Here we bitch about the current state of World of Warcraft Thread # 9001
Here we bitch about the current state of World of Warcraft Thread # 9001
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It sucks. All the talent in Blizz went to Overwatch and Hearthstone and WoW will never be good again.
for the beta lads, are demon hunters fun?
Yu'lon is my waifu
If you enjoy simple but looks cool, yeah.
Legion is fun.
But i've already ran out of shit to do, looks like it's going to be WoD all over again.
>Warlocks not viable in Mythic+
Pre-ordered. Leveling an outlaw rogue right now, shits dope as fuck tbqh family. Hype for Legion, got my Sunwalker all ready to go
Holy shit I really want the monk MoP pvp set transmog but my only monk is lvl 43 on Horde while my MoH are on my alliance toons. Should I bite the bullet and faction change my monk?
Im thinking of rolling a undead unholy DK for maximum edginess.
>Died to the Scourge in Lordaeron
>Get raised
>Died to the Scourge in Plaguelands
>Get raised
>Died to Arthas in ICC
>His dad rezzes you
Undead DKs had a hard unlife.
Anyone here raid or play a lot on the beta. How is the arms vs fury war going right now. At max level with a good artifact am I going to be able to play arms if I think it's more fun or is its DPS going to be considerably less than fury like almost always
Marks of Honor are account bound. You can send then cross-server, cross-faction.
>tfw you only have a month left to find a decent guild so that you aren't dealing with all the retards in LFD once Legion comes out
What's the point of playing World of Warcraft anymore?
Or MMORPGs in general, for that matter? Why would someone play Destiny, or the Division, or FFXIV? Why?
>You can send MoH cross-faction but you still can't send gold cross-faction.
I've given up on finding a guild. I'm going to let the pubs consume me until there is nothing left.
arms is shit
I've learned how to enjoy WoW. At the end of every expansion I buy the expansion for $10, buy a month of time with gold, and enjoy all of the new content without feeling like I got ripped off. I do all the dungeons of the current expansion and solo all the raids of the past expansion. I play the economy for fun and to make the money to pay for another month next year.
>Want to get into Legion when it comes out
>Don't know what class to play
>Fed up with being an ele shaman all these years after the abusive relationship with Blizzard
>Tried Hunter in WoD and didnt have a good time
>Not sure if want to be a healer again
>Melee never particularly held my interest past warrior vanilla which I had almost 1 year played on before BC came out
I am at a stand still here. I kind of want to try DK out but I know I won't play it long and I dont want to tank. Any suggestions for classes?
Just use battle pets to send gold cross faction.
gold being bind on account would ruin the economy
Frost DKs are the superior race.
>Plate version of what is now the shittiest Mage spec
>Superior to Unholy
has fdk ever not been a 3 button faceroll
>Unholy is the better spec
>Frost gets the better artifact
Is it still a trivial cake walk through every dungeon and just sitting around in queue, the game?
>existing as a Death Knight is eternal suffering
>rolling a DK is eternal suffering
It's like poetry. It rhymes.
>Blood gets some Legion weapon
>Unholy finds theirs in some basement
>Frost gets swords made out of FROSTMOURNE
I kinda like it
How you figure?
How do you even enjoy leveling these days?
thinking about coming back for legion, should i re sub now or wait until legion drops?
>Mfw had several top 50 guilds (on top 20) trying to convince me to continue playing before I went on hiatus 9 months ago
>Mfw I'm not even going to play for the first 6 weeks or so because I'm busy
>Mfw coming into Xpac mid-tier from scratch and will still be able to get into a good guild that will funnel me gear as soon as I tell them I'm ready to play
Just resubbed after not playing since burning crusade.
Someone please tell me leveling isn't completely 1-2 shot things your level and dungeons that everyone runs through flailing their arms killing everything and you can barely get a spell or two off before the boss is dead. Please, I'm begging you.
it gets a bit better at higher levels but yeah it's nothing like vanilla/TBC days
I always wished your undead's race would change based on the class you picked
Like, if you picked Mage/Warlock (or later Hunter), your undead would be an undead high elf, but if you went with Warrior or Rogue you'd be an undead human
But I guess that'd be too much work for Blizzard, like how mages are described as "physically frail" yet my human mage looks like he could bench my fucking house
At this stage 80% of people levelling are alts who have full heirloom gear, so yes, dungeons are completely faceroll
Actually questing by yourself It does get slower once you get higher but It's by no means difficult at all
What's the best RAF mount guys
I can't choose
>Shadow Priests can literally blow themselves up DpSing now
>Their artifact talks shit to them
>shadow priests literally go insane and use void energy to the point where they grow tentacles
>their artifact weapon is an old god that talks to them
the old god expansion is going to be weird for them
They really fucked up with Heirlooms
Heirlooms were originally designed to be the equivalent of having a new blue item every level, and with a 10% exp bonus
That's too damn strong, especially with the exp bonus
What they should have done was make them equivalent to GREEN items, not blue. That way, while levelling you might get a blue item, but you'd still use the weaker heirloom for the 10% exp buff.
Heirlooms should have been slightly WEAK for their level, not the fucking strongest items available.
That said, they're a bit less OP around WotLK, and get less and less OP as you keep going through the expansions. Still OP, just less so. Not to mention in WoD you can get the BoE crafted gear at level 91, so you can be running around with 700 item level gear then
Resubmit now to collect transmog. If you don't care about transmog wait till the legion invasions start, if you don't care about that, just wait till legion release
Visually great class, boring gameplay wise
I'm so sorry, user. At least the casters get a spell off against the bosses.
heirlooms are slightly worse than blues of their level
not really
>heirlooms are slightly worse than blues of their level
Doesn't matter when you have one in every fucking slot other than hands, belt, wrist, and feet
It's wod all over again. Class halls are nice. Artifacts are grindy. World quests are repetitive dailies just in every area. I just wanna do raids but I don't wanna spend 8 more hours getting gear to 835...I rather do more random pvp with all the classes
>try to do blackhand in lfr
>pull boss
>I fall to the last part of the fight
>when he go to p2 he throw me to the end of the world and I die
no, they are. go compare stats
then when you level 10 minutes later they're better
update: I got the ilusion and I didn't even touch him.
>surrender to madness
the feeling I get when I use this shit are amazing.
WoW has the best end game raiding content. Can't really say why people would play Destiny, or the Division or FFXIV
>that feel when 20 seconds in
ok cool, theyre still slightly worse than blues of their same level
Destiny or Divison would be for different genre. FFXIV lives only cause of the FF paint otherwise it would of died.
Not sure why I haven't seen it posted yet, this got released recently.
Outlines a bit of stuff that's coming.
Also holy fuck that music is so good. No more tribal grunting guys.
Really hope they add some complexity down the road, even normies are going to get bored by it.
This means if they do we'll have one of the best looking classes ever, that also has fun gameplay.
To be fair the momentum build is hard to keepup.