old thread >Gamefreak broke the formula and actually changed Pokemon. No more gyms and no more HM moves
>Anime broke the formula and Ash is confirmed to win the Kalos League

Other urls found in this thread:


I want a new Mexican Pokemon

why did they give such a budget to the anime what the fuck

Any more like this?

not on my watch

If you're going to make multiple threads you might aswell go post it on /vp/.

So everybody here does have a gun nearby to shoot themselves with when we find out that only gen 1 pokemon get Alola forms, right? Ive got a Remington 22, its really only good for rabbits and coyotes but Im sure if GameFreak manages to fuck this up I can manage to get myself with it


which season does the pokemon anime start being worth watching?

At least kill a politician on your way out if you're going to do yourself in for such an asinine reason

Best girl!

XY, and then especially XYZ

>Genuinely Good Tier

Mystery Dungeon

>Entertaining Tier

Your favorite mainline game
Talking about the other games

>Dogshit Tier

Playing the other games

>End your life immediately Tier

Buying the merchandise

>I've been to hell and I saw no hope Tier

Watching the anime


Watch all of D/P, skip best wishes, Watch all of XY and XYZ



Posted in the last thread about Ash Greninja for those who want to know about it or got in the last thread late.

Ash and Greninja share an insanely strong bond that Ash can syncro evolve with Greninja. Greninja gets a super saiyan like power boost and Ash can fully control Greninja's movement. When Greninja takes damage, Ash feels it too. Here's a couple of it's battles

This thing is fucking overpowered and broken as fuck. People bitched that Ash got fucked over by Tobias and his legendary Pokemon in the Sinnoh league but Ash-Greninja can literally sweep Tobias's team

The first season
And then skip to XY

I sure hope we get some gen2 Aloha's. I want Aloha Typhlosion pretty fucking bad.

God I fucking love these

Why are people trying so hard to see Trump in this Pokemon?
Do they really think nips give a shit about the American election?

Because they totally dropped Lucario after Diamond, right?

Japanese Mickey Mouse exists to sell puppets. Lucario and Greninja are the real Pokémon.

Gen 2 is pretty much gen 1
I'm 100% certain that they'll have some gen 2 in there too

Trump cucks are literally just that delusional.
>commits and act of treason against the United States

Does his Greninja have Protean? That's the only way he could be doing as good as he is.

>Geniunely Good

As much as I like Snap, it lasts for less than 2 hours, and then the game just becomes about replaying it to see how high of a score you can get and making silly images.

Barefoot/sandals edit when?

I still can't believe they ever allowed this fucking Gary Stu Legendary-user shitter.

>Watch the first 7 episodes of XY
>It's formulaic as fuck
>Ash is a bore
>Pikachu gets fucking destroyed by two absolute shitmons

Y-You lied to me, you said it was going to be worth it

While obviously not intentional it does look vaguely Trumpish, which is amusing.


Because it's Ash's last season and Pikachu got replaced by Naruto Frog

>tfw she's wearing shoes with no socks
so hot. i wanna fuck her feet

Will Kalos league be Ash's first real victory, or do we count Orange League?

damn that's dark

Hey wait a minute, isn't that Dewgong's shtick?

>older Grass-type Shauna
Fucking perfection

Did you skip over episode 2?

>Ash beats one legendary
>he follows it up with another fucking legendary
>Pikachu fights it to a draw
People say Ash is a terrible trainer but he did better than anyone else against pokemon-Pegasus.

>Have Legendaries
>Still lose horribly
Damn nigga you fucking suck.

>detective hat
That just screams Trump.

Cheap as it was, at least Tobias led to Ash taking down two movie-tier legendary Pokemon. BW's defeat was to a fucking normal Lucario

fuck, i've been looking for this everywhere. Was this released just to hype up the league or was there a special event going on?

>one green shoe one purple shoe

The one where they spend 20 minutes fighting a lv. 3 Fletching?

>what is shading

No? The one with Mega Blaziken and Garchomp

the purple is just a shadow

Orange League doesn't count. Neither does Battle Frontier.

Kalos represents Ash's first real victory.

After finally winning a League Ash decides to go on a holiday to pokeHawaii. While he's there, given that he's a Pokemon Champion, the locals ask for his help in setting up their own domestic Pokemon League.

