Discs vs. Carts thread

So, with all this talk about the NX using cartridges, I wonder if anybody else feels nostalgia for them big console carts. If you had to choose, what would you prefer? Discs or carts?

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My harddrive.

>carts have instant load up

It's using cartridges because it's a handheld though

Carts. Fucking carts. My PS1 doesn't work. My PS2 doesn't work. I'm currently looking for a cheap hackeable PS3 just because I don't want any more disc errors bullshit.

for one start by renaming the word "cartridges" to "cards".

>no Internet access
What did they mean by this?


>incapable of internet access
Seriously, what?

I think this is the most retarded image i've ever seen.

>Hard to develop for
>Carries less data
>Incapable of internet access

I can't fucking tell if OP is trolling because of his cons for disk.

This holds true for old ROM-based cartridges.
True. Finding a working game for the NES/SNES/N64 is much easier than finding one for the PlayStation.
It's just an image I found on the internet. Don't pay much attention to it.

>carts are incapable of internet access
>CDs are
Are you actually mentally handicapped?

Honestly there was a time where discs trumped carts but I think in the current year unless we make blu ray discs the size of DS carts that flash storage makes carts a valid use again for gaming. I mean you can easily have 64GB game cards the size of your nail... No reason we shouldn't be taking advantage of the technology again.

Carts. Or at the very least digital, CD is literally the worst storage method in the universe. Fucking load, fucking installing to disc whenever I want to play something, like jesus christ this isn't 1997 we can fit shit into carts just fine.

It would be cool to bring back saves stored on cartridges. Also, a free portion of the cartridge to be written for DLC and patches would be cool as well, although I'm not sure how feasible that could be.
I'm hoping the NX will have cartridges so that everybody can see how they're so much better than discs.

>incapable of backwards compatiblity
what is gameboy or ds?
>no internet
are you retarded

Console using SD cards for their games >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HD Blurays

DLC is stupid and the system storage handles patches. Also the 3DS already does all of this.

>I'm hoping the NX will have cartridges so that everybody can see how they're so much better than discs.
It will. It's a handheld after all.

>easier/harder to develop for
>easier/harder to pirate
retarded and pulled out of ass
>cartridge incapable of internet
fucking retarded
I don't think it means what you think it means

4/10 retarded bait.

>believing old ass rumours

>discs are more susceptible to damage than cartridges

Fucking how? Do you use your discs as frisbees? Do you purposely key your name on the back of them?

Literally all of my PS1, PS2, and Gamecube games still work perfectly. Meanwhile most of my Gameboy and GBA collection have clocks or save writers that died simply from time.

Oh neat, an image straight outta 1999! Cool!

Discs are shit. Always are, always will be. You simply cannot trust CDs or DVDs. At all.

Vulnerability to phyiscal damage and requires loadup before playing is hardly a negative for discs, given that games these days install the entire disc onto the hard drive. You don't need the disc anymore after that except for the DRM check.

All of my GameCube games are scratched. And I never moved the console while it had a disc spinning in it. Blu-rays are miles better, no scratches on them but regular CD's are shit.


CHange the batteries nigga

>instant loadup
are you fucked up in the head or something?

neither. physical video games are a blight that needs to be murdered.


Enjoy not having your games available anymore in 20 years.

>hard to develop for

Anway, optical media is fucking cancer. Do you also carry around CDs for your discman?

I don't enjoy anything, butthole. There might be one kinda okay game between the Wii, 360 and PS3 (and you can download those to keep if you want) but nothing after, even PC, has been interesting.

both retarded

Just like how literally none of the NES and SNES games are available, right?

>can be fixed by blowing

Kill yourself

That image gave me cancer.

Isn't scratching blu ray fucking ridiculously difficult to do compared to original cds?

>carries less data and thus restricts animations

Fucking die you retarded cunt

Carts are more prone to physical damage, the connection pins are susceptible to all sorts of corrosion and oxidation

Yup, not a single Blu-ray scratched in my collection.
Less likely than disc rot.

Gabe, shouldn't you be busy eating your 10th meal of the day right now.

