Quick question

How do you go from this...

...to THIS?

7 generations of steady improvement

I didn't know you could fuck up mega evolutions that badly

adapting to the environment. thats all it is anons

Can this shit go back to its quarantine board?

He's all grown up now, user.
He's a man now, he'll be getting a suit and tie next gen.

It's not a mega evolution.

>Sandshrew finally gets some love
>is fucking ice/steel

Not a mega evolution.

Wait, so are we not getting any new Mega Evos? Just Alola forms?

Exeggutor got this big, so can you! Click here for 5 easy steps and never be single again! You won't believe number 3!

Reverse it. The 'default' Exeggutor is a dwarf species adapting to Kanto's tamer region.

>Coldsteel the Sandshrew


very carefully

>tfw I'm still gonna use it because Sandslash is my favorite

Of all the things to come out in pokemon recently, this makes the most sense

It was a tree to begin with, and it just grew

What doesn't make sense is how the fuck it's a dragon type


You're just too slow for this dank motherfucker.

Alola is the original form, old exeggutor is the modern day Pokemon imported from tropical regions to households a la a banzai tree

I'm naming it Sunny D

>an ice/steel pokemon

ITT: OP outs themselves as a retard and a feminist

Aside from it being half Dragon, I really like it, and the other Alola forms as well.

>not getting the edgehog reference

it gets bigger when I pull on it.


It's a pun.

Hollow plant theory begins now.

here's a pitty (you). keep lurking, you'll get the hang of it eventually.


Everything about the game ever has been announced so far.

>copy that