Does anyone else think the Persona 4 ending was sadder than P3? I preferred P3 overall...

Does anyone else think the Persona 4 ending was sadder than P3? I preferred P3 overall, but at least it makes more sense. All of SEES do their own thing. Akihiko,Mitsuru,Aigis and Fuuka work as Anti Shadow operators and Junpei and Yukari do their own thing. All of them had friends outside of SEES and they still remain friends after it all but they were never best friends to begin with.

But,in Persona 4 everyone in your group were best buds. As far as we know,none of them had friends outside of the Investigation team. So as you move back to the city everyone becomes more and more distant. You were only able to visit them twice in the one year and this was when you were in high-school, how's that going to be like when you are in college or even start working? Even in Persona 4 arena you see Rise and Naoto are almost never in Inaba anymore. You will all start to grow further and further apart to the point where you would try to hide from one and other if you ever met again just to avoid the sheer awkwardness. And you must feel like a dumbass especially after saying all that shit about how you're friendships will never die and how important your "bonds" are.

The entire basis of Persona 4 makes no sense since it's impossible for you all to remain good friends after the game even though the game was based on your friendships and bonds.

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Fuck this

What a fucking whore. She literally has nothing to hide.

true dat bro. I mean it's kinda lessened by all of the future spin offs and crap but by itself it's worse imo because it's realistic, we've all dealt with that at one point or another.

Plus I didn't even get to go to high school cause my mom is a hyperreligious faggot so the gang is my only high school friends famalam

Man I loved Persona 4 to an unhealthy extent, think I'm gonna play some more Arena Ultimax. Trying to get the Golden Arena trophies with my main man main Adachi who doubles as the best character in the actual Persona 4 game.

This is like, 10 lines of text, how slow are you typing. And you literally posted the topic with a picture of the gang post-game where they all get together after the incident and still hang out and do gang stuff, just without the MC. Fuck that god damn cast, they all got everything they could have ever wanted and more, in no way is it bittersweet or sad.

True friends don't need to be around each other all the time to understand the bond they share.

You're fucking stupid if you think ''ohhhhhh no Yu is going back to the city'' is as sad as ''MC is fucking dead and we've all lost several people along the way''

Why the fuck would they make a weeb game that only normalfags can understand? I'm starting to slowly hate Persona 4 every day I think about it.

>guys I know that MC dying bad but Yu has to take train to see his friends! That's even worse

Kill yourself.

Sad to the point that none of them will ever remain friends after this. It's similar to Persona 2's ending only worse.

You say that yet he only visits them twice in his first year away. How's he going to keep that up when he gets a job?

I've got a friend I only see like once or twice a year, and we get along fantastically because we established that friendship years ago.

Having friends isn't being a normalfag.

It is really.

That's fine then. I really don't care either way because I'm still enough of a degenerate to hang around here regardless. Even a sperg should be able to make friends of the same ilk.

That's the problem of the P4 cast,they really rely too much on the protagonist, and feel like they wouldn't know how to tie their shoes without him. Say what you want about SEES but at least they are independent and cool.

No. God no.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Yu is a train ride away and honestly I don't imagine him going to the trouble of switching schools when he can just come back next year. He's probably just gonna go home for a bit and spend sometime with his folks before coming back.

In P3 the MC fucking dies, there's nothing anyone can do to save him and the party all had to face serious loss. Shinji fucking died too, man. What's the worst thing to happen to the IT? Something that was undone 5 minutes later.

You're an idiot.

Gotta agree. I hated how heavly they relied on friendship and bonds in P4,I hope they change it in P5.

No, you are wrong. Kill yourself. /thread

How was the P3 cast not as close as P4's? Also Yu is just a train ride away, boo hoo so sad. Fucking P4fags.

>How was the P3 cast not as close as P4's?

They didn't play the king game though. They didn't sit in a food court repeating shit. How can they be friends if the characters where just yes men for the MC?

>I don't imagine him going to the trouble of switching schools when he can just come back next year. He's probably just gonna go home for a bit and spend sometime with his folks before coming back.

Nope. Arena confirmed that he stayed in the city and came back for Golden Week

well to bad skype's not a thing...oh wait.

you just know he got better non teddie friends back home

Akihiko alone has it worse than the whole P4 gang. He was an orphan, he has two sibling surrogates in Shinji and that other kid, only for both of them to die, too. Ikutsuki, possibly the closest he has had to a father figure (reaching, I know) betrayed the group and turned out to be a lunatic, and MC ultimately dies, too. Junpei is the closest thing he has to a make friend in the end, and he even had to endure him being hospitalized. I never thought about it this much, but Akihiko had it bad.

True dat. P3 gang barely out as a group and they fucking live together.

>Junpei is the closest thing he has to a make friend
A fate worse than death.

I miss when RPG characters had problems and drama beyond "I don't want to run my family in..oh wait yes I do"

They couldn't even show us how that might have sucked. She had no other dreams and there's no sign that her mother was actually forcing it on her. The most she had to do was help out when it was busy instead of going to the mall with her friends like twice.

Boo hoo. Heaven forbid you actually help out the people who cloth and feed you.

>DA MAN gets powers and thinks he's going to be special and escape his shitty life with his alcoholic father
>is relegated to MC's sidekick
>they become friends after a long time
>he finds and loves a nice girl
>she dies/gets hospitalized
>MC, possibly his best friend, dies
>world saved
>now gets to go back to drunk dad
>becomes baseball coach and now has to put up with brats while presumably making no decent income to escape that shitty home life

>you have to give up your precious memories to save your childhood friend and the word, this breaks you mentally

>the guy you've come to love loses his memories and his other self returns to an empty world

>your friend goes home after you all exchange emails and phone numbers

Yeah, