

f**k u n*gger

Rome II was where my innocence officially died.

and now we come to the stage in shitty game reception where people don't even talk about the game of the topic, because the game is so shit


>Being this mad

are you actually retarded or just not understand how games are made

I guess they are adding all the more complex planets

And the more complex mechanics

And the good ending

And all the things they actually promised

Why even make a disk?

You're delusional if you think it will make a difference. they'll make a few tweaks and that's it, not more content.

stay cucked

Not that user
That's only a real case if the dev acts like an incompetent fucker and goes out of his way to piss off his fanbase and others around him.

See: Phil Fish

As bad as the Fire emblem conquest backlash was, there was still plenty of people that bought the game because of how large the audience for it is.
That didn't stop me from pirating it though

I don't usually browse Sup Forums but I'm glad I came back to see this shit show happening right before my eyes.

are your mods ever going to fucking sticky though?

If your game isn't at least decent in 1.0, patches won't help much.

No Man Cares

You clearly have no idea what The fuck a demo build is then.


Personally I don't care if it gets fixed with updates. I wasn't gonna buy it on release anyway.

I wish to god I knew what people are complaining about this game looks exactly like the trailers. I mean what is the disappointment about?

Well that's pretty fucking lame

I feel like this could've been decent if the graphical style was realistic. I dont know what the fuck they were thinking by making it cartoony, shit isn't even interesting