I... I can't. I just fucking can't. 15 hours in and I can not go any longer

I... I can't. I just fucking can't. 15 hours in and I can not go any longer.

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It's not a good game user I don't blame you.

Hahahaha, what a pleb.

Is hating Banjo Tooie a meme now?

>hating the swansong of that gen

The fuck OP?

It's the same thing over and fucking over. Except they drag out missions differently in each level. I broke down and looked a guide up and wtf.

it gets better desu

Not even conker is this bad. And conker is a 7/10.

>self contained, interesting levels


Better man than I - I tried 3 times to start this after being able to replay Banjo-Kazooie frequently, and I can't make it past 2 hours.

2 of the 3 times, I stopped 30 minutes in.

What do you mean? You don't like the realistic FPS segments? Maybe it's the ridiculously over ambitious level design. What's not to love?

I never felt overwhelmed in Banjo-Tooie (unlike DK64) & I beat it 100% about 3-4 times now. I think it's pretty fun still. Fuck Canary Mary still though.

Canary Mary isn't shit compared to the absurd level layouts. That's the shit I can't get over. If there was a map it would be bearable.

I couldn't get myself further either, it was tedious as hell

Want to watch me stream it and you can tell me what the fuck to do?

Does anyone want to watch me play it? I'm autistic in the sense of I have to beat every game in the series in order to play the newest release. Threeie coming soon so I gotta grind through.

What's not to love?

The secret to mary is to go at her pace until the very end. She only goes fast and speeds past you when you go fast

People really had problems with Mary?

I never got lost really in the levels which the exception of Glitter Gulch Mine, that place just looks the same everywhere. A map would be nice though, maybe someone should mention that to Playtonic for Yooka-Laylee.

I can't right now, a bit busy & shy.

I'm aware, but you still need to tap the buttons fast enough so you don't get left in the dust & it's for a pretty long period of time. It's not fun & is tiring to me.

Basically SiIva got it right:

Alright so I was a poor sonyfag growing up, so I really only played Rayman, Crash, and Spyro series growing up.

I heard banjo series is like spyro, is it true?

I'm probably only gunna play one, should I play kazooie or tooie?

Oh, that too, but worse than that:

The absolute lack of charm that made the first game great, replaced by the same slow-to-execute, somber, buzzkilling edginess that pervaded Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Yes, they're similar. They're both collectathons where you upgrade with new abilities as you go. Start with Banjo-Kazooie, if you like it then try Tooie.

Kazooie. Tooie is overly ambitious. It's not the worst game for the 64 but kazooie is in the run to be one of the best.

She rubber bands hardcore, not just actual speed but your momentum. If you can mash stupid fast, she goes into overdrive and you lose the repeat races really hard.

>somber, buzzkilling edginess

There's literally one depressing cutscene near the start of the game, and then the rest of it is dick rocks, double entrendrés and hilarity.

I didn't know it was possible to make a cartoony ghost-floating-out-of-the-guy death creepy and sad as fuck but Rare got that shit dead-on somehow. Shit felt like a fever dream when I first played that game as a kid, I couldn't believe they just straight-up murdered bottles and implied it was gonna be permanent.

I cleared this game like 3 times when I was a kid. Yeah, there's backtracking but it's not that bad.

>mobile poster
>struggling with banjo fucking tooie

I 100%'d this game when I was 10, what's wrong with you?

I beat this game when I was 9 years old. Christ you must fucking suck.

I guess going into this game right after BK. The levels can be very confusing as far as layout goes.

actually I forgot I never beat canary mary in cloud cuck land to this day. 99% then


Hating on the Banjo series has always been a meme, perpetuated by jealous little cakebois who were too poor to have two platformers and had to settle for pack-in mario with no personality

Canary Mary returns in that level?
Fuck off. I was too busy playing crash and spyro.

>I was too busy playing crash and spyro.

You and millions of other Sup Forumsirgins who were raised with Playstation which often seems to a sign of poverty or having divorced parents in my experience.. It does seem to be a recurring thing where people in that position needlessly talk shit about Banjo Kazooie without having ever even touched a Nintendo console in their lives.

t. a nig nog
How badly did your ps1 buttons stick from all the chicken grease and grape drink?

