Has Sup Forums finally accepted that MGS4 was a good game?

Has Sup Forums finally accepted that MGS4 was a good game?

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I've always liked it but I'm sure it will be 100 plus posts of violent hatred in a minute.

I always liked it. Fuck the haters / "Zelda cyclists"

Oh, it's the third weakest mainline game in the series, but aside from Portable Ops they're all good or better

MGS4 is the deepest game in the series.

Its aight

No, it's a bullshit non-game that ruined everything good about the series in favor of hamfisted pandering to idiots who didn't understand MGS2.

MGSV ain't perfect, but at least it's a fucking VIDEO GAME and is more thematically relevant to the rest of the series than dumb shit MGS4

That's a lie, it's shallow and meticulously spoonfeeds you it's themes and story.

V on the complete opposite end of the spectrum is a masterwork of subtlety, metaphore, and careful juxtaposition. It's honestly jarring to see Kojima operate on such a more mature level.

Same, in fact, it's one of my favorite vidya. Then again, this may be because i played it first before all the other MGS games because i skipped on the PS2.

Here we go.

Here's to you by Ennio Morricone makes the pain go away.

I enjoyed it. Should have been the end of the series.

if anything, people loved it when it first came out but now they hate it. funny how the exact opposite is true for mgs2

I will admit I wasn't here when MGS4 launched, but when I first started browsing in 09 Sup Forums was already in full MOVIE mode

>Then again, this may be because i played it first before all the other MGS games because i skipped on the PS2.

You have a warped perception of what Metal Gear is because you played 4 first. You think Metal Gear is about autistically tying up loose ends in 20 hours of cutscenes

Its online component justified my purchase. It was all of the great gameplay mechanics with none of the ridiculous cutscenes. Shame MGSV multiplayer is bad.

It technically kinda is if you don't count the superior Revengance which is basically an epilogue.

What about me, who played every MGS title in release order as they released?

>i played it first before all the other MGS games

what the fuck? why?

because It looked cool, and I enjoyed the MGO Beta?

But i don't, i think Metal Gear is about sneaking around and fighting crazy bosses in 5 hours.

>revengeance isn't terrible meme
Now that DMC:DmC has come and gone, I think it's time to let this one die

what the fuck I didn't know about this cqc technique

>after the first two chapters, this "feature" is dropped

>half the guns can't even be customized

What annoys me about MGS4 is how it completely destroys MGS2. because people just didn't understand MGS2.

I'm mad at both Kojima for backpaddeling and at the audience for not understanding Kojima.

MGS2 was a stroke of genius that NEEDED and ambigious ending to work and I hate how it was treated later on.

>people just didn't understand MGS2

no one does

its my second favourite one, first being mgs2. although i still think the bits where theres like 1 minute of gameplay between cutscenes is dumb

I kinda prefer the look of MGS4 over MGSV. I feel like the art style was a good blend of realistic yet captured Shinkawa's art.

Please stop with this revisionist bullshit, this game was memed to hell and back because of the awful writing, CoD-ized gameplay, and the fact that it ruined the narrative of MGS2 and 3 completely. There's also le movie meme, but that one was never funny or accurate.

well it was?

it's not me.

It always picked my interest, but i never had the chance to play the first one, due to the lack of a PS2 i couldn't play 2 and 3, and the first console i had in ages was a pstriple, and a friend of mine had the game, so i asked to borrow it.

I didn't knew back then that it was such a story heavy series, so 90% of the references obviously flew over my head, but ever since then, it became my favorite series. I played PW and MGS1 in my PSP afterwards, before finally playing 2 and 3 with the HD collection.

I felt a big problem of MGS4 was too many action set pieces, at the cost of classic stealth gameplay.

On the other hand, MGSV had too few set pieces to spice things up.

if you honestly think people liked MGS2 when it first came out you should probably kill yourself

>On the other hand, MGSV had too few set pieces to spice things up.

MGSV requires you to spice it up yourself. If the game is boring, it's because you're making it boring

This was 2008, user.

I loved it but I was 10 years old when it came out back in 2008 so maybe I would have a different opinion about it now.

MGS5 had no set pieces. I was dying for a on rails helicopter ride, or some other badass shit like the end of MGS3 had. But nope.
Game mechanics don't make up for repetitive game design. There are only like 3 different mission types in the game.

I've always loved it. I have over 100 hours in just the single player. I wish they made a remaster of it for PS4.

>I wish they made a remaster of it for PS4.

because if the ps4 needs anything its remasters of ps3 games

I did. Favorite game of all time. Plot is waaayy beyond it's time.

Reminder that during the course of MGS4, this man got to feel the warm, wet embrace of Naomi's insides.

>Game mechanics don't make up for repetitive game design. There are only like 3 different mission types in the game.

Again, if you choose to undertake all of your missions in the exact same way (stealth tranq headshot everyone from a mile away) that's your own damn fault. MGSV is open-ended in design and meant to not railroad the player all the time like MGS4 did.

explain it then

Damn.......sorry m8, wtf was I thinking?

