ITT cheats you never see anymore

ITT cheats you never see anymore.


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that's some pretty bad topology. who the fuck was in charge of designing that?


>Use wireframe mode on an Unreal engine game
>The view turns into a mess of blue lines

That's why it doesn't work anymore.

big heads

hot coffee mod

holy fucking shit

but why tho


To make AMD shit itself. Yes, that's the actual reason.

I recall something called Gourd Mode in some N64 games where most or all textures were removed and everything was a collection of solid and simple colors. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I could have the name wrong or I could be misremembering this altogether.

Big head mode.

Bam Ham City had an SD mode.

Gouraud mode? Gouraud shading is an old shading method, it was used in FF7 most famously.

Man, there are people here who don't remember the great Crysis 2 debacle?


It doesn't have to show the actual wireframe but create a fake wirefrane display

Any cheats at all, they're all just unlockable options now, sometimes not even unlockable.

All cheats in general. Seriously can't think of any after GTA 4

>Gouraud shading
Serious question. What's the main difference in Gouraud and Phong? It looks like Phong has a higher contrast, but I'm not sure exactly what's going on.


I have this thing where if I look at a tiled or checkered pattern on a floor, it'll start sort of flickering and my eyes will start producing a sort of shadow image that jumps around. It's like an optical illusion, only my eyes are acting fucky instead of there being an actual illusion. My vision's perfectly normal aside from that.
Does anyone experience weird visual effects like this? I feel like I'd have a seizure or something if I stared at that floor for too long.

It's a good thing the texture for the shader is a dark matte color, otherwise that shit wouldn't fly. What I wanna know is who thought they needed that many polys for a floor?
What I wanna know is where's the caveman

Sounds like you might actually have mild epilepsy, I'd report it to your doctor and see what he thinks. Better safe than sorry with shit like that.

That's so fucking retarded

Difficulty seeing busy patterns can be an indicator of Optic Neuritis. Might be worth looking into.

>mild epilepsy
Well, shit.

They probably subdivided the floor when they were making those detailed wall shelves that are built into the room, and forgot to get rid of all the unseeded faces when they were done.

I'm retarded what am I looking at here

Nvidia jewery.

Crysis 2's tessellation. I'm too tired to accurately explain tessellation, but it improves image quality and provides a more accurate bump mapping effect. Now that object doesn't need that much tessellation, it's a fucking mostly flat wall. But Crysis 2 pretty much does it to fuck AMD cards up because for reasons I forget AMD cards couldn't run tessellation as well at the time of release.

impulse 101

I used to masturbate to her quite a bit as a young boy


Besides console imputs in Bethesda games name a game that even has cheats anymore.
Trainers, mods and save file edits don't count.

Push button/password cheats, or do unlockable secrets count?

Eat shit.



The Lego games


literally any cheats.

Trophies and achievements killed cheat codes

Factorio has console input with debug commands and cheats.

>Try Konami code on a new game out of habit
>It works

This. Cheats are dead. Cancerous trophies and cheevos killed them.

Wasn't that one of the things bought up in the Conkers BFD director commentary playthrough?

Horseshit. There are plenty of games that have both cheevos and cheats, they just prevent you unlocking the cheevos when any non-novelty cheat is used.

DLC killed cheats.

It'd be pretty fucking cool if Mankind Divided included this. It'd be a nice nod to the original.

Blame bloody Roar 2. They left the debug mode active in that.

The result? Lots and lots of 'in-game' fetish porn.

>try konami code in a porn game
>it unlocks all scenes

Battlezone 1 and 2 had this and it wasn't even a cheat. It was a goddamn weapon you could equip. Functionally, it was a built-in wallhack. It turned all the walls wireframe and disabled their fog of war blocking.

Any cheat code.
Remember when GTA had built in cheat codes?
Remember when it was fun as fuck to put cheats in for flying cars?

>cheats are essentially mods
>mods are banned in SINGLE PLAYER
>updates to the game go specifically after mods, not problems that cause FPS errors or optimizing your added code onto the game
>add code to make shit despawn after updates

Fucking cucks.

