Sup Forums you gotta help me. I can't decide who to marry in this game

Sup Forums you gotta help me. I can't decide who to marry in this game.

I have Abigail, Penny, and Leah all at 7 hearts. But I can't decide which of the 3 I want.



>tfw can't marry best girl Marnie

What did you just say?

Please someone help. I am lonely


I like all three, but the problem is, I'd feel bad to leave the other's out.

Like, I'd feel bad leaving penny stuck in that tiny trailer, and Abigail really wants to move out of her house.

The only one I'd feel kind of okay leaving be is Leah, she has her own house and seems to be getting along fine. But again, I like her too.

Marnie is love, Marnie is life

>wanting used livestock

Abigail has a room and video games. She'll be fine.

You should get Penny out of the trailer trash lifestyle desu.


Haley master race

Abigail is the superior girl, but Penny is only very very slightly behind. You can't go wrong with either.

Thank you, weeb portraits. It's weird playing a Harvest Moon type game and having portraits that western looking. The weeb portraits go too far in the opposite direction, but they still feel more right.


>Not filling up FemSam's boipussi with your pixelated cum


Abigail is best girl.
Sometimes she'll go adventuring and bring you bat wings.

I hope they add it that kids become useful and will like, water your crops for you.


Penny, everyone else seems like they have their own thing going but Penny feels like her path most coincides with the players.

abigail is a lazy sjw gamurgurl who fails at everything she does
penny is white knight bait
leah is a vegan hippie artsy shitter

the real answer is to wait for 1.1 for emily

>not also a dirty hippie

Looks like the game is finally playable now.

>abigail is a lazy sjw gamurgurl who fails at everything she does
Why does everyone call her an SJW? Yeah, she dyes her hair purple (though that might actually be because the wizard cucked Pierre), but he personality never screamed SJW to me. Moreso rebellious teen. Besides, she has great taste in vidya if that Chrono Trigger poster is any indication.

How'd you come to that conclusion?
>Lives in a nice house instead of a shitty log cabin
>Has an actual crafts skill rather than applying their ability to "art"
>Is not a vegan
>Has a real job

probably because of that event in the graveyard where she yells at pierre because "you think i should be in the kitchen because i'm a girl???"
anyway her taste in vidya means jack shit if she's perpetually stuck losing to the first level of a vidya, specifically prairie king, for as long as you play the game for

She's all the time talking about magic healing crystals and fate.

She's more a dirty gypsies than a dirty hippie.

Wew. What mod is this?


Is there a Mormon mod?

Will the portrait mods break cheevos?