Behold, the WoW killer.

Why even play WoW or any other MMO but this one?

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Nice try, but this is the real WoW killer.

>WoW killer

why does it need to be called a WoW killer
why can't it just be FF14
nothing will kill WoW except itself

>weeaboo trash
you gotta be DOOPIN' kidding me mang

first time I've ever seen this
what is it?
don't say its korean

Japanese MMO > Western MMO > Korean MMO


hey guise
what if
just stick with me here
wow is the wow killer

Even worse, it's chinkshit.

It lost all chance at being the WoW-killer when it dropped its Game of Thrones plotline.

I thought it was Flynn

Because people want more than just 1 fight that takes longer than 90 minutes to learn every 2 months

Too bad shes alive. Fuck potatoes

Thank goodness, how DARE they have tried to kill off my dear sweet Nanamo before Heavensward? Thankfully the threats of mass boycott ensured the issue was resolved.

Raubahn will never get that arm back.
Until he gets a sick ironworks augment.

the garleans did nothing wrong

More like garleans did nothing. I miss them, fuck dragons

anyone gay

>Anonymous 08/01/16(Mon)15:14:29 No.346986465▶
anyone straight?

I was pissed when it was just a sleep potion.

So do you think they'll drop the ironworks specialist requirements in 3.4? I don't know why they would, since it's the final set of crafting equipment we're getting in heavensward.

Also its like GoT, Metal Gear, Gundam, Dark Souls and some other stuff all in one.

Who famfrit here?

Dungeon design really gone downhill lately.

I want him to get one of Rinoa's arm-mounted launchers she uses as a weapon and to launch Angelo for Angelo Cannon, and combine it with Nanamo getting sick Dragoon gear or something so she can sit on his arm and he can launch her and she kills people.

The Vault definitely felt like Anar Londo

global cooldown yawwn

Stop talking about this game. I signed up for the beta in your shill thread yesterday, now I want to forget about it until it comes out in 2 years. I don't want to get hype so the wait doesnt feel so long.

For as boring as palace of the dead is, it'seems pretty solid at what it's supposed to do. I never would have started leveling thaumaturge if I hadn't tried going through PotD with it.

Why would you get hype over a shit chinese themepark EVER?

Just cause it's new breeding grounds for your cancerous ERP?

the only thing XIV is killing is itself

notice how Square tries to puff it up with "registered accounts" but doesn't say a word about "active accounts"

the XIV team is incompetent as fuck

I'm just bored and it looks like fun.

You sicken me.

>playing MMOs
why not play the superior genre, single-player offline RPGs?

Easily the worst part of the story. I'd rather gather food for the company of heroes feast again instead of that shit. At least that ultimately led somewhere after all the bullshit. That sleep potion crap not only reversed all the drama of 2.55 but it just ended with
>and we'll pretend nothing happened
while Lolorito gets away.

Fuck potatoes and fuck the people that wrote that part. I'm just glad Ysale and Haurchefant stayed dead.

Doing palace of the dead is infinitely more fun than doing dungeons like cutters cry or the stone vigil.

does wow make you go through 20 hours of bullshit, with over half of it walking back and forth to the same place 5 times in a row to talk to someone just to unlock a zone in the expansion?

No because WoW has no content while FFXIV does.

No spaceships, cute outfits, and I dislike the chinese

Wait, does PotD give experience for leveling alts?

>still waiting to get paid so I can resub for my fix


>the realization I need to level LNC still for B4B


Because it's really really boring.

And kinda ugly.


PotD is actually a good deal

150 lore for going 1-50 on a level 60
exp for alts
i235 weapon once you finish getting 30/30.

I'm using it to cap lore nowadays rather than queuing for experts.

Next expansion will likely be based around liberating Ala Mhigo from the Garleans.

Yeah. At the end of the 10 floors when you get tome rewards you get xp instead if you aren't capped.

Heard mixed things about how good it is for xp though especially since difficulty can vary depending on group comp/floors/etc.

friendly reminder to not feed the shills

friendship circlet + novice ring + armory bonus + rested:
200% exp bonus till 25
180% exp bonus till 30
150% exp bonus till 34

Throw in the free company 10% buff and have food running for an extra 3%. LNC stops being boring at 26 as well.

It's way better than waiting 20 minutes for a dps queue. Even floors 31-40, which typically take the longest, take about as long as a dungeon and give about the same amount, if not more exp percentage-wise.

