Moving to a new house

>moving to a new house
>have a bunch of old console stuff to get rid of
>hit up the local GameStop to trade in said items
>clerk is courteous and respectful as he explains they don't take PS2 games anymore
>they still take my 360 and a few PS3 games
>get store credit and use it for a wired Xbone controller for my PC


my gamestop still accepts PS2 games. i just bought MGS3 from them a couple months ago.

>selling your games

Congrats on being willingly jewed out of 80% of the actual value of your stuff.

you do realize you werent forced to make that trade right? fucking dumbass

>pass by gamestop with a friend
>he wants to go in
>I don't want to
>end up waiting outside


White trash people are the worst. Don't be a hoarder. You're not using it anymore, don't pretend you are.

I don't feel the need to clutter my house with depreciated shit or pretend like I'm ever going to go back and play a game from two gens ago.

>Congrats on being willingly jewed out of 80% of the actual value of your stuff.

Or you could sell on eBay and even with fees still make way more money (money, not "store credit") than GameStop.

Or craigslist.

Or Amazon.

Or a billion other less jewy venues than GS.

Must be hard being so retarded and cucked and so poor that you go for the quick "cash" (fake GS bucks) route.

It's amazing how you retards interpreted "don't get ripped off" as "keep everything forever."

Or you could not be a poorfag NEET who needs to maximize the amount of money he makes from video games so he can afford more tendies. Is a couple of dollars really going to boost you that much?


Hate to burst your bubble, but literally only poor people and underage people trade in at Gamestop.

Good job negating your own premise.

It's the quick cash route. Just like the human garbage who take stuff to pawn shops.

>It's the quick cash route.

Store credit, actually. Your words, not mine NEETboy. xD

Also how is wanting a quick and easy way to get rid of clutter a bad thing? I'm never going to go back and play those older games, much less start hooking consoles up to my TV, so why not unload that shit somewhere? Because only human garbage doesn't hang onto old ass outdated video games, of all things?

So basically you're so overwhelmingly neurotic that the instant you decide to sell something it needs to be gone NOW? Wow. Takes a week at most to eBay auction something for more money and then it's still gone.

Again you don't seem to have the reading comprehension to understand that I never said to keep anything, but keep trying, it's fun.

Bruh, he told you like three times already only stupid people get ripped off at gamestop, your inability to get that through your thick skull and continued changing of the argument only serve to prove him right.

inb4 you call samefag like the fucktard you are

>So basically you're so overwhelmingly neurotic that the instant you decide to sell something it needs to be gone NOW? Wow.

You're right, I had that thought first thing this morning and decided it needed to be gone by mid-afternoon at the earliest. I definitely haven't been planning to unload those old games for awhile so I could have less worthless shit to move into my new place. Please respond quickly, I'm that overwhelmingly neurotic.

>only stupid people get ripped off at gamestop

Not all of us sit at home hitting F5 on our eBay listing while we collect NEETbux. I love how none of you faggots can tell me why getting rid of senseless clutter quickly and easily is a bad thing. It's actually pretty hilarious to hear you cunts talk about the secondhand video game market like you're real estate moguls, thanks for the laughs.

Also, nice obvious samefagging.

You're so retarded it hurts to read your posts. I'm out. Quick suggestion though, grab your nearest bottle of bleach and chug it.

>360 & PS3 games
>waiting until the games are worth pennies to trade them in
These places pay less than half of the price a brand new game is worth and go down from there. You should have made up your mind when the games were worth something. How badly did you need that $1?

>trying to trade PS2 games to gamestop
Those are from the last generation of console games that could have actual value. Are you disappointed they didn't give you a WHOLE QUARTER for a rare game that may be worth hundreds of dollars?

>still can't answer a simple question

Good luck in 10th grade this year, user!

Video game storage solution for dipshits who have "no space"

And you didn't do a Facebook search for a local buy/sell/trade group? I lived in a shitty, 3rd world country-like city in mexico for a while and i was able to sell my xbox one for 6000 pesos (around 400 dollars). When i moved back to cali, i moved to a hick, middle of fuck nowere town, and i was able to sell a gameboy color for 20 bucks and a few ps3 for 10 to 15 dollars a piece. Fuck gamestop.

Had one of these and didn't have enough space so i flipped the lid over and used it as another container

I did try this, but no luck. I went to a local mom and pop store that did trade-ins, but they would only offer store credit and had nothing to sell for PC, (like Steam cards or some shit) so it would have sadly been useless for me.

How many groups did you look for? Did the prices you seemed reasonable? How many days did you try to sell? To sell my xbox, it took me 3 days. For the gbc and the ps3 games it took me 2 days. Yea most mom and pop places are wack