That graveyard looks exactly like the final boss fight stage in MGS3. Bravo Kojima

>Surreal production for the PS3.
>Great design in the first couple acts.
>Incredibly good gameplay, when actually playing the game and not involved in some shitty exposition dump.
>Rex vs Ray.
>Clichéd but neat final fight with Liquid.
>Microwave corridor.
>Split screen fight of OS vs. Metal Gears while Raiden went at Vamp.
>MGO was janky, but fun as fuck.

>Raiden getting crushed lost all meaning when he lived and went on to make one of the worst churazzy games in history.
>Big Boss pointlessly inserted into the end for an exposition dump nobody asked for about plot twists that didn't matter only to die immediately after.
>"Major Zero was evil all along!" for no reason.
>Snake dies unceremoniously off screen.
>Codec calls after B&B fights were lame as fuck.
>Humor never lands.
>Otacon is an ultra cuck.
>Shitty acts after 2.
>MGO went full Jew.
>B&B was one character stretched into 4.
>No Tomokazu Fukushima to keep Kojima from going full retard; story is an unsalvageable mess with practically no discernable themes of worth as every character in MGS existence phases in and out to sprinkle shit flakes on the turd.

Twin Snakes isn't actually canon, you know.

>No Tomokazu Fukushima to keep Kojima from going full retard

love this meme

>Railroad the player all the time
but.. I've done various types of runs in MGS4 and haven't been forced to play a way I didn't want to, aside from the obvious areas like Metal vs Gear, and the final boss?

You're an absolute faggot for wanting a fan-service sequel to MGS1, here have this and go die

Hideo Kojima

You don't understand. the missions are design are structured in the same way. I'm not saying that that you can't change the way you go through them, but the overall structure is the same. Kill/Fulton the enemies, Fulton target, pick up Intel. There is no variety in the design of the missions objectives. There's no actual variety in the the level design of the missions as well. They are all very similar in design and it doesn't even try change that. There's no building infiltrating, all there is bases with enemies placed in different locations.

Well he's certainly right about Kojima going full retard.

>MGS2 was a stroke of genius
its my favorite, but cmon dude lol

thats what i thought.

>not liking Revengeance
It's like you're trying to avoid fun at all costs.

I won't explain it in a fucking Sup Forums post, because 1) it has been some time since I lastplayed it and 2) the explanation would be obnoxiously long and I don't care enough to type it.

I can give a tl;dr version: you were in a VR simulation all the time and the game criticized you for wanting to be Snake (if you were into that, I wan't). It also explores the idea of epistemology and ontology.

I can also link you here: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Synopsis/MetalGearSolid2SonsOfLiberty?from=Main.MGS2Ending

loved it
manly tears were shed

peacewalker did more damage to mgs3 and mgs4 narative than any other game. your bait is bad.

Hahaha, that's the cynical version of MGS2. I don't think that that was all that there is though.

>you were in a VR simulation all the time
>still falling for this fan theory

Tell me any videogame in the same decade that had the scope of MGS2 in narrative or the philosophical questions it answered.

In a time were narrative-centered videogames were at their infancy MGS2 pulled something off that many people TODAY cannot do. That game is FIFTEEN years old man.

I mean, he was right though, a lot of the cluster fuck shit in MGS4 they had to explain was never meant to be explained in the first place, Kojima has a tendency to introduce whole plot points or the sake of a metaphore (or just for cool factor), which can work in the context of a single game but really fucks himself over having to explain that shit later.

One of the reasons I love the fact we never learn what gave psycho mantis his powers, it's the only part of the series that was never adulterated by the sequels.

It's deliberately presented as being a possibility, you idiot. Snake tells you that whether or not it's real doesn't matter, because you're playing a fucking video game and the internal "canonicity" is pointless. What matters is your experiences playing the game and the messages you drew from it that you will pass on to other people

It's why MGS4 is so fucking offensive, because to follow up from a game that told you that canon doesn't matter it REALLY takes the internal canon of the series deathly seriously, even if Kojima delivers the story in a backhanded manner.

It's not a fan theory, it's implied in the game itself.

Of course, it's no longer canon because MGSIV happened, but there were hints of it on MGS2 that it was meant to be that way.

>Trailer for kit.
>Uncredited in final product.
>Bio never indicates he worked on it.

He was in the planning stages and clearly couldn't wrangle Kojinko in, so he left the project.


MGS4's good. It's unabashed fanservice but it's very self-aware of this. The threat detection ring was too brilliant of an idea to be wasted on us plebs, and I miss it dearly.

>Tell me any videogame in the same decade that had the scope of MGS2 in narrative or the philosophical questions it answered.
>In a time were narrative-centered videogames were at their infancy MGS2 pulled something off that many people TODAY cannot do. That game is FIFTEEN years old man.

I like revengence, it's just shit compared to Bayo, DMC, NG, even DmC.

> the Boss was shot in the fucking face by BB and went on to get blown up.
>Big Boss still thinks there's a chance of her being alive
PW's story is so awful. It's the only MGS that actually pissed me off.