I'd use it to get lore and shit, but I'd much rather level my alts with it since I can just do Expert roulette a few times and be maxed out.

>tfw DRG main.
>Go to cross class B4B on another class.
>It's 2000x worse than DRG's.

Good lord that 25% extra damage taken can be scary.

LNC is 24 at the moment, so luckily it'll get not boring, as you said. Don't have friendship circlet or novice ring, all I had is some legacy EXP thing which is only to 10 iirc.
I'm like 3 months worth of rested EXP though, should be fine, lol, boredom was always the problem with LNC.

From somebody who went to literally falling asleep while leveling lancer to maining it, I can tell you that the points where DRG gets fun is 30, 42-46 then after you get blood of the dragon, wheeling thrust and fang and claw.

Circlets are easy to get, just punch someone's shill code into your account, here's one: KNX4VJT4. Ideally though, you want to generate one and have someone else use it, so you get the gold feathers.

Novice ring is from the new Hall of the Novice tutorial deal they added in 3.2. Just do 7 quick tutorial instances and get the ring.


Why the fuck is it so hard to find people willing to use recruitment codes
nothing ever happens every time I give mine away

played it and liked the questing (not joking) however its just fucking gay having zoned shit all the time, loading time everywhere (even when its really short), every shit instanced and no free roam

There is a big thread on the official forums where you can post codes. That's how I got someone to bite mine and sub for 270 days.

If the game goes super cheap again, like in a humble bundle, you can just buy accounts and use codes on them.

Cheers for the code. I assume you'll get feathers off it, so you're welcome, don't think I care about all that shit, lol. I swear the problem with this game is resubbing and finding out there's a bunch of fuckin' quests that give you shit that you gotta try find a do. I saw people running around with the crown during my 5 day, but no fuckin' clue where to begin with all of it (not that I want to be a mentor, lol).

I have considered playing DRG, purely for Jump, though. I love melee but think I'll play Monk or Ninja, probably Monk for ATATATATATATATTA. If they weren't flavour of the expansion, though, I'd no doubt play 'em. Quite honestly still not 100% sure, though, current goal is just to unlock all cross class skills so I can go from there, B4B being the last (except one Archer one that's redundant, I'm p sure).

I've never actually understood how people play MMOs. You spend 50% of your playtime fucking walking and the other 50% you're either mashing 1 of 2 main skills mindlessly and when you have to do actual difficult content you have to manage 30 different skills while your hands are already completely occupied controlling the camera and movement.

>Why even play WoW or any other MMO but this one?

Shit PvP, lazy shared animations, uninspired races, lackluster quest design, 1 character can be every class, single factions, generic "Chosen One Hero" bullshit story

Still fun. I keep an open subscription for this and WoW, because they cover each other's weaknesses nicely. Wish i could combine the best aspects of each.

>still so far behind a mmo that is considered the very embodiment of the phrase "how the mighty have fallen", yet gets praise by Sup Forums's permavirgin weeb brigade

fuck off retards

Some people like that kind of gameplay. Not everything has to be action oriented or an FPS.

FFXIV for it's part is also a very safe MMO to get into. Gear gets invalidated constantly and it's very easy to catch up to the current gear set as long as you have a level 60 character. You can unsub for months until the next scheduled patch comes out and spruces things up.

This is also why it's endgame feels dry. They don't take many risks.

tfw i spent 4 hours farming a nightmare moun last night through garuda ex and only saw it drop 2 times and i lost both

no idea how people managed to do this shit before drops got increased

I really like this game.
Not sure why everyone shit on Gordias, ye A1S was boring and 2 was just masturbation material for Summoners but 3 is really fun and challenging and despite 4 being broken all the mechanics except for Nisi are still good. Too bad your Monk / BLM will never experience them but... well actually I kind of realize why people hate it.
Still A3S was really fun before nerf.

Also fuck Ala Mhiggers, instead of them actually getting back together, forming a new monk school and punching the garleans face in they just cry about MUH RHALGR and how the Ul'dahn Man is keeping them down.
Garleans didn't do anything wrong in the first place, altho I would really love to have the raid tier's of the next expansion be garlean themed.

