Woah max pandering.
Looks retarded, but I'm okay with it. Yeah, sure, redesign pokemon for each region. Mix things up.
Ten times better than making new ones like a bunch of keys or an ice cream, or the useless meme dancing bird.
Aloha Form?
>Woah max pandering.
pandering to what?
>this meme again
because gen 1 didn't have a ball with a face, pile of slime, and gen 2 didn't have literally a deer and sunflower.
face it, simple, uninspired designs have always been in pokemon. take off the nostalgia goggles.
As my gift to the pope, I gave him a copy of ---------
>lalala if I ignore the context of old designs I can make them sound bad
Back to /vp/ you underage faggot
>pile of slime
You mean three piles of slime.
they were simple but still fit the "monster" theme and the unified art style
simple doesn't mean bad
The Pokemon game now has Pokemon from previous games redesigned or changed to match the regional differences of the "Alola" region and the "Kanto" differences. e.g Vulpix, which are native to mountains and came with humans to the Alola region, began living on the icy mountains and became Ice type.
I honestly don't mind because it's not as obnoxious, but seriously what the fuck is the point of /vp/ when we have /trash/ now
Electrode and voltorb were fucking amazing designs you pleb. It was a perfect take on the chest monster trope when you'd see a pokeball on the ground and it turned out to be a voltorb.
they expanded the dong
Nintendo out of ideas now?
>shit...we literally ran out of ideas for new pokemon
>lets let them digivolve!
I liked the ice vulpix
I'm kinda done with Pokemon since X/Y, but I'm still trying to stay informed with this train wreck on the off chance it gits gud again, so my question is how are they gonna sort/categorize these "region" variations? New numbers, new names, or is it a form thing where they transform into these versions? How are you gonna get ice moves on Ninetails in the next gen if it only levels up in this form when it's on the Sun/Moon region? Will it revert back if you trade it to another region?
Seems kinda sketchy unless they're basically new mons with new numbers, new movesets, new level moves, just same names as old mons.
Crying "KEYS" is just as bad. They have a context as well regarding fairy types and are inspired by an old superstition in which fairies would steal keys.
Exactly. They're not bad, but complaining about "modern" simple designs is absurd.
>he thinks a voltorb is a le chest monster
>wow le dork solz guys xD meme again
kill yourself.
They'll probably have a symbol next to their name when you get the national dex, like genders.
I still want to know how these things work.
Will the "original" forms be available to catch too? Will they have entirely new stats and moves, or just elemental appropriate versions of existing moves? Will they still count as the same pokemon for purposes of breeding and stuff? Like, will egg moves and stuff still be the same?
So many questions
you cant trade pokemon to past gens.
I don't dislike some of the newer designs for being simple, I dislike them for looking bad. It's just a matter of opinion, you can like them if you want.
the outlines aren't even remotely close to pokemon style, nor are the styles uniform across both pics
At first I thought it was retarded, but then palm trees and then executor looks retarded to start with
>As my gift to the pope, I gave him a copy of ---------
if you are implying what I think you are implying, I can only laugh at you.
this existed long before Undertale.
From what I can gather you can't catch them, but you can import them from other games.
Can't wait for Sun/Moon, they literally annunced Cold Steel the hedgeheg
I would say real palm trees look pretty retarded.
shit fanart desu
>welcome to gamestop
I believe means that if you were to have merely silhouettes of those two, they wouldn't be similar to Vulpix or Ninetails' silhouettes. But, to argue that, I feel as though they designed similar Pokemon, and instead of trying to pass them off as new Pokemon, just gave a different form.
>mfw Sandshrew and Sandslash were always my favorites
they are just new forms idiot
>shit fanart desu
they are official senpai, look at the new trailer
More like they are really donging it
It looks like you need some education.
yea and now when you see an ice cream cone it might be a Vanillish
i meant that the black outlines in one evolution were colored in on the second, I don't think Game Freak would allow this inconsistent art style to be published or final.