All games should be wire frame by default desu. Games are games, they don't need some useless art school faggot trying to make it look like something.

ÿou're mixing Tessellation with Parallax Mapping.
Tessellation creates REAL 3D elements out of flat surfaces, by greatly adding more triangles to the model. It's usually used to smooth out blocky models, but also somewhat to create more bumps.

Crysis 2 went full retard with it, plus had other stupid shit, like constantly simulated ocean underneath ALL maps.

My favorite? Fucking Volition.

>game entirely about dicking around and blowing shit up in the most over-the-top way possible
>story doesn't take itself seriously at all and pukes memes on you for the whole duration
>forces you to sit through 12 hours of that crap with a force RPG progression system as if it thinks it's an artistic masterpiece
>Wanna skip it and have fun? Fuck you, actual cheats are fucking paid DLC.

T-T-thanks Nvidia

no thanks, I'm over 20.

>there will never be manly-tears mode

I didn't mean that as a good thing. I meant that to say that it tries so hard to not take itself seriously yet presents itself like you absolutely have to see the whole thing. Saints Row 4 especially got really cringy on the jokes.

>you will never jump on a tiny and cute polar bear 10-25 times because you forgot the correct number


better than that one guy on Sup Forums who had a fetish for tile patterns

Alternate costumes, they still exist but now they're paid DLC content

lel sick memes yo

>sexual attraction to tiles
How the fuck does that even happen? Maybe I could understand checkerboard outfits on a hot girl or something. Literal autism? It has to be.

In Warioland you pause and press select 16 times and then you can edit your stats - Hearts, Coins, Lives, Time and even Form.

I still can't believe that there are people who don't realize that the guy was obviously baiting. I mean it was sub-Barnyfag level bait.

Big Head Mode

As an acctual 3D Artist this makes my head spin. Sure tesselation is an awesome tool but this tesseletion does literally nothing.

>It dosnt contribute to the silluette of the shape.
Therefore a simple normal map could achive the exact same effect.
>Its not even an important object that with go in cinematics or even get a closeup shot.
>Instead of adding close to a million new triangles they could have used higher res texturemap for the same memory impact. And this mesh seems to need it badly.

I still buy Nvidea though, i need thoose CUDA cores for work.

I've experienced weird visual effect once .
I have trouble trying to explain

cheats in general

Wasn't this a bug? Either way it's useless and retarded.

Ayy senpai

I'm looking to learn about stuff like tesselations, bumpmaps, proper textures, etc.

Know any place/book/website that explains these things?

I want to understand.

How many games do this? I know of Saints Row 4.

Its pretty easy. You can either go to and ask around there or just watch tutorials on youtube. You have to be an artfag at some point though.

I acctually went to videogame university, never ever ever do that, you will end up a neet in no time.

this thread reminded me of unlimited detail, what the fuck happened to them

>constantly simulated ocean underneath ALL maps.

maximum immerson, that's commitment to the greeks right there

This was done to gimp performance.

Oh dude.....

You dont want to know....

remember turok zoo cheat?

it propably comes from checkerboard outfits on hot girl
then checkerboard outfits
and boom,you become the tile fucker


so nothing

It was lies to get government funding.

Look it up on youtube then, its horrible, beyond your expecations

It's a cool tech for photogramatry, it would probably work nicely for stuff like VR siteseeing but that's about it.

But everybody knew that years ago?

This? Looks alright so far.


Fucking travesty that they don't do this anymore. That shit was swank as fuck in NBA Jam.

>that amount of tabs

Must be one of those new Glock 40mm i've heard so much about.

You should see my bookmarks.

it's like a 3d van gogh rendered on a commodore 64

i like it

Post it

I used to play the shit out of that game, too bad there was no toggle for the animals in the zoo to attack you

I never knew what this did

sure it was a """"""""bug""""""

Looks nice once it's rendered everything.
I'm sitting here for 10 minutes and it hasn't completely rendered the part I'm looking at.

Yet it ran fully maxed everything on 1080p on my gtx 580 that came with this game.
Why should I not appreciated the extra detail running super finely on my rig back then?

This will always be my favorite fighting game
Could have sworn the title had '98 at the end though