Well this game than blew up apparently the guy was contacted by Sony and Epic games and more information will be release tomorrow youtube.com
Well this game than blew up apparently the guy was contacted by Sony and Epic games and more information will be...
Just tell me when it's out. That's all I care about.
>downgrade confirmed
But its not PC exclusive like Civ 6
hahaha some fucking nobody is gonna make final fantasy before square enix even gets to finish theirs
is that what you consider a downgrade? because that looks the same. post more, I don't play civ games.
PC release?
nobody cares about civ 6. die hard fans think 4 was better and every one else is like who gives a shit about civ 6
that looks hilariously awful. is it a chinese game?
looks like low pc settings to me.
It's a game made by 1 south korean kid. One person user.
> I sure would be glad if a game that looks amazing would suddenly look and run worse but only i and people who are in the same fan club could play it.
Typical Sony fan.
You're retarded i swear
>> I sure would be glad if a game that looks amazing would suddenly look and run worse so it could run on more PCs cause more than 80% of steam users have weaker hardware than ps4
Typical PCfat
you link a "what i expected/ what i got " pic as "proof" of downgrade and hes the retard? ok
>contacted by Sony
For ripping FF assets?
Lazy as shit indie devs BTFO
Correct. Die hard fans are also 100% correct. Civ 4 is the best 4x game ever made. Civ5 is for people with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Civ6 will be for mongoloid kids.
Are you shitting me? that game looks way better than FFIV
XV sorry
Isn't the game to similar to the games mentioned I think It will never be released because of copyrights and shit
The only thing it has similar to FFXV is the likeness of the MC, which can easily be altered.
Looks like a korean mmo
You do realise PC games have graphic settings right?
There is nothing there besides the combat, so I don't see why people would approach him. The amount of work it would take to make a game around that would be too much investment I imagine.
People are freaking out because it's one dude amd they think he modelled and designed everything, if it was a small team no one would give a shit.
>there are people who think 2010 looks better
People did the same for Overgrowth years back. People think terrain generation and speedtree is impressive.
Can't call it artistic unless the medium was digitized shit
>Epic Games
Hahaha, even UE creators, and then some dipshits wanted to make look like he didn't do anything HAHAHAHAHA
Fuck that means no pc release...
Sony funded Street Fighter 5 and No Mans Sky,and both games are on PC
I live under a rock and people keep calling me and saying I'm Krusty Krab... The fuck is this?
civ 4 was shit compared to civ 3 and 5