Anyone know the name of this character? I know what game she's from but I can't find any information about her...

Anyone know the name of this character? I know what game she's from but I can't find any information about her. Also why is she so sexy?

Bioshock 3.

Female NPC

Are you clownsexual?

So what I don't get is that a mask , paint, or a side effect of joy?


It's a mask.

No, I just think she has a cute voice and mannerisms.

Hers is face paint, the lips and mouth move


The paint "masks" her face you kaka-head.

the question was whether it was paint or a mask you semantic autismo

>not fallen in love with an NPC for years
im getting old

No, the question was where is all your rage coming from? Are you trying to mask your insecurities by painting a coat of anger on your post?

>loving spear chuckers

So are the people with actual masks on some other kind of drug? Or is there not enough story content to tell?

How the fuck are you this bad at v-posting, mr shill


I just wanted to know what her name was gdi.

As much as I hate shills you really think that devs (who're making shitty job right now, but game have POTENTIAL) of game that's got ~50k sales in EARLY ACCESS still need to promote it? That's like bazilion of dollars for them.

We're not your personal masturbation stationed army, fuck off