Finish playing game

>Finish playing game
>Really enjoy it
>Look up what people say about it online out of curiosity
>Everyone hates it

What's her name?

Other urls found in this thread:

literally ever games I ever played


Fallout 3

Fallout 4.

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

It's trash.

But dammit its FUN trash.

Final Fantasy XIII
Dark Souls 2

Resident Evil 6

Is that really Todd? he looks different here

And Fallout 3/4 + Skyrim

Todd is God

Mirror's Edge Catalyst



Starbound when it was in beta

now its out most people seem to like it atleast



Destiny (for the first couple of days at least....)

Both the same, my man. Good taste.

Lisa was fucking fantastic, the choices were useless but damnit it was good.

Give me the (you)

Spiderman 2 for the pc.
I didn't know there are different versions for the ps2 and the pc.

It also had this sexpot in it, of whom there is no porn.

As for me? Dark Souls II

Resi 0
Resi 5
Resi 6
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Dark Souls 2
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
Elite: Dangerous
Payday 2
Life is Feudal
Company of Heroes 2
Deus Ex: Invisible War
90% of Telltale games
Aliens: Colonial Marines


Had a fun time with the combat system and pretended I knew what was happening story-wise, plus the game was really pretty. i was into a lot of the characters

Turns out people hate all of those things. Lightning is also overexposed, apparently, bringing even more hatred. and now i gotta play 2 more installments of the game knowing that everyone hates them, hope it doesn't ruin my experience

Borderlands 2.

I missed MGS4.

I loved the combat. Going from battle to battle with nice graphics and a good ost made it a pretty fun time

Five Nights at freddys, Undertale, Black ops 3...

Seriously, why does Sup Forums hate them just because they are 'normie' games? They are quite good.

Fallout 4


forgot to mention the music. i agree with you on that one, ff13 had the best normal battle theme of any ff game IMO

The worst case of this I had was with Chantelise.
It's my favorite game. Rare peoples that knows it shit regulary on it...


Dark souls 2

Suda 51 games

Dynasty Warriors
Command and Conquer 3 (last good C&C)
Takara PS2 games (gadget racers, Seek and destroy)
True Crime NY
non PC Sim games

Any other niggas feel me?

Unpopular Opinion:

I like all silent hill games, but there american ones were far better than the original 4.

Seriously, how do people prefer the first game over Downpour? That just baffles me.

I wish. Every time I see someone praising that shit series I die a little inside.


>True Crime NY
i feel you, nigga, i really feel you

Skyrim, I like Morrowind better though.

there's probably dozens, but off the top of my head, Fallout 4 and Dark Souls 2

True Crime NY was fun. I rented it for a weekend so I didn't get to play a whole lot of it, but I liked it

Borderlands 2

Well if by everyone hates it you mean only Sup Forums hates it

Expand, such a factually wrong opinion needs stronger argumentation to even begin being taken seriously.

White knight chronicles


FF13 is the worst out of the 3, allegedly.

Quantum Break
Saints Row

I've never played Lightning Returns, but I have XIII-2 and I like the first game a lot more than it

Lost Planet 2.


Solid action dungeon-crawler, but universally reviled


Fuck FO4, though.

>not checking with Sup Forums if a game is good before playing it

I'll agree that origins wasn't very good.

But homecoming and downpour really nailed the gameplay in comparison to the others. The environments, though not as symbolic, were much more detailed than before. I was also fond of how you could make decisions in certain cutscenes, giving it sort of a tell-tale vibe.

Boss fights in homecoming were also strongly improved. Let's face it, while the old bosses were scary, they were lame to fight against.

Though many will disagree, the lack of fog generally enhanced my experiance. People need to understand that the fog was in the first few games mostly because of rendering, and it just so happened to fit in with the atmosphere. I prefer not to have my vision clogged up though.

Shattered memories was my personal favorite, but I think Sup Forums already knows why that game is good, so I won't elaborate on it further.

Don't get me wrong, the old games were FANTASTIC, and akira yamokia really nailed the OST, but in terms of actual quality, the new ones are much better IMO.

> Implying the fucktards on Sup Forums will ever like anything that isn't moe simulator or autism fortress

Fallout 4
Dark Souls 2
Halo Reach
Batman Arkham Origins
Doom 3
Diablo 3
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds
Brute Force
Dragon Age 2
Soul Calibur 4
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Castlevania Harmony of Despair
Worms Reloaded
C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon


Fucking loved sazh, and was genuinely a little upset at his supposed death. Fang and Snow were legitimately okay too. And the story, whilst retarded, did have some interesting ideas just poorly executed. And by poorly, I mean fucking hideously

Assassins Creed Black Flag

Being a pirate was fucking awesome, fight me.

the opposite usually happens, I don't see why people like Yume Nikki, it's just 2deep4u trash.

Quake 2

The Last of Us

You assholes acted like it was the worst thing ever but is actually quite enjoyable, even if it is not the masterpiece every game journalist says.
Solid 7,5-8/10 in my opinion.

Snow was a goof ass, but his heart was in the right place. Sazh is up there with Balthier as my favorite FF character

I too liked XIII a ton, and I've been really struggling to get through XIII-2. I think XIII was very aware of the things it did differently from classic Final Fantasy, and did those things well. Unfortunatley, for XIII-2, it balked to all the complaints and just ended up trying to be a more classic experience but doing it poorly.

