What the fuck?
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I like the idea of regional breeds of pokemon.
That exeggutor looks fucking retarded though.
>dragon type
they need to stop ruining the good OGs with shitty megas
kill yourselves
this, it should be a wyvern type
Whoa, hey guys
inb4 EBgames
>The environment of the Alola region, where strong sunlight pours down all year round, brought about this change in Exeggutor’s form. The people of Alola boast that the Alolan Exeggutor is the true form of Exeggutor.
>Unlike other Exeggutor, the Alolan Exeggutor has a fourth head—on its tail! This fourth head controls the tail independently and can take on opponents to the rear that can’t be reached by the main heads’ attacks.
>This Pokémon excels at whipping its long neck like a lash to attack with its hard heads. But that neck can sometimes become a weakness...
So i take it you know NOTHING about what's happening
It's not even a mega.
Master ........ help..... me
how does it get back up if it falls down or trips
yes it is
>twitter meme
pokemon is dead
It doesn't.
Time to put it down.
> looks fucking retarded
literally the entire point of Exeggutor
Make Alola great again!
Hows the new mimis coming along?
>what is dragon tree
>what is coconut palm tree
>what is pic related from 1999
As someone who doesn't play Pokeshit, can someone explain to me what the deal is with this stupid thing being posted everywhere today?
So far Mega Evolutions have not been shown. Sandslash family, Ninetails family and Exeggutor are all regional variations of the original Pokemon.
>But that neck can sometimes become a weakness
Feasibly it's neck is heavier than the rest of it's body just due to being able to hold it up like that. It probably would just use it's heads to boost itself.
It's an old (first generation of games) Pokemon which is getting an extremely silly-looking variant in the new games. I mean, the original pokemon looked goofy as fuck as well, but this thing if 30 feet tall and just as goofy.
>it's called a dragon tree
>in no way resembles a dragon
>a tree named after a dragon is automatically a dragon
I agree, but this isn't a mega.
I want them to retcon megas in general...
Alternate forms of classic Pokemon just got revealed. The palm tree used to be a bush type thing and now it has a long tree neck.
You mean it used to be a palmlet.
What does a Dragon look like?
>regional variant
Should have just made it's heads pineapples instead of coconuts
lets be honest here
original exeggutor looks awful too
It looked dumb, but this is beyond dumb.
That wouldn't make any sense
>yfw the small degenerated one is the variant that became retarded by not getting enough sunlight
Serpentine. Beyond that, it can look pretty much like anything.
The way they are going it here, making them actually different with different typing, is more interesting. There were a few butterfly pokemon which had regional pattern differences, and nobody gave a shit. Partially because there was no difference which one you used.
On the other hand, you could use Sandshrew and Snowshrew, or Ninetails and Ice/Fairy Ninetails, or even Eggy and Draco-Eggy together and have some really big differences between them.
I like it because it looks dumb
I think it's a cool idea.
Its a genius move too.
You can make new Pokemon and nobody can really "omgg these look like shit!" because they all look like old Pokemon but are still completely different somehow which you elaborate by LORE.
I love it. Also because it's putting actual real Evolution in Pokemon and not just metamorphosis
>fire pokemon moves to ice region of all places
>turns into a fucking ice type