Does a flawless game exist?
Does a flawless game exist?
Mgs 3 Subsistence
Syphon filter
Ape escape 1
>tfw Barboach never got a Pokedex description or anime appearance because its episode was canceled
What would you do if you had a Barboach?
Deus Ex is as close as you can get.
Find a fucking flaw, I dare you
Nah, DX is very good, but very flawed also, especially in its gameplay
>load times (fixed in steam)
>too easy
>unfinished character arcs
But it is the best FF game so you're close
which version
it's too simple
Shit I meant Tetris
>too simple is a flaw
Go fuck yourself, you can't have complex games without flaws
How isn't too simple a flaw? Ever notice how nobody plays pong these days? Because it's fucking boring and simple
I can agree with that. I definitely value the hell out of this game, but it was easier then a lot of the other FF games. Also the OST is astounding to me.
Peggle TWO
MUH fan-service fags go die
Sonic Adventure DX
Tetris is objectively flawless, only error is human error
There's no such thing
I don't like the any of the tetris themes
mute it
ffuuuck right off. tetris is simplistic, repetitive and relies on RNG as a core mechanic. go suck that irish cunt's dick more.
nah, you gotta be good
>m-muh RNG
cry more and get better at a puzzle game lol
Banjo-Tooie, XBLA version
Fuck up retard. You called tetris flawless and I pointed out 3 flaws. Get over it and stop parroting shit you hear other people say in order to sound smart.
>seriously implying simplistic design is a flaw
not enough waifus and explosions or something?
its a fucking puzzle game
>RNG shit
just get good at the game you fucking nonce