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steampunk fallout
You just gave me a nostalgia orgasm.
Randomised loot made every new playthrough of this game so different. I remember getting an OP ass sword at the start and fucking the whole 1st town up. Good times
Arguably the best RPG ever devised by man. Arcanum and Fallout 2 are the two prime contenders for the GOAT RPG title and I mean genuine RPGs, where quests are solved in various ways, based on how you've built your cahracter, not shitty action-adventure games masquerading as "RPGs".
Technology or magic?
Planescape Torment
what should have been one of the best games ever but sadly is hamstrung by a terrible combat system
Nope, it's inferior to both FO2 and Arcanum when it comes to actual role-playing due to lack of skills and perks and overall limited character customization. You have only stats to distribute in PS:T and the multi-solution quests do not offer as many options in PS;T, compared to both Fallout 2 and Arcanum.
Mechanics are shit and magic is just miles better than tech. There's a handful of guns that are worth using and that's it. Though flamethrower and grenade launcher are fun novelties.
the scrolling speed make me want to kill myself
is there a way to fix it?
but roleplaying is escapist shit
Broken gameplay as fucking always, go play something better.
Gaming is escapist shit in general, you fucking autist. If you want to throw that argument around, you shouldn't be playing vidya in the first place.
Too late I already bought it
It has been a while, but I am pretty sure that is incorrect.
Maybe I should reinstall and do an idort run...
I once encountered this strange bug where my half-ogre became retarded upon entering Caledon's temple.
I did the half ogre run once. Got stuck somewhere after Tarant, but it was fun as fuck.
A game with God tier world and quests but with rather boring combat.
Mages were overpowered (that Harm spell and the entire Time school), while technologists were severely underpowered despite being the most interesting build in the entire game
>I think he wuz gonna be meen to me but Vurgool spt him
i love how Virgil loses his mind when he realises his god reincarnate in a fucking retard
Yeah both magic and plain melee builds just cream technologists unless you go melee or cheese it.
Nah. A slightly above average story doesn't make the horrible combat, dull world and lack of shit to do any better
What's your opinions on gnomes?
There's nothing wrong with going tech. Just get the elephant gun and build your character for ranged combat. Techies are pretty powerful when you take into account all the grenades they can build and use.
>Arguably the best RPG ever devised by man
Not with that combat.
This user is trying to meme you.
Elephant gun and other high end guns are very hard to find so you'd have to craft them without knowing where to get them. The problem with techies is that you have to spend tons of points in intelligence and various tech fields that don't really give much. Same with perception, the only use for which is guns and traps.
Magic is fucking gay, would you rather be a prancing wizard or a manly gunslinger
a manly wizard
nice meme
At least I could teleport around and do that bullshit shrine sidequest
Magic is shit against enemies with high technological aptitude, who can resist it completely quite often. Meanwhile, have fun "resisting" a grenade to your fucking face, you magic homo.
I wish we had another game set in its universe.
It'd be interesting to see a sequel or prequel.
The shrine quest line makes any retarded builds passable and every other build overpowered. But yeah, without teleporting it's pure hell to do. I usually just did one particular circle.
Make a swordman. Explore map.
you choose Belle, admit it
Who the fuck is Belle? I can't remember anyone by that name. Was it the sheep?
>have magic aptitude at 100
>use Summon Beast
>send my Vorpal Bunnies to literally dismember any and all enemies
Good luck resisting those fluffy murder machines.
>Was it the sheep?
don't play stupid
Tech is fucking gay, would you rather be a prancing pew pew fag or a manly low int warrior
Terrible balance (technologists have to spend way more points to get stuff than magicians do, dexterity is a god stat, stupid gimmick stats like gambling that are worthless, etc.), overpowered random encounters at the start of the game that will murder your sad PC and make you reload about 3-5 times just to get to another town in early levels, a decent but not great story, a weird subplot about gnomes operating ogre rape camps that comes out of nowhere and seems like the writer's weird racist fapbait, the mandatory terrible area in all Troika games where they ran out of money and development time which has such fun things as overleveled rock golems that break your melee weapons when you hit them, and very good music.
All in all it's really rather mediocre and very overrated, especially by the dumb fucks on RPG Codex.
Why is Arcanum so good? The setting just is so god damn relaxing and enjoyable. The voice acting is great and I remember being pretty captivated by the story playing it as a kid. I haven't done a playthrough for many years, I still have my original discs laying around somewhere though.
Git gud: the post
Oh, it's very easy to git gud in Arcanum. Just make a bunch of those Dexterity boosting rings, spam Harm, etc. Doesn't make the game any better though.
Yeah, but you're a grundle huffing homo, so, git gud
>putting tech aptitude on harm spammer
>putting tech items on harm spammer
>game so easy
>still whine about difficulty
It's 2016 everyone! gnomes are your friend not your enemy!!
Did anyone ever play this? Tim Cain worked on it as well and I'm wondering if it captures the magic of Arcanum with D&D
Sometimes I feel like writing a similar post about the original Fallout. There was a lot of good things going for it, but at the same time there was quite a few serious problems and Fallout 2 was better in almost every aspect, yet websites like NMA parade it around like it's a fucking masterpiece.
It's the only Troika game with good combat
Friend had it but didn't see enough of it to form an opinion.
What am I supposed to level into with guns/what junk am I supposed to use to make explosives?
Don't bother, you'll just get posts like in response.
Go to tarant, dig through the thrash (literally) and you'll end up with all the materials required for explosive grenades, which also sell for hilarious amounts
this game is SICK, i remember jizzing over it constantly as a kid
It has good combat.
