>what did he mean by this?
>what was his fucking problem?
>tumblr image macros
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Meta thread?
[Spoiler] Meta thread [Spoiler]
You forgot the newest idiocy
*nods respectfully*
Now that we all agree that the dust has settled, what was his endgame?
Crashing this thread
These are cute.
>I just bought x, what am i in for?
>reddit is fine around here
>blatant falseflagging with 500 responses
>neo-Sup Forums
>what's a videogame where I can _____
>what went wrong?
>what went right?
This comic looks fucking stupid. Just enjoy games, you twat.
What is "guaranteed ways to get (You)", Alex?
I love that set and that artist
Post more
post the next part bich
Yes, people like to flaunt with words they have learned on their secret club site.
Meta thread?
Nu-male detected
Post buzz words
Holy crap, this guy's still around?
He's the Nana's Everyday Life guy, right?
Complaining about this triggers Sup Forumsack crossboarders for some reason.
Hello new-male
The future is really gonna suck for today's young folks.
We've yet to see peak cringe.
he is very much alive