Judging by where Yda and Papylmo or whatever his name is are, Ala Mhigo would be the likely location of the next expansion, and it would make sense to have an Imperial themed raid since it would get more people interested, but in HW they've also expressed not having the raids be part of the main storyline, as even the baby difficulty of Alexander normal/Mhach might be too much for people to handle, shit people apparently drop from roulettes that give them normal Nid.

Stuff pertaining to the Empire seems too important to relegate to side content unless the story goes in a direction that would put us in an uneasy alliance with the Garleans, and the side content would be dealing with a splintered faction of the military, maybe slowly making your way through a Castrum's various defenses as the 24 man of the expansion or something.

Really I kinda hope they mix up raids next expansion, maybe do something like an older WoW raid, just a huge sprawling area they have prepared for launch for a 24 man to go through, without really having it just be a big linear experience.

>Garleans didn't do anything wrong in the first place
They're the only ones who did ANYTHING

>eorzia is struggling to fight fucking beastmen and are constantly squabbling with eachother
>meanwhile the garleans are building massive fucking ships with huge advances in technology

So I just beat 3.0
Where do I even start getting higher ilvl gear? I got the palace of the dead weapon so that's one thing down
but all my clothes are like 140

HW's main story questline was great and the closest to an honest Final Fantasy we've had in years. Unfortunately that's not enough to save the game. The dev team is too terrified to take any risks and every fucking patch has been the same as the last.

Grind tomestones or scrips. That's it. If they don't shake it up for 4.0 I don't think XIV is gonna last long outside of a niche audience of shit eating weeaboos.

t. ARR super shill

You can do your daily centurio (keyword: Centurio) hunts to get the old i170 gear. It's super cheap.

Then you work on unlocking the level 60 dungeons and building up Esoterics to buy that gear.

Once your ilevel is high enough to do expert roulette, you start building up Lore tomes.

do level 60 dungeon for tomes to buy gear, if you cant even get into the first level 60 dungeon, buy some gear from the mb

Didn't Emperor Garland die in the beginning of heavens ward and got replaced by a Militarist? I think he even had Seymore hair

>The Scions are an organization founded to fight Primals
>Garleans find a way to make Primals a non-issue by bulding that just BIT GARUDAS FUCKING HEAD OFF
>"B-But they're wrong! We have to live in peace with the Beastmen! (after we killed their god,and crushed their hopes)"
>"It's not the real Bahamut, it's just a shadow of his rage that can't be soothed and has to be killed!"
>"B-But it's wrong to chain him up and use him for the good of humanity, that's just immoral!"

The Scions are retards. It was even flat out stated that the Bahamut the Meracydians summoned was fucking evil and only bent on kiling everything from the start, even before he got used as a giant sun panel.

>3 second GCD
>killing WoW


Yeah some dude who wanted Azys La for the Empire's benefit. I honestly do not remember his name or what he said.

Gorilla watch is now active itt


>moral degradation is why they dont want to remove gc requirements for frontlines
Is Yoshi a fucking retard?

His team doesn't want to lift fingers with regards to existing content outside of nerfing raid for the casual unlocked mode.

Too bad your opener is literal garbage

>"B-But it's wrong to chain him up and use him for the good of humanity, that's just immoral!"
Well, in the scions' defense, faux-Bahamut was clearly too dangerous to be used as a solar panel. The thing influenced Nael to build a device to drag Dalamud into the planet from orbit. It then tempered Louisoix, another damn primal, despite having just lost its spinal column, and was unconsciously using the remains of the solar panel array to rebuild itself to run Hulkamania 2.0 upon the world, this time with Phoenix on his side.

Even as a mostly dismembered body, it put up a pretty good fight too, though there was no Hydaelyn bullshit there, lore-wise I imagine Bahamut Prime is probably weaker than Ultima Weapon was.

Monk is really fun, kind of simple but it does have a good skill ceiling with keeping up GL through downtime / mechanics and form switching.
The only problem is that in content that actually matters everyone prefers ninja for trick attack / shade walker and MCH and BRD's start throwing a fit if you don't have a DRG.

That fucking catboy run is so obnoxious. How does anyone stand it?

That armor makes it look so much worse. Doesn't look good on anyone in motion.

Buff juggling isn't fun. Neither is WoW but who cares about WoW anyway. There's no payoff in combat focusing on buff juggling, especially when the buffs are shitty 5%-15% damage for nearly everything and everyone has to do it anyway.

That's not even me.

