NEVER EVER EVER for Australians


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>Rated E
>Sexual Content

The fuck!? but we are afraid of sex in media specially on something that kids can get their hands on with that rating.

Can't fucking wait for this.

Technically it shows nothing explicit so it doesn't warrant a higher rating.

The game ratings are kinda fucked like that.

I don't think it is banned, just shitty store EBGames refuses to stock it since nobody is going to buy it anyway.

It's because of how the rating system works. If there's nothing actually "bad", but one of the ultra-conservative soccer moms they pull in to judge the game content has a problem with clothed anime tiddies (such as pic related), then this is the result.

Pretty sure it's a print error famalam.

you still get the game from eb games if you preorder the game.
read the article

Is this game kind of like Dungeon Travelers 2?

Buy overaeas like most of us skippys do

good taste in games sir
Stella a second-best

>rated E
>sexual content


How does it run on the Vita?
Also, is it fun?

Said no one ever.

That girl with the Demon Mask thing has a pretty cute character design.

>Also, is it fun?

Yes it is. You haven't even played it nerd.

The game is legitimately decent, even some super liberal sjw leaning reviewers have given it decent scores because it is an on rails shooter that is actually fun and new.

The problem with it is the FPS drops during certain bits.

I just did.

Meanwhile, in germany

I'm excited for it too user. My copy comes tomorrow.

I'd definitely play it if it was light gun compatible, but it apparently isn't. It's a shame too, since I loved playing time crisis.

Seems like it would be fun with Playstation Move

When is Germany gonna outlaw boxart? Just put the game title at the top of the box and the rest of it is the age rating

are they all replaced with robot girls over there?
because that's my fetish

Austria wins again.

But we always get the german covers.

So can I date/do lewd things to angel Yui Horie in this game or what?