Who is more responsible for the deaths of innocent people?

Who is more responsible for the deaths of innocent people?

Neither, as the concept of "innocence" is inherently flawed, as it is a subjective and man-made concept.

Which vidya protag has caused the most raw carnage?
I say either Kirby or Doomguy


It must be hard having autism, little shit

Reimu obviously

Can't let the villagers get any crazy ideas about becoming youkai and disrupting the balance. Nope!

Youkai aren't people

Wow check your privilege

They both only kill those who deserve to die

That was the most "I just finished my first semester of law with a minor in philosophy" post I have read in weeks.

No harder than it must be to act pretentious when you're a fucking moron.

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt - Lady Inquisitor Hakurei

>t. reimu

Kirby is property of an enormous studio which tries extremely hard to push a "family-friendly" image; they'd never make it canon

Reimu is property of a single drunken memelord who would make it canon in a heartbeat

>Filthy youkai

Youkai are harmful to humans just by existing.


When will this bitch get what she deserves?

Not all of them

You mean donations, faith towards her god and a way to communicate with it?
Hopefully soon.

I want to fuck that umbrella.

You post one ToeHoe and all the weeaboos come out of the woodwork.

Its almost like this was a website for anime and japan talk.


Umbrellas aren't meant for fucking, user.

Well Kirby is a child, he probably doesn't even know any better.


Not even after a few dates?

No. Maybe after marriage, but I'm not so sure. They are still umbrellas after all.

But she wants to be used

And what do you use umbrellas for? Surely not for sex.

I've been using mine wrong.

I've been wondering, if tsukumogami are supposed to be born after forgotten tools does that mean that there are tsukumogami born from forgotten onaholes?

Holding hands with?
Walking in the rain with?

Well now that you know I hope you won't misuse it anymore.