>It's deliberately presented as being a possibility

thats what i was trying to say you fucking dumbass


Same poster here, I don't mean to say that there aren't any, I meant to say that they either happened much later or didn't have the scope of MGS2.

That whole fucking epilogue should have just shown you how fucking awful the game was,
Like seriously, I don't see how anyone could sit through that whole fucking thing and not think that it was all a pile of fucking horseshit.

Shut up, nerd

-Hideo Kojima

MGS4 doesn't matter within the context of MGS2, so you can't say it's just a "dumb fan theory".

yeah thats because the fans wanted an explanation retard, thats why 4 existed in the first place. if 4 never existed you fags would have been begging based kojimbo for an explanation

>If there's anything the PS3 needs its remasters of PS3 games
if sales mean anything, and they do, it proved true

MGS4 doesn't explain shit about MGS2 though. It basically ignores it for the most part.

And the source is, of course, your asshole.

none of the top selling ps3 games were remasters

No kidding, but all of the PS2 remasters made an easy profit.

Not really. I played MGS2 like in 2011 so MGSIV was already out. And anyway I wouldn't want a sequel for that, because while it would be cool I don't see how it could be done. It's obvious Kojima never wanted to solve all the questions he answered in MGSIV.

>Stating the obvious.

Well done retard. But everything else is true about Tomokazu, he wasn't credited in the final game and none of his moonspeak bios indicated he ever worked on it in the first place.

And MGS4 shows us how wrong we were to want one

Which is why I much prefer V to having to deal with shit like 4 ever again. At least if I ever want to re-experience how amazing V's game play was I can jump right in and don't have to spend 90% of my button presses skipping awful exposition cutscenes and codec dialogue.

t. i never played mgs4

Revengence is fun as fuck

Kill yourself

>still no source


It's funny looking at the MGS games in the context of what was going on in Kojima's life when he was making them.

>basically coming out of retirement

>marriage is on the rocks

>not much that I can tell, it's just a big homage to James Bond movies and Cold War conspiracies of that era, and being that these themes were a huge inspiration for the series as a whole, would have been a great place to end it

>is getting old

Can't speak much for the portables since I hated them or 5 since I haven't played too much of them, nor am I all that interested since what I did play was little more than poor man's Far Cry

>the gameplay is what matters you guys MGS5 is the best because it plays good, who cares about story anyway in a METAL GEAR game

literally lying to themselves


Look for yourself retard.

It's better than this shit that suffer from a shitty story and awful, boring grinding gameplay.

>the gameplay is what matters you guys MGS5 is the best because it plays good, who cares about story anyway in a METAL GEAR game

le strawman faec

MGSV is a masterpiece in both story and gameplay, fags are just mad because "not muh big boss" and "muh timeline"

I replayed it recently. Fapped to Naomi a lot. Actually dozed off during the last chapter. Was trophy hunting and somehow missed a flashback despite following a guide. Wasnt even mad i just fapped to naomi again

Enjoy your meme riddled half finished Bayonetta clone. Revengeance is not only a stain on the metal gear series, but entirely indicative of the laziness and lack of integrity of Platinum studios. Revengeance was the first of their series of cash ins, Korra transformers and Tmnt following close behind. Combat in revengeance is entirely sub-par, from someone who came damn close to pure platinuming Bayonetta it's hard to say but it's an obvious truth.

Nah sorry, Far Cry, like all Ubisoft games, has awful gameplay and controls.

please, do go on.

Revengeance is pretty dang good, yeah. By far the most topical of any of the games in terms of how it relates to real world politics. It's taking me forever to beat; I get real wound up playing this game for some reason and trying to marathon it is just exhausting. I only just beat Sundowner.

>is the easiest boss so far by a huge margin

This so much, everyone was so utterly asswrecked by Big Boss they can't help but shun V, even though just like every other sequel in the series it's literally everything you asked for, just not the exact way you expected it.

Metal Gear Solid is like the Monkeys Paw of Vidya

I'm going to be a faggot and link my blog: asiplaythem.tumblr.com/post/115961178976/post-postmodernism-the-meta-narrative-of-mgs4

TL;DR: MGS4 is just as post-modern and self aware as 2, but instead of frustrating fans it over-indulges them. Liquid and Snake are aware of how fictional they are and realise that the only way to end their suffering is to end the series forever. Or, in other words, the GW AI (which is what created the simulation for Raiden in 2) had to be hijacked and run into the ground along with the rest of the Patriot AIs, even though this means the death of Snake and Liquid.

>Fapping to worst girl
Not fapping to qt Mei Ling, baby spice Octopus, milf-y Mantis and Gorilla Meryl

Using logical fallacy as a crutch for having nothing good to say is a great way to advertise your social retardation. I say this out of genuine concern.

I hate big boss and prefer venom and still think MGSV was fucking garbage.

This. I'd sooner watch MGS4's cutscenes again in full than play another minute of that turd.