Did the fulfillment from collecting rutabagas and gemmy jujubees distract you from the absence of your father?

Guess what fuck face? We also had an n64 but I was far too engrossed into the playstation to play a lot of n64. I played Mario 64 but couldn't be bothered to play anything else as I was addicted to ps1 games.

>Me as a kid
>99% Banjo Tooie, most of the time with my best friend playing along with me
>We get to the final jiggy, race Canary Mary
>Cannot beat it for the life of us

>like 10+ years later, he drops by for a visit, finds my old dusty N64 over in a corner somewhere
>"Hey, remember Banjo Tooie?"
>Stick that shit back in
>Save file still there
>Still remember how to get to Cloud Cookoocachu Land
>Still remember how to get to Canary Mary
>Race that bitch
>Lose horribly
>Look it up with the power of the internet
>Have to fucking stall at the beginning then mash it or some shit
>Race again
>Get final jiggy and 100% the game, 10+ years later

We actually cried.

Looks pretty white to me. You might be retarded.

I would be down for that another time, try doing a thread on Sup Forums like the guy playing FE.

white, sure, but insecure enough to take the bait anyway. checkmate, poorfag

What is he doing?
No u

That's fucking awesome user. Text him right now and tell him hi. Post screen shot.

Somebody is playing through FE6, posting screenshots and using the people they say to as a sort of pick my units run, normally they post threads about this time in the day if you want an idea.

But basically find enough people nostalgic over it, or a way to keep it dumb/entertaining enough for Sup Forums's short attention span you'd probably get a decent thread out of it

Fucking this. Sure, its a cool technical feature that's great as a bullet point on the box, but God damn it just annoys the hell out of me, especially how the game is centered around collecting shit, and at times only half the shit is available when you first enter. Not to mention all the empty space between points of interest (like terydacty land and grunty industries), the amount of backtracking needed for different forms/splitting the two up, and for having new moves, combined with how situational some of these moves can be (fire/ice eggs, putting things in backpack). It took me at least 6 tries to finish the game, with a guide.

Splitting up in two was a nail in the coffin.

Sure, I can watch, if you want.

Solo kazooie was awesome tho,

Solo banjo was fucking great too

You're aware you dońt have to get all jiggies to finish the game right? Every time I play it I just go through all levels once and go back to the others once I've got every skill in the game

Be honest. Were you even alive when this game came out?

The swan song of that gen was Conker.

Friendly reminder that there is absolutely no reason to give modern Rare your money in buying these games again on Xbox One

I even ripped the game off of my 360 so it's completely legal

In all fairness Yooka Laylee will probably circumvent all of Tooie's problem and fix everything

But muh bear and bird ;_;

Time and mods are your allies

The only thing I cheated on was a cheato page in an ice cave of hailfire peaks because I didnt see the stalactite you were supposed to climb. To be fair I played it when I was like 10 and had lots of free time.

But the puzzle aspect of it was garbage.

I have this game and wanted to go back again and beat it......

Also: it sucks if you can't find an item in a world when you can only reach it by going through a doorway in a different world that you already 100%'d. Why would you think to go back to a world you finished and fine some obscure doorway that leads to an otherwise sealed chamber in a different world?

>Ripping from the 360

How does one do this? My 360 has little use for the shelf space it's taking.


>le 100% when I was 10 meme

>he hasn't been 100%ing games since birth

fuck outta here casual

>tfw heavily preferred tooie over kazooie, especially for that fuckton of things to do, places to go and the multiplayer modes
>tfw everyone else loves kazooie and shits on tooie

I have, actually. But this game make it tedious. Usually (good) games make it fun to 100% a game.

Shedew the enchilada. Would play.

Just bought an n64 and both of these games the other day

feels good man

>good games make it fun to 100% a game.
like banjo tooie

15 hours in? You should have beaten it by now.
It's not the game's fault you suck.

Tooie is great for the sense of adventure and exploration. The platforming aspect of it is mostly underdeveloped in comparison to kazooie, but it's just as fun since it makes it up with other ways.

banjo tooie is like kazooie without the constant platforming enjoyment

Banjo-Tooie > Banjo-Kazooie

>Beating any good game in under 15 hours

So you're either a trolling bitch or you just admitted this game sucked. Which is it, faggot?

Why doesn't user own bowl?