I don't mind Arcanum's combat, so if it's better than that then it sounds good to me.
I don't even remember it being released, which is weird because I played Arcanum and Bloodlines when they came out, I thought I kept up with Troika pretty well.
>it's inferior to both FO2 and Arcanum when it comes to actual role-playing due to lack of skills and perks and overall limited character customization
>the multi-solution quests do not offer as many options in PS;T
Depends on what you mean by "role-playing". If you mean it as having more options to customize your character depending on if you're a fighter, mage or thief, then that's fair. But if you're talking about "role-playing" in the sense of being able to control a character and make him respond to the environment in ways you actually want him to, then PS:T takes the cake.
Planescape Torment offers much more freedom in how you respond to people, and in that sense, it's better for roleplaying. The dialogue choices in Arcanum are mediocre: you don't get as many options to choose from as in PS:T, and they generally fall in extremes of being too rude or too nice, and many times your character doesn't have an option to respond how you want him to unless your mindset is somewhat simple. If you want to see what I mean, play with a half-orc with low beauty and high intelligence, or go talk to that exiled king in the mountains. He talks and talks, and all the dialogue choices ask him to talk even more instead of asking him to shut the hell up and be straight-forward. Not all players care for knowing his story, and it would be nice to have the option to shut him up, even if it limits the player's knowledge of the game and lore. The quests in PS:T had far more substance to it and you could accept or refuse them in more ways than just "yeah" and "lol no".
Fallout 2 is fine.
Maybe RPG Codex cares more about lore and world building than gameplay.
Only the last 3 guns in gunsmithy are worth it beyond fine revolver. All the other good guns are schematics that are all cross disciplinary.
I'm like level 12 right now, never having gotten grenades. I kept making revolvers, and just have a gigantic stockpile of trash in the warehouse full of rats I cleared out.
Suppoesd to go black rock mountain, but need to level up a bit so I can fight there.
At least my hit chance on enemies is above 50%
Fuck yeah, I'll give it a download then and play it. Thanks guys
>and they generally fall in extremes of being too rude or too nice
The Obsidan effect
if you're playing tech honestly just cheat yourself a bunch of skill points
it won't break the game but it will make early levels a lot less painful
sounds like arcanum
minus the story part
while tech kinda stinks, it can do one hilarious thing: there is literally no limit on the amount of mechanical spiders and automatons you can create AND they can level up
so if you're patient and rich there's nothing stopping you from having a legion of them follow you
Those engine churnin' fuckin' spiders tore shit UP. I remember building like 4 of them and unleashing them with the dog and they'd tear anyones asshole out
The difficulty is all over the place, though. There is no consistency, no rhyme or reason. Your character either trounces the game with ease or is a total fuccboi incapable of doing anything useful. As such, combat is either a dull experience of casting Harm until an enemy falls dead or smacking them 100 times with the Dexterity boosting rings and your balanced sword, or a frustrating affair in which you fail constantly and are slaughtered by level 3 wolf packs. While I do acknowledge that a well-optimized character should be quite capable in a fight, said character should not be able to breeze through the fucking game with no obstacles.
I remember Fallout 1 having a perk to enable the basic fucking feature of having a green outline for friendly units. What a fucking mess of a system. It's very telling it was the quickest thing they could make after they couldn't use GURPS because Steve Jackson Games were a punch of pussies and got mad at the game being gory. 2 at least improves it a bit but I still don't like the system all that much.
They might as well be fucking visual novels then if you're not gonna care about the gameplay. I'm not knocking visual novels by the way; Planescape: Torment would be way better as a visual novel because then I wouldn't have to interact with the shitty neutered AD&D ruleset it has. I'm just saying if you're gonna make a game, it better have good gameplay. That's the whole reason for a game.
>he never roleplayed an orc on UO and went around in huge groups with other players PKing everyone and gibbering in gutterspeak ork talk and stealing all their shiny loot
by the endgame I think I had something along 5 automatons, 10 regular spiders and 4 healing spiders (healing spiders are best healers in the game bar none)
equipped myself a tesla cannon and went full supervillain (yeh I know the warbringer is superior but a fookin' lightning gun just has so much style)
That's so fucking bad ass. I think I'm going to do a playthrough just like that now
try and find yourself the lemon-battery schematic
powering your death machines and mechanical armors with home made batteries just adds to the whole mad genius
Didn't they also have electric armor or mechanical armor? Its been awhile since I've played. Being a crazed engineer sounds like tons of fun
>The difficulty is all over the place, though. There is no consistency, no rhyme or reason. Your character either trounces the game with ease or is a total fuccboi incapable of doing anything useful. As such, combat is either a dull experience of casting Harm until an enemy falls dead or smacking them 100 times with the Dexterity boosting rings and your balanced sword, or a frustrating affair in which you fail constantly and are slaughtered by level 3 wolf packs. While I do acknowledge that a well-optimized character should be quite capable in a fight, said character should not be able to breeze through the fucking game with no obstacles.
>only these two builds I looked up online are viable
>the internet told me so and I took it as gospel
Why don't you just play the fucking game yourself and learn that this shit isn't true.
Didn't the jew gnomes financed rape factories to develop Half-Ogres?
Yeah and disruptor shield that gives magic res and probably electric res too. And plasma pistol.
You can't prove anything goyim.
here's some "mad genius" style schematics
>not playing as a classy lady who gets the 'help' to do all the dirty work for her
Oh fuck yeah! Thanks a ton!!
>not using the tranquilizer gun
It's so fucking broken on living targets.
Rape factories run by jew midgets.