What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:



dude was cray-cray

Fuck off back to and take your retarded memes with you.




>just put the gun to their head...POW

That line has stayed in my head since I played the game 15 years ago






what a responsible adult lmao

i bet eddie probably raped her

T. Creep

SH 2 remake

So where did the pizza come from?

It was a manifestation of his sexual frustration and guild.

why did he have sexual frustation?

No pizza.

Where did he get the pizza from?

What does Cihi think of the HD collection that they desperately made sure the original cast was in the game but wasted their time anyway?

If he "pulled" that trigger it wouldn't do anything.

How did silent hill look to him?

Bowling alleys often have food


>desperately made sure the original cast was there


You're fucking joking right?

Konami didn't contact a single fucking one of the original cast, because if they had they would have been responsible for redrafting their contracts and including 15 years of royalties into their pay that they were rightfully owed

But of course, this is konami, so it was easier to hire a shitty new team instead


Cold. You can see what he sees in the scene in the OP.

>they desperately made sure the original cast was in the game
They didn't though. They were going to abandon the original performances entirely in favor of new VA work (that Guy Cihi has went on record as saying while they did a good job, they sound like phony TV voices compared to the average normal people in the original casting that had way more in person guidance from the original Team Silent that knew exactly what performances they were trying to get). It wasn't until a huge community uproar did they even attempt to get the original VA's in the game, but they tried to do so in the most underhanded shady way possible, by getting the VA's to sign their rights to the performances away, which was when Guy Cihi said fuck you pay me and threatened to sue Konami over the residuals he was owed for the unlicensed reuse of his voice in that game in releases such as the PC version.

The same as it did to everyone else.

Yeah, that's how it happened, and for what?

He took a lot of bullets

Eddie represents the typical teenager's problems like being able to make pizza appear out of seemingly nowhere.

He probably meant the otherworld, which looks different to everyone (or most people).

Would Pyramid Head have been as intimidating with a face?

Looks like pizza.



Wow, the really didn't understand anything.

the? What are you talking about?

It really has to stop. Though it stopped with Kojima, Del Taco and Ito, sadly...

I'm bad at type writing.

Yeah and your post still doesn't make sense. Who is the they you are referring to?

I think he's referring to whoever made that concept art not understanding that the monsters are supposed to represent the protagonists personal fears. Or something like that.

But that Concept Art was done by Team Silent when they were making SH2

Can somebody post the pasta with all the silent hill instructions im setting up epsxe

Remember that time Korn made a theme for a Silent Hill game?

Maybe that whole concept wasn't originally planned then.

bad textures

Yeah man, they don't get it but I do!!

>It really has to stop.

No it doesn't

>not fucking people over ever

I personally don't hate Korn but their music is so out of place for a Silent Hill game. Unfortunately the song is also better than the game.

>He doesn't enjoy all Silent Hills equally

>people defend this game
>people genuinely think this game is as good as the originals because "the cult stuff is dumb"
>people think that SH2 is the only game in the series that matters
>those same people interpret almost every single thing in SH2 and then use those incorrect interpretations to judge the rest of the series on
I'm glad this series is dead. I can't take this shit anymore.


>Not asking for a fuck ton of money and development time

These were concept art for the SH2 MOVIE, aka the Revelations.

They are not Masahiro Ito's sketches for the original SH2 game.

>"the cult stuff is dumb"

But it is

He was really overly ambitious with MGSV, that open world shit was just unnecessary and he had to put all kinds of products in his game to fund it like those glasses and shit.

At least that's what I assume the in-game shilling was for. Unless Konami were the ones who made him do that.

Heather is pretty much perfect and is my waifu. I want to bury my face in her ass and inhale deeply tbqfh

If you don't like the cult stuff then you don't like Silent Hill, because literally every single Team Silent game, even SH2, is about the cult and everything in the games is a result of the cult. It would be like saying you love Mario but hate jumping.

t. konami shill

It's not, and anyone claiming so is greatly belittling all the details and lore behind it, plus clearly are not understanding jack shit about the series' story, like the fact that the "cult" was merely one tiny cog in a much bigger machine.

Anything shown in the movies and post-TS games should be completely ignored by default.

You cannot tell me what to like and not like, you fucking retard. I like Silent Hill but find the cult stuff stupid, so what are you gonna do about it?