If we can have 30+GB SD cards, we should be able to have high quality games on a cartridge. The only reason people moved to discs were because they were cheaper to mass produce and had more storage, but now a small storage device can hold as much data as any game has these days, barring mods etc.

>can be fixed by blowing
Well there goes all your credibility

Am I missing something here or do you not know how to read?

They're like $10 as well. I'd gladly pay $10 extra if it meant no more stupid installs and load times.

There's so many fucking idiotic things on this image.

The NX is going to use those tiny carts, which don't have room for coprocessors or anything. But using carts means the system itself will have better reliability especially since it's all but confirmed the NX is portable. The days of cartridges costing 10 dollars each to manufacture are gone: the cost of manufacturing for the tiny carts has become almost negligable so that's no longer a concern.

Try flipping the PSX upside down. Just like boiling your Nintendo connector, it's stupid but it works. One of the pieces, which I cannot remember the name of, gets melted and jams the laser assembly, but flipping it upside down allows the assembly to move.

The PS2 on the other hand is probably fucked unless you replace the actual laser.

Disc rot is super rare

Not really. There is already some black creeping up from the edges of the some of my older discs.

Don't store your games in a fucking attic then.

Keep them in an cool and dry place, out of the sun.

I don't know of its actually related or not but the quality of games were better back when everyone used cartridges. Modern games are all shit and they are all discs


I store them on my shelf, in their cases, away from the sun. Now, I'm not saying that these will become unusable over the next years, but you can definitely see degradation creeping in on older discs.

I would rather attribute that to the presence of HDDs in modern consoles, which allow developers to release buggy, unfinished games while promising that "patches" will fix them.

All my 80's CDs and PSX/Saturn games are still fine. In almost every case of disc rot I've heard of it was a manufacturing error and not a problem with storage.

What if the disk breaks due to its fragile nature? You're Fucked out of luck.

>instant loadup
Obviously never played a 3DS or PS Vita. The N64 had near instant load times because it only had 4MB of RAM so it never needed to load very much data.

N64 had instant load times because the carts were ROM carts. 3DS and Vita use flash carts.

No, they were instant because there was such a tiny amount of data on the cartridges actually being loaded into memory.

I can't even begin explaining how stupid that pic is.

None if the things inferred by the OP are remotely true except for the fact that flash memory is faster than optical media.

Wrong, they were instant because the data connected directly to the CPU and GPU. There's nothing being loaded into memory, the data can be accessed as easily as data inside RAM.

It probably will use carts. Look at how the PSP turned out. The load times were shit, and they weren't as portable. They knew they fucked up and went to carts for the Vita.

>fixed by blowing
actually blowing on the contacts will lead to them corroding from saliva particles

>moisture from blowing
>info on the back of cartridge specifically tells you not to blow in it
0/10 bait

>cartridge will malfunction over periods of time
>implying discs wont

>less data
>less animations
whilst you're not technically wrong, the biggest space eaters tend to be FMV's and music.
which is why ports on both the PS1 and N64 usually had cutscenes either removed or chopped down on the N64. Resident Evil and Spiderman are 2 examples.

I was referring to the rumour that the NX is a handheld.

Oh, sorry.

Digital is better than both.

This was true inthe 90s mate.
Today flash storage eclipses optical by quiet a bit. You can get more data on a micro sd than a bluray.

>people still believe in the blowing on cartridges meme
If a game doesn't work when you first turn it on just pull it out and stick it back in, blowing on contacts will fuck them up over time.

>incapable of internet access

That has nothing to do with the storage medium.

How about amiibos instead of cartridges or discs for the NX?

Is 30 mb/s a fast enough disc speed to play modern games? I have a pc with a small hard drive, so I want to put a UHS microSD reader on it and put my games on cards.

I wouldn't recommend playing games off of SD cards. They aren't particularly resilient to multiple writes.

