Tfw bad at literally every genre of video games

>tfw bad at literally every genre of video games
even when I practice I'm still bad, it's really discouraging

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The only thing that matters is that you are having fun. If you don't then why the fuck you keep playing them?

someone's got a case of the gitguds

I doubt you'd be bad at this game as theres only 1 button to press

tfw extremely good at videogames and can't find a bf who can dominate me at them and then proceed to dominate me

don't reply

thinly veiled meta thread for git gud enthusiasts

>who can dominate me at them and then proceed to dominate me

>then why the fuck you keep playing them?
because I know that fun is so close

I can taste it

but I'm not there

I would be having way more fun if I was good. I recently bought MGS 5 and it took me half an hour to clear the first major outpost

I want him to rape me in the game and then proceed to rape me in real life

what did he mean by this

there is prolly something to be said for gitting gud thoe. ppl who are more versed/skilled in games most likely enjoy them more

Dont worry about it too much, op. Being good at video games is like having the potential to be a competitive eater. Yeah you can be good at it, but nno one is gonna respect you for it.

Its just one of those things that is truly truly useless to be good at.
Also if youre below the age of 15 that is totally natural, 18-20 is usually when youll find out where potential caps out.

I want him to beat me in a videogame so that he can put his penis in my butthole

>left handed so my mouse accuracy is shit
>ADHD so my reaction time is shit

I stick to single-player games. It doesn't matter how much I play multiplayer, I'll always be worse than everyone else.

1. Are you cute?
2. What genre we talkin here?

1) no
2) fighting/rhythm/party/action


welp there it goes

what does that even mean

>this tbqh SENPAI
And to force me to play his favorite games even if I don't actually like them

Just stick to singleplayer games, maybe coop.

Your not practicing correctly, also you cant be good at every game/genre, you gotta pick one game and then maybe try other games in the genre once your good

It means I sang mic in rockband and couldn't beat the campaign in blazblue.

you could also play me in puzzle games, or party games, or etc.

I said I was extremely good for a reason you dumb faggot.

Post your steam anyway and I'll beat the shit out of you in anything you challenge

>Good at dumb party games but that's it
>Board game online, mario party, 100% OJ
>Stupid luck whenever it comes to rolls
>Luck consistently dumb enough nobody wants to play these with me anymore

Not him but I would like to play super puzzle fighter with someone again.

I'd only do it if you fuck my throat, that's my only condition

See me in Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo's fightcade lobby

Casual didn't even come what a loser

As fun as that sounds, I don't actually have a tower atm.
but thanks didn't know about Fightcade

Same. I've dropped 1450 hours into the most punishing assfaggot dota 2 for 2 years and stayed in the bottom 5% percentile. A few months ago I finally gave up. It was easy, after all I only had fun the first 200 hours. I'm not that stupid because my grades are good and I heard my dad (who runs a million dollar company) say that I was intelligent. I suppose my motor skills just aren't up to the task. Maybe I held myself back because I refused to do everything I could to win. I refused to try certain heroes that I considered low skill (ironic because I am literally lowest of the low).
Some of us just aren't the chosen ones in multiplayer games.

Single player games are a different story and I can usually clear them fast and enjoy the story. But NPCs feel really fake, so I don't play single player games much anymore.

>tfw less creative now than when I was a teen
>can't play sandbox building games without seizing up and worrying about where to start, how the proportions should be, what to put where, and how not to make it look like shit

> good at almost every game except for sports and shit which I never play
> especially FPS and strategy
> feels good man

What's the point of sandbox games?
What are you supposed to do? What can you do?

Yeah, if I had a set task and specific list of instructions then i would probably enjoy it a lot more

>tfw good at videogames but hardware always sucks, or console cant read games or internet is shit so you cant even play them half the time

I'll come all over you.

You sound like a fag.

Even cock hungry women don't talk like that.

You are a shitter, just admit it

300ping isnt even my main concern. sometimes my internet is just out, or my PC wont connect at all.

No matter how much I play and practice, I only ever get to "above average" on every game and I think it's a lot more enfuriating than being bad

>playing competitive games with shitty internet
You realize for a game like CS:GO you're running the game for the 9other people on the server right?

>playing cs:go

>tfw really good at CS 1.6 and source
>can't into GO
It's just full of tryhards and shit. 1.6 and source were full of fun shit. If you weren't doing well you could fuck off to some goofy server with sounds and silly maps and shit. I fucking hate e-sports.

>no fun or first person shooters allowed
Found the weeaboo faggot.

>if you're good you're a try-hard
>if you're bad you're just "having fun"

>tfw slightly above average at every genre but not exceptional at any

It was more fun when you weren't competing with people who literally wanted to be pro video game players.

Sports are just games, why should there be people who want to be professional sports players?

>tfw can't into anything competitive unless it's a board game

Even more so if it's a team based game, because I don't like dragging everyone else down.