Simple, bring all monk dps for easy mode, it's a tried and true method established in the very first final fantasy

>can finally a buy a prototype midas chest
>they're all bad except monk

Fucking this stupid yokai mount is amazing on a male roe.

>catboys get swishy animated tails
>catgirls tails are almost completely still and motionless


they look better than the lore gear at least

Meanwhile the crafted HQ bodies would have saved you time for a better piece of gear, and they're relatively cheap nowadays.

I definitely have fun with Monk, and also enjoy Monks in the aesthetic/gameplay sense, though I also have fun with Ninja and all of the tanks. I think I like Monk the most for Shoulder Tackle, frankly, I fucking love having a gap closer like this with melee classes, especially in PVP (even though it's dead, I'll still play it for fun).
I also hate playing Jobs that are overused and things like that, even though Monk was super used before HW, now that things are a bit more diverse, I always notice I see way less Monks than really any other melee Job there is (I often search for players and shit just to see), so that's a real big seller for me. It makes me a bit of a faggot, but if I can get fun, like the Job for what it is AND be a hipster cunt, I'm happy. I do really wish Monk had more utility, I fucking LOVE utility, but eh, can't have everything.

Cat girls are in a perpetual state of exhaustion due to be fucked by everyone all the time, the lore supports this

yeah it kinda looks like a dorky superhero

Monk is very viable especially if you're going with WAR / PLD.
People seem to forget that defensive utility is a thing and not just "everyone does more damage", Mantra is great and Dragon Kick are great, fists of earth also makes it easy for you to be the person baiting double drills or taking a 2 stack Sizzlebeam.

BLM has the same problem: nobody values Apocatastasis even tho it's almost an unbuffed Dark Knight Cooldown you can place on anyone.
Coincidentally BLM also has great suitability and competes with Monk for highest DPS in the game.

>tfw started that meme

I know some people get mad at saying stuff like that, and I love the game, but I really do hope they shake it up a lot with the expansion.

Make raids more a part of the story, less linear, maybe a longer raid cycle, like one big raid every 6-8 months instead of a small set every 3 months...

Maybe give a few other ways to get on-level gear than just weekly grind-a-thon tokens, such as relic armor that improves similar to Novus, but only a specific amount a week, maybe with a currency you get some other way some other way that doesn't fucking suck like launch Alexandrite, and make it so ideally you'd maybe use a few pieces of the relic armor and keep them updated, but replace other slots with token gear or raid drops.

Or shit, gradual enhancements for all gear using a weekly limited resource earned some other way that doesn't fucking suck like launch Alexandrite. Still ideal to get that weekly token stuff, but you're not just stalled completely if you miss a week.

I dunno, these ideas suck but I'm just looking forward to something different.

Its pretty shit for tomes, and arguably shit for exp as well. Maybe not if you're a dps thanks to que times. It takes maybe around 4 hours to go through 1-50, you could get the same rewards via dungeon runs in half the time. It is great if you want a decent weapon while levelling an alt though.

Definitely glad to hear it's still viable, though since I play on Jap servers, if anyone has an issue I'll only get moonrunes, so eh, lol.
I always hear that Chakra is shit, though, even though it gets the buff when you're actually a Monk, though I do like what it is for what it is, and will use it when I think/know it's appropriate because fuck it I might as well.

Funnily enough Monk and BLM are the only 2 Jobs I got to 50 in 4.0, and BLM is currently my highest at 54. I guess I like DPS, though I really dislike ranged DPS in XIV, it may differ once you get to 60 and actually have to actively move a lot, but grinding dungeons (which I've spent a majority of my time doing with all jobs) is boring as a caster, moving around as Monk is very enjoyable.

Touch of Death also has the best god damn sound in this entire game good god. When I unlocked that shit my enjoyment of Monk went up a LOT from that sound alone.

How many friends have you made playing this game, Sup Forums? Any of them still around?

Oh, XIV is definitely something I still enjoy. I'm currently hopping between both XIV and WoW thanks to being able to pay for WoW with gold.

But man, I can only handle so much of this tome grinding shit before I go nuts. I was hoping Palace of The Dead would offer some kind of horizontal progression or fun side stuff...but nope. Everything they do filters back into the gear treadmill somehow or just dies and offers nothing. They really, REALLY need to fucking figure out some kind of new system. The actual raids are a fucking joke and are just dungeons with more complicated (overly punishing in the case of Midas, initially) boss fights in...circular arenas. Woo.