What happens when you need more space?

wait for an advancement in blu-ray technology
ship a second disc LMAO fuck that you can download the rest, kid

add more memory to the cart

you could but it's not cost effective

you're asking devs to willingly cut their profits for the benefit of the consumer
never going to happen

discs will always be cheaper, therefore more profitable.
This is why the PS1 got SO much fucking shovelware and shitty TV/movie licensed games.
It was worth the cost of creating and shipping a game just as a form of advertising.

The 3DS's cartridges could probably hold a few hundred gig, but Nintendo won't make any higher than 4gb, so devs have to work to that constraint.

But the compression of the data results in processor based loading times. Unpackaging files during loading.

>Less data
Also carts are better because less moving parts.

not for anywhere near the same price. external hard drives have existed for a long time with much higher capacity than optical but nobody distributed software on them for a reason

That's more because of the stupid graphics arms race coming to a head desu.

>look at this infinite space we have
>we can make longer, more complex games
>OR we can fill 99% of the disk space with HD graphics to increase sales, and cut some of the gameplay down for room

>Less susceptible to piracy than disks
lol. R4 anyone?
>No backwards compatibility
Wrong. 3DS did this.
>Incapable of internet access
Wait, what? Even the Genesis had online play.

>blowing on any cartridge after the NES days
It was bad for the carts and it was just voodoo shit kids did because of the NES's terrible front-loading design that caused the lockout chip to not authenticate.

If your top-loading cartridge stopped working it's probably due to LITERAL SHIT on the connectors from shoving it up your DUMB ASS.

>I'm hoping the NX will have cartridges so that everybody can see how they're so much better than discs.
You guys know that N64 carts were more than just SD cards, right?

They were basically sticks of ram with games pre-loaded on them, thus making loading nigh-instantaneous. Normal SD cards or 3DS cards are not as fast and also not nearly as expensive.

pirating both is doable
nobody said it wasn't

but one is (was) significantly easier than the other and can be done with any old CD burner
the other requires special hardware and technical knowhow

>implying ROMs can't be manufactured today
They're cheaper than flash too.

which is still more expensive than discs.

True, but making boxes smaller could help cut down costs. Still, won't be able to beat discs, but, if Nintendo is willing to chalk up that cost, cartridges could come back.

>300 dollarydoos

But to what advantage? It'd be overall cheaper just to stick a 500 gig HDD in the console and install games to the console for basically the same speed in the end.

Moving parts that are prone to failure. Carts are much more resilient than both disc and HDDs. Nintendo usually makes stuff kid proof, so a move to cartridges would be logical. Not to mention the nostalgia and novelty factor if they make the carts eye-popping. Actually, I'd argue that some players would care very much about artwork on carts, and how they look in general. Also, every console they would sell would have the cost of the disc drive removed so there's that.

>which allow developers to release buggy, unfinished games
You young naive fool. This happened in the old console days too and there was no way to fix it back then. I guess it was before your time though.

>Moving parts that are prone to failure.
Disc drive failure is a rarity these days. Even if it did fail, it is very cheap and very easy to replace a disk drive, even in a console.

>Also, every console they would sell would have the cost of the disc drive removed so there's that.
and every unit of cart nintendo makes will cost substantially more than a disc.

Carts are supposed to cut the install disk middleman like now. Put the cart on console and play the entire thing right off the bat. Disks are just for DRM as now. And less moving parts are better on long run.

Carts always. Could not care less about FMV, CD-streamed music and other data-bloated garbage.

>no internet access
>no backwards compatibility
What the fuck? This is based entirely upon the console, it has nothing to do with the cart.

Also "less data" restricts a whole lot more than just animations.

a lot of your points are more assumption than fact.

It could give them an edge, if they're looking to compete with the other consoles on the market. Also, why are you against carts? Yeah, they're a bit more expensive, but you get what you pay for.
Name one AAA game that launched without any bugs that were easily encountered by the player. You can't.

>which allow developers to release buggy, unfinished games
So, just like today?

>no internet

I didn't know that my fucking 3ds couldn't do shit online.

And hell, I didn't know that my fucking ps2 discs had internet access.


>Also, why are you against carts?
I'm not. I have no stake in it. But in the scheme of things they seem to be more expensive for not a whole lot of reward.