Gamefreak broke the formula and actually changed Pokemon. No more gyms and no more HM moves

>Gamefreak broke the formula and actually changed Pokemon. No more gyms and no more HM moves
>Anime broke the formula and Ash is confirmed to win the Kalos League

Holy shit Sup Forums 20 years. 20 fucking years and Pokemon finally decides to switch things up. I never thought I would see the day. And that new trailer got me hyped as fuck

Where were you when Pokemon was saved? I feel like I'm fucking kid again

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No gyms? I didn't get that from the newest trailer.

>no more gyms
The "gyms" are just outdoors now. You will still have a gauntlet of trainers going up to the "gym" leader. The only thing they've done away with, are the puzzles.

>Ash is confirmed to win the Kalos League


So he's finally getting replaced?

>steel sandslash
>fairy ninetails

at long last i can use gen 1 again without it being trash mon


New Sandslash will be 4x weak to Fire and Fighting

No, but she is.

even shit types are good when paired with fairy.

Their ability is going to be shit too. Increase evasion in snowstorm.

"Kalos League Victory! Satoshi's Greatest Decisive Battle!"

>post yfw Ash finally wins a Pokemon league

ninetales isn't trash
ice one probably will be unless it gets snow warning

>smogon meltdown imminent

Yeah, the leaked final evolution art actually confirmed this due to Mallow's appearance in said leaked art weeks ahead of today's reveal.


Wasn't its original ability the same, but with sandstorms?

Also, it's possible that we might get different secret abilities. Ninetales' secret is Sunny Day on switch-in, so it might end up being Hail on switch-in for its new form.

>bullet punch
Ice is such a shit type, it's not fair.

he won orange islands and battle frontier

Wait they're really going to replace Ash? Holy shit I always wanted this to happen but I'm not prepared. This is too much

Both filler

STAB Ice is very powerful offensively and Fairy does a decent job at mitigating its weaknesses, 4x weakness to Steel is not that bad, since as an offensive type, Steel has shit coverage, and being weak to rocks is nothing new.
Overall, Alola Ninetales may be one of the few ice types that isn't fucking shit

They can't build up the romance with Serena. And then just throw her away for a new girl. The perfect way they could do it is have Ash get her preggers, and make their son/daughteru the new anime main character.

You do raise a good point.
Being able to fuck up dragons in two different ways is not something to ignore. It can hit Garchomps and Hydreigons pretty hard.

How does is the game's last evo starter concept art related to the anime?

>Wasn't its original ability the same, but with sandstorms?

Yes, and Sandslash was never a very strong pokemon, not even in gen 1 before abilities existed. But it at least has the virtue of not being 4x weak to one of the most common types of physical attacks.

>Ash wins the Pokemon league
>Ash gets the best girl
>Gets to syncro evolve with Naruto frog

Based Ash

No, you misunderstand.
The leaked art depicts Ash and Mallow.

maybe we get a new mc next season

That confirms nothing
Can't wait for him to lose again.

The leaked art is apparently reference art for the anime production.

wtf i hate pokemon now

where it at tho'

Unless it has fantastic stats that isn't going to matter. Steel is a common offensive move now specifically because of the existence of fairy, and you didn't even mention fighting moves which it's also 4x weak to. Having two common 4x weaknesses is very bad, and considering it doesn't even have a good ability, it would have to have the most amazing stats and movepool to make up for that.

Now if its ability caused hail instead of just getting evasion from it, then I could see it getting some use despite the weaknesses.

How do you get around then? Pokemon mounts?

>no hm moves

but i like surf and fly tho?

Emerald frontier is to this day the hardest challenge in all of pokemon, I'd say that's a victory

OK, I haven't watched the Pokemon anime since I was in fifth grade. Can someone explain what the fuck that thing is supposed to be?

And Ash/Satoshi is still there so is mistaken.

Z moves and fetch quests. Lol gonna be shit.

>confirms nothing
>Literally says Kalos League Victory

you retarded or something?

talking about the leaks
the new starters are pretty good looking
i am hyped

They won't get rid of the movies, they'll just turn them into TMs with no overworld functionality.

You will still be able to surf and fly on pokemon that can do it, you just won't have to use up a move slot for it. It's really one of the obvious fixes they should have implemented several gens ago.

>no more HM moves
I know that Pokemon transports are confirmed. But that doesn't actually mean there'll be no HM moves does it?
Well, it would be neat for as long as the old moves stay TMs. But why expect HMs to be gone? It's probably the same as ever.

have a you.

Fairy resists fighting, so it's neutral to it.

I probably didn't make clear what I meant when I quoted two people, but I was referring to Serena being replaced, not Ash.

i will probably pick the water one
i really dig the design

I was undecided between grass owl and fire cat. If those are really what the final evolutions are at least I won't have a difficult decision anymore. Grass owl wins by a landslide.

I think by now they've realised HMs are bullshit that limit movepools, when you clearly have Pokémon suited to certain tasks.
HMs are a relic of the gameboy games that seriously needed to go along with tile-based world design and movement, they seriously hampered gen 6.