>Exeggutor got a region variant before Gastrodon and Arbok
>That Donal Trump rat
Would this be the best pokemon game ever?
kill me
i think you missed the point
the point is that the art is so trash it looks like fanart
christ, dumb fucking furfags
no need to
You'll die eventually from shit taste.
>giving a retarded looking Pokemon a second retarded looking form
I fail to see what's so bad about it
woah hey guy, welcome to alola
>liking inconsistent line art
fuck you
My fucking nigga.
>tfw he has god awful typing that's 4x weak to both fighting and fire
do you like the new starters Sup Forums?
>The anime’s Ash-Greninja will appear in the game
>Alolan Rattata & Raticate are Dark-type
>Alolan Butterfree is Bug/Psychic
>Alolan Abra, Kadabra & Alakazam are Fighting-type
>Alolan Nidoking & Nidoqueen are Poison/Fighting-type
>Alolan Growlithe & Arcanine are Water-type
>Alolan Doduo & Dodrio are Fighting/Flying-type
>The previous versions of Pokémon which have taken on new forms will only be accessible by bringing in from older games
>Furfrou gets new styles
>New cat Pokémon varies in type and appearance based on breeding
>There is a new snowman Pokémon line with two stages and it is Ice/Ghost
>it's a fire starter gets fighting sub-type evolutions episode
One piece of the art is the body the other is snow trail which would naturally be lighter.
It's not like you see the art in the game anyway. It's all 3D models.
>grass has the coolest design
I knew it. Looks like I'm sticking with the owl.
>outlines aren't even remotely close to pokemon style
Jokes on you, vulpix is basically just a recolor of existing art
disappointed in all of them
won't be buying game
Why the fuck do they keep doing this?
water a best
oh my jesus i was hoping this was fanart they're so shit
i dig the aloha changes, cool way to mix up types and a bit truer to life (tiger vs siberian tiger color differences, evolved for their specific region etc etc)
but fuck me these starters are kindof shit.
what the fuck is wrong with a deer?
Pokemon should look like actual animals, retard. Thats why most people don't like shit past gen 2, they started getting anime as fuck.
that design is pretty good looking
Why do the pokemon designs look more and more like digimon with every gen?
So much this. Gen 5 was my favorite gen in competitive, since I could actually use him in a sand team as a sweeper.
Alola Sandslash has great typing for offense, but since Sandslash has always been on the bulkier side, this typing is useless for him.
I'll still have a Sandshrew/Sandslash on my team, I've done it in every gen possible.
do you know how fucking huge voltorb is?
first braixen and now this
this is really a golden age for use poke-waifus-fags
>when your water starter has so much hair you gotta buy him/her two scrunchies
>when your fire/dark starter gets all the furry fuccbois trying to sex
>when your bird evolves fingers bows and arrows to complete his Green Arrow cosplay
well here is the sorce my friend
Water type is built for sexual
if i saw an icecream cone on the ground that had been sitting there for who knows how long, i sure as hell wouldn't be trying to pick it up to eat it.
they are making pokemon great again
>Yungoos is not a Pokémon that is native to the Alola region.
>It was brought to the region to help deal with the explosive population of a certain other Pokémon, and now Yungoos are commonly seen around the Alola region.
>yfw it literally hunts down non-Alola pokemon and deports them
I keep reading it as Aloha Form so that's what the fuck I'm calling it now.
>Alolan Growlithe & Arcanine are Water-type
I really want to see that
thanks kitty cat
Owl double confirmed for best starter
ice type stealh rocks when?
>new pokegirl is based on 4chin
>Sandshrew's head is an uncut penis
Doesnt Alola have a volcano though?
delicious edit
God fucking damnit
different island.
Mauna Kea is tall as fuck and has glaciers on top, so I bet they're doing something similar for the obligatory snow region
Can anyone give me a nice build based around DEE, I just want to shit poison eyes and poison novas all over the screen
how long until she gets her costume costume censored I'm the west
what if
he gets an ability that makes him immune to 4x weaknesses
>Grass Dragon
They're just making this typing shit up as they go along aren't they? It's a fucking palm tree.