Call you a fucking retard for being a fucking retard. What are YOU going to do about it?

But SH1, 2 and 3 are all really awesome.

The Evil Within is the closest you're going to get to a modern Silent Hill that feels even somewhat like the original trilogy.

probably roll my shit into little balls and eat crayons

>Evil Within
>Silent Hill

>The Evil Within is the closest you're going to get to a modern Silent Hill
...you gotta be fucking shitting me?
That blatant, "modernized" RE4 ripoff ? Anything like SH??

Hell, even some Swedish teenagers did a far better "Silent Hill" game for free few years ago! It's called "Cry Of Fear". Not a total masterpiece like SH1-3, but still better than fucking TEW.

But Evil Within is just shittier RE4 and that was nothing like Silent Hill.

stop babbling bullshit.
That concept art is for the 2nd SH Movie, not the game, and has nothing to do with Ito or Team Silent.

Speaking of concept art for the film.
Damn, this would neat to see. No, the CGI barbed wires is much easier.
I like the first film, I don't much a shit for the sequel.


the movie was also hamfisted as fuck and responsible for the abortion that was homecoming

both films are shit.
the 2nd is just a way bigger disaster with no grace.

>SH Thread
>no DL links + SH PC Guide posted yet
What is this?
What's going on here??



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.

The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.

alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.

This is the best non Team Silent SH game. But it would've been much better if it wasn't a SH game but a new IP.

>This is the best non Team Silent SH game
More like THE WORST (right after BoM).

Only SH:SM has been decent so far.

>best at anything
Tomm pls...

Dude just loved Cheese pizza

He got the old man, and that stupid dog too. That guy is gonna have a hard time playing football on what's left of that knee .

>"Eddie, you're just gonna go out there alone?"

Favorite cutscene in the whole game

You really think 5 was better than Downpour? Get away from me plebs.

It was. Period.
Both are literal shit, but HC was at least was more solid turd, with playable controls and better visuals.

SH:SM has been the only GOOD western SH game.

I found HC to have good combat mechanics. I think there were some sorta QTE for finishers, but the actual combat requires knowing the enemy's movement to dodge at the right time. Only thing I hated the most was that you could invert the aim but not the camera, so switching between them pretty much fucks you up. Also Alex is the worst character, does he have autism?

I feel like the combat was a lot jankier in homecoming, the characters were all fucking stupid and i didn't like the other world segments (the segment in particular before the doll fight was painfully shitty). Also, the puzzles in downpour were more interesting (like the whole upside-down spinner things and the stuff you do with reflections).

Downpour > Homecoming

where THE fuck did that pizza come from?

No, thats for the second movie you fucking dingus

Alex has Cloud Strife syndrome, so it's not surprising he acts like a retard. The thing I don't understand is why everyone around Alex also acts like a retard. His mom just sits in her chair and mumbles "Alex, where's your brother?" He's been dead for years bitch, why are you acting like his body hasn't even cooled yet?

>post-TS games should be completely ignored by default.

But those games expand on the lore and involve the cult stuff too

Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they shouldn't be canon

They didn't get the original voice cast for SH3 at all. All new voices. The SH3 voices are prefect. The voice for heather said she had no clue they were re-releasing the game and no one had contacted her.

The only reason SH2 voices were re-used was because Chihi made a fuss and threatened legal action. You have to play hard ball with these companies. They're totally sociopathic.

Or you could shut ur bitchass mouth nigga and stop acting like you even give two shits about the series

>. Also Alex is the worst character, does he have autism?

He was in a mental asylum

>How did silent hill look to him?

The fog world is the same. James briefly enters his nightmare world during the boss fight.

It was me, James. The author of all your pain.

SH:SM is only ok because the story is the story of SH1

Actually, SH:SM is OK because people THINK it's "just the story of SH1", and because it does not even try to play like a "Silent Hill game".

>The only reason SH2 voices were re-used was because Chihi made a fuss and threatened legal action
Actually, it's all because he agreed to let Konami use his old score for free, instead of demanding royalties like any sensible person would have done.

too bad that even with the old VAs, you're still stuck with the terrible, poorly edited and glitchy re-mixed soundtracks. And obviously all the visual & performance issues the "HD" ports have.

>People who hate the western Silent Hills but enjoy The Room