Ah well. Most people seem to like it a lot more. I hate the characters and Serah's redesign is stupid as fuck hurrr titties.

I thought Sup Forums collectively could agree that black flag was the best pirate game currently in existence

Not while Sid Meier's Pirates! exists, friendo.

I don't like playing as Serah and the dude, I forget his name. Couldn't care less about the monster catching. The music was ass. The QTEs were terrible and the story somehow managed to be even worse. I never did end up beating XIII-2, whereas I beat XIII 3 times

Dude's name was Noel. Looks straight out of Kingdom Hearts. Also, his english VA is Max from A Goofy Movie.

That's arguable, since the games were so different.

But that would still make it second best

LTOU only gets shat on on Sup Forums, and maybe Gamefaqs, It's been awhile since I've been there. Just about any other place you check praises the game, too much, to be honest. I also enjoyed it quite a bit

Ending killed the game. I could handle the repetiveness of fighing the same enemies over and over again and I do like the mask style. But the fina fight is just complete shit.

Don't know why everyone hates it other than because of the motion controls

I am always finding out about all these weird ass sonic games that I never even knew existed. Incidentally, several of them were for the Wii

>Last The Of Us



Wipeout Fusion

step off nigga, unless u want to be shittin out your teeth


Its re4 designed for co-op, it's great

even if the ai was shit it still had a gun, so it was 1000x better than re4s ashley

I don't fucking get it

{spoiler}Watch Dogs[/spoiler]

RE4 revolutionized 3rd person shooters and came out in 2005. RE5 was somewhat more of the same and came out in 2009. Not hating on RE5, but that's pretty much why

My nly bet is that RE4 lovers played it on the gamecube and it was their first TPS. If not then yeah, I don't get it either. RE5 is exactly the same shit but with coop and a slightly less moronic story yet you see 4 praised all the time.

Check this one out

My favorite game of all time.

First time I played 5 I thought it was a shittier version of 4, the opening bit felt like a cheap knockoff of RE4's opening when you're trapped in the house.

Saying that when I tried it again later on I absolutely loved it, the opening was still shitty in comparison but everything else was great.


RE5 being very similar is the problem, if you want to call it a problem. It came out 4 years later on next gen systems. When RE4 came out, like I mentioned in the comment above yours, It completely revolutionized 3rd person shooters. There was absolutely nothing like it at the time. RE5 didn't do that though

Godlike tier OST

>Have fun with game that has multiplayer
>Ask friends to play it with me
>All my friends hate it, don't care or are too busy except one
>The one left can't run it

Sorry for the subject change, just wanted to complain.


RE5 was my first TPP resident so i didn't give a fuck i loved and still love RE5, RE6 was also very good

>really enjoy a game, play the heck out of it, keep suggesting it to your friends
>they act marginally interested, but never commit
>you finally stop playing a month or two later because it's an online focused game and your friends never joined
>they join when you're pretty much done with it
>they all buy Overwatch to play together as soon as it comes out

Life was better off alone.

I enjoyed Max Payne 3 and thought it was a great end to Payne's story.

There's nothing wrong with a game just being a solid game, which RE5 is. I was just saying why 4 gets praised more

Gameplay in the series was never good. Homecoming still holds the banner for best gameplay in the series but it's not one it should be proud about. Downpour is quite literally the worst of the bunch, even worse than SM.
That's just not true. Downpour suffered from repeating props and copy-pasting rooms, muddy color palette and terrible texture pop-in, without taking into account the numerous visual fuck-ups of the Unreal engine and the fucking autosave feature killing the FPSes. The Otherworld environments suffered from the same thing and weren't complex and bizarre as the rest of the series, they just felt like some really shitty abandoned factory in fuckwhere, Russia. Also the monster design was ABYSMAL. Homecoming fares a little bit better in its Otherworld sections but everything besides that falls incredibly short: terrible, dull bluish fog outside, awful textures both outside and inside, awful character models and simplistic environments (I don't know what the fuck are you on about). The Otherworld sections were salvageable but nothing to write home about, as they didn't feel unique or tonally coherent to the character it's supposed to "represent", that only happens ultil the very last room where you learn the sin the parent has committed, which the boss design reflects. Enemy design was decent throughout. Homecoming isn't as bad, nowhere near the worst, SH game but it's in no way, all things taken into account, a better game than the original four.
They're literally useless (like that laughable conversation with the guy that gives you the gun in Homecoming) or only serve to force an ending on you in a hamfisted way. SH1 and 2 had choices that intertwined with the gameplay in a meaningful way, Homecoming and Downpour shove two big fat buttons on your screen and won't let you proceed until you choose one or the other.

You focus on minimal and unimportant aspects of the series: what about story? Atmosphere? Enemy design?

I dont think Egoraptor counts as the whole internet

>tfw no one on my friends list plays TF2 anymore
The game certainly has problems, but the core is still there, buried beneath retarded weapon unlocks and cosmetics. It's still damn fun.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Last update killed it for me, I tried to go back but not having a server browser and being unable to find nocrit nospread servers made it unplayable.


Post hit the limit, I could go on but I'll just add that SM was a pleasant anomaly, a good game that shouldn't have been called a Silent Hill game, but at least it gave it some extra recognition. Downpour and Homecoming don't hold a candle against any of the original games, especially Downpour.