How can one man be so hilarious?

How can one man be so hilarious?

Based af Daniel thread. Who $50/m here?

Other urls found in this thread:


I am actually not sure why he's so popular. I don't really care for him desu.

Fuck off Manlet.

charliewinsmore is funnier

Manlet pls

If more people emulated his style of elaborate ruses I'd probably watch people play video games more often.

>you will never an IRL Daniel.

>Who $50/m here?
The fuck is this supposed to mean?

one day i will own this board

Thanks for this user

>not supporting the patreon of people you feel deserve it
Manlet spotted.

Man it's been awhile since I watched these
One of his funniest videos he's put up recently, his interactions with the edgy britbong bandit squad kills me

I like Daniel and my bro supports his patreon, but stop shilling for free, friendo So many threads daily with this op pic.

too bad hes a brony now

>staged and prerecorded

>you will never be so assravaged like manlet you stalk daniel threads

Since when is skit based humor a bad thing? Is nothing funny to you unless ot is spontaneous?

>the mindset of a goblin dwarf-hunter

griefing is usually enjoyable for the unhinged and spontaneous reactions from unaware people. There's nothing wrong with scripted videos, but it kind of goes against the spirit of griefing you're not actually griefing anyone.

>the desperation of manlet
How's your gay sex with Evaxephon going?

Post the patreon only vids pls.

Or you can subscribe. It's not expensive. Shit I only give him 50 a month.

What's homosexuality got to do with video games?


Meant for

Yes, someone do this. This is clearly a shill thread. Let's just spam his exclusive, private jewish videos for all to see every time his shit account is shilled in Sup Forums

This is the best way to purge this fucking shill threads

It's a bit tiresome seeing him appear alot.

why do you think it's staged?

>the manlet continues to get more ass devastated

It will make him stop. The last thing he wants is to have his payed videos available to non patreon supporters.

Spam his payer exclusive content and that will encourage him to fuck off from this board.

Who the fuck is this guy?

Why do you always post his picture?

This and the "potions" guy, I have no fucking idea why you guys shill their shit here.

>this thread

I was honestly expecting him to say "settle down" at least once desu

>one video every 4 months
>stream replays are private
>never streams anyways
Don't care.

Yeah Manlet is seriously fucking terrified of Daniel.

So good, too bad he vanished


That teacher was really polite.

no you wont

I still laugh at the thought of locking people in rooms in DAY Z so they have to literally shoot themselves.

God, what a shitty game.


Britbong is better desu

>Jew patron
>Deletes twitch vods
>Is salty as fuck and bands you if you ask why he doesnt have a twitch subscriber button
>DMCA anyone uploading vods to youtube

Good goy

Worst taste

Stop shilling your channel faggot.

>manlet now resorts to memes

>If you don't like blatant advertising you're obviously 5'4" tears
Sup Forums is not your personal billboard, kill yourself


>false flag shilling

Why try so hard Manletto?

Pretty sure this is Daniel pretending to be Manlet pretending to be Daniel.

I think the legend is forming a ruse cruise.

I played with Daniel in a CS:GO server once. He's pretty chill when he's not recording.