Do not sexualize the seal/clown/mermaid/siren.


me too. i wanted a fire panther and instead i got yet another goofy fire luchador just like the last 5 gens

Cute how they use Dark/Fire Type Tiger Wrestler's crotch to heat up the kettle.

>The anime’s Ash-Greninja will appear in the game
>Alolan Rattata & Raticate are Dark-type
>Alolan Butterfree is Bug/Psychic
>Alolan Abra, Kadabra & Alakazam are Fighting-type
>Alolan Nidoking & Nidoqueen are Poison/Fighting-type
>Alolan Growlithe & Arcanine are Water-type
>Alolan Doduo & Dodrio are Fighting/Flying-type
>The previous versions of Pokémon which have taken on new forms will only be accessible by bringing in from older games
>Furfrou gets new styles
>New cat Pokémon varies in type and appearance based on breeding
>There is a new snowman Pokémon line with two stages and it is Ice/Ghost
>Not to get hopes up, but there may be two final evolutions for each starter
>There will be no traditional Gyms and no Pokémon League in Alola. Your goal is to actually create one. After you do, an Elite 4 will appear which are the leaders of each island
>The final starter evolutions will be an Archer, a Wrestler and a Siren
>The diamond stones will be collectible throughout the region and act similarly to Mega Stones but not exactly
>New Pokémon based on a dolphin, sea cucumber, snowman, mushroom and a rugby monkey are there
>Rockruff’s evolution is a Werewolf
>Mashadow, another copyrighted Pokémon name, has a very unique type combo

so now there are 4 "kahunas" instead of 8 gym leaders?
thanks iwata

Sure. But nothing has confirmed their removal in Sun & Moon.
Even with the Poke transports.

>you can have a trap mermaid seal be your sex slave

Admittedly yeah, there was the Rhydon and Gogoat sections in X/Y, but they still didn't remove HMs.

>New girl companion
>They will have yo bullshit a reason for Serena to stay in kalos
>all that romantic buildup right to the trash.

I hate the anime sometimes.


It is exactly how he described it, a naruto frog.

Ash and Greninja share an insanely strong bond that Ash can syncro evolve with Greninja. Greninja gets a super saiyan like power boost and Ash can fully control Greninja's movement. When Greninja takes damage, Ash feels it too. Here's a couple of it's battles

This thing is fucking overpowered and broken as fuck. People bitched that Ash got fucked over by Tobias and his legendary Pokemon in the Sinnoh league but Ash-Greninja can literally sweep Tobias's team

what did they mean by this?

I need a source.
Or at least an artist name.
Image search didn't give me any results

He just got to battle them tho, no hard parts like going through the battle pike

and my favorite one

Best new poke Fuck you Sup Forums

it's goofy but i like it

here you go friend

I am so fucking glad those ones were fake.


>yfw Pokemon actually has a realistic arc and it took years and years for Ash to actually win a league.

>Wanted Pokemounts since Gen 1
>We actually got them
>Wanted variants in the main game since Delta species were a thing
>We actually got them
>Wanted something other than Gyms
>We actually got it
I'm actually excited for a pokemon game. What a time to be alive.

>can't see the nipples
Oh, what a fucking tease.
But thank you, friend.

Why did you just post two trees?

Here's hoping for an Alolan Scyther that evolves into a "Alolan Scizor" that doesn't have steel

>doesn't fit on the screen

I love it.

>No more gyms
how the hell do i prove im the very best like no one ever was!?

I'll believe it when I see it.

His opponent is probably gonna have a team of full fucking legendaries again.

What the fuck?

Jesus christ that's stupid. I'm glad I didn't keep watching this shit. That's not even what Pokemon is supposed to be about.

im gonna use

>ice ninetails
>litten fire cat
idk what for 6th

help me bros

I absolutely adore this thing.

>tfw my hometown had these giant pailm trees
i fucking love it

What is this shit
Why is this the only mon to scale?
What the fuck is this favoritism

>No more gym
No more gym
No more gym

Gonna move to the mall
Gonna live in the pool
Gonna talk to Roxanne and not feel like a fool!

After today I'm gonna cruizin'
After today she'll be mine
After today my brains will be snoozin'
If I don't faint, I'll be fine

I've got 40 more minutes
of home economics
then down with the textbooks
and up with the comics!

Just think of all the time I've been losin'
Finding the right thing to sayyy
But things will be going my way
After today.

>I'm glad I didn't keep watching this shit.
so you're telling me your opinion is worthless?

Silly Pokemon gets a sillier evolution.



Comedic potential.

Why are blades of grass taller than Sudowoodo?

this thing is gonna be great for comboposting

Salandit confirmed for best new Pokemon.


Ash still has to defeat an elite 4

Basically never ever

lucario isn't gen1, no one cares enough about those digimon to give it new version

same with next one

charizard through venosaur are starters they won't get new versions

pikachu is a classic mascot, they won't change him

I really wanted the evil water starter

that thing is so fucking retarted it's impossible to hate it

>35 feet tall

Copy that.