The reason he doesn't bring Greninja and face fuck everyone is because he didn't go to Aloha with the intention of winning a league or anything.


>showing off the anime with fucking youtube

kill yourself

>that sideboob




thanks doc

So how far can modern science take these edits

Why are people getting excited over recolored Shauna?
Did something change since 2013? I thought nobody liked her design

Those shoes are definitely green and purple.
Shaded green does not become purple.

>in her underwear
>still doesn't look as slutty as Shauna

im gonna use vulpix and litten!

>commits and act of treason against the United States
So Hillary did not do the same?


What kind of yogurt does she have in that ladle?

Oh wow 5 seconds of mega chicken after 40 minutes of shit.

It's called a joke you autist. Only reason you're bitching is because it's trump related, isn't it?

I think it's all in the hair, that's the only trumpish thing I see

Apparently Blue is going to show up in Aloha, I wonder if Red will as well.

She literally didn't?

>never seen it, decide it watch it
>he fucking starts with a darkrai
>nigga lets it get rammed with a megahorn

Me too. I want to pull her shoes off myself!

>those sandals
I want to see her toes.

Everything else is perfect.


>letting (((Correct the Record))) bait you so easily

>The reason he doesn't bring Greninja and face fuck everyone is because he didn't go to Aloha with the intention of winning a league or anything.
Or maybe because he has the nasty habit of boxing most of his pokemon whenever he goes to a new region

The grumpy demeanor is kind of Trumpish as well.

But Blue and Red are the same people

Ash keeps fucking up because he keeps moving to a different region and training different pokemon. If he trained the pokemon he already has and waited long enough for the next league tournament to start up he'd be a champion already.

>Ash confirmed to win
No. People have been using episode taglines for years in speculation of him possibly ever winning a league, and it has never been so.

It's not happening.

Unfortunately it's an edit

Her foot is in the shadow you mongoloid
Do you also think she has some kind of skin condition?

Yeah no shit I'm just speculating on how (if) they try to justify it this time, given that Ash has now has a fucking pacemaker thanks to fusion dancing with Naruto



>wins the league
>has a girlfriend

So... is this really the end? I still have some old pokemon VHS

20 years is just too much

Shaded green doesn't suddenly change colours.
That's clearly purple.
If it were merely green in the shadow, it would be darker green, like you can see on PART of the purple shoe.
proof that the shoe is mostly purple.

>Dewgong loves to snooze on bitterly cold ice. The sight of this Pokémon sleeping on a glacier was mistakenly thought to be a mermaid by a mariner long ago.

Not exactly, the pic is more like a siren gimmick

Isn't the anime all about poking fun at the different people that play pokemon
>Paul represents competitive people, not giving a shit about anything but being the best
>to bias represents people who used legendaries in the elite4 basically winning by default

>no Puzzle League
Shit list, would not read again

If Ash just took his best Pokemon from each season he'd fucking destroy any League he entered. Pikachu, Greninja, Infernape, Sceptile, Goodra, Snorlax, etc.

Also Gary has to do it first and better before Ash is allowed to.

Ash in Sinnoh was at the top of his game, he learned from his opponents and adapted his battling styles. And then Black and White happened.

>His arm just sprouts from the crystal
>this is official artwork from a major first-party release

Watch the 5 episode mini series

>Ash-Greninja literally one shots everything
>Pikachu whose literally been there since day one (Nearly twenty fucking years ago) is thrown to the side for overpowered fucker

Why are you guys creaming yourself over the anime? It's not even about Pokemon battling it's just using OP shit against OP shit

I wanna gangbang her and have everyone jizz into the ladle and make her drink it all at once

Same shit. Sirens are just ancient's Greece's mermaids.

>implying Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak doesn't already own all of the Leagues

There's no way edgy Charizard can beat Ash's mary-sue frog. He has it in the bag this time.

But that's what Pokemon battling is

>Ash wins the league
>in-universe timeskip
>he becomes the mentor and rival of the next season's new protagonist

This will never happen.

>Ash wins the league
>Wakes up
>He's late to pick his starter

To be fair, the tsunami shit happened and everything that was made for the BW anime was lost.