Devil May cry 3

>decide to play this
>that first 20 mins

How does anyone like thise cheesy as fuck shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

>One of the best openings of all time. Shut up faggot, clearly bait

>no fun allowed
Back when it came out that was the coolest shit out there alongside the matrix and sephiroth.

I bet you're just an underaged faggot who owns several fedoras.

can we just shut down this board? i mean fuck it really

Kill yourself op

Come on, wimp! that game is crazy! you just gotta play and keeping it stylish or what, you scared? :^)

You clearly must be underage teenagers if you think all that backflip shit and MC acting like some try hard is cool.

I almost puked.

>he dislikes schlock

I love my video games cheesy.

b8 thread is b8

>clearly must be underage teenagers
>devil mat cry 3
>released in 2005


If you read the first post you quoted, youd realise it WAS cool

IMO it still is. Look at the games of that time OP. SMT3, DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Shadow of the Collossus, God of War, WoW. Games back then were cheesy over the top goodness.

now everything's super realistic wow omg that camera shot. it sux

>Being this much of a edgy AAA grimdark faggot

I bet you think Uncharted was badass when its just male Tomb Raider with garbage hollywood movie style writing and nothing but set pieces designed to make you feel powerful without actually being so.

yet people buy no man's sky

DMC3's intro was fucking ace you tosser

OP prefers the typical JRPG protagonist that says nothing and curls into a ball and cries when faced with adversity because he finds it easier to identify with.

why did you make this thread? If you don't like it stop playing it.

Because normalfags can't handle Crazzeh style shit unless it comes in the form of generic Super Hero movie beat down scenes to some popular cancerous song being blasted or something from the 90s they wouldn't get but fake in order to feel special.

Oh my god I miss fucking games that let me feel godlike on my own accord, especially if it was something that I earned and didn't normally have.


When I played SotN for the first time and shit started getting out of hand I LOVED IT.

This game is in my top 5 games of all time. It is clearly the best DMC in every area.


>op hates fun and wants to fit in with what he thinks is the typical Sup Forums crowd
It's ok op, you aren't the first fag here.we were all 13 once


DMC1 Dante >>>>DMC3 Dante



Devil May Cry 5 when?

right guys?
my heart can only take so much more after e3 with dan and reuben acting innocent after they were teasing shit all week beforehand

>Combat system tighter than your daughter's pussy that still holds up as a titan of the genre after a literal decade since release
>Over the top cheese you just don't see in 90% of most games today, let alone done well
>Final boss sets the standard for rival fights
>Actually decent blend of Western/Japanese aesthetics
>Final boss's in-game guide is literally "git gud"

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and believe you're only pretending to have shit taste. DMC is one of the few games good enough where Sup Forums will have a civil thread and talk about it, and that says a fucking lot.

I was told PSX, but TGS is still a possibility.

I had the HD collection off this and got BTFO by the dog boss.

I suck

You got nothing and nothing's got you.


Just shitpost, the sooner this board cannibalizes itself the better.

only then will we get a better board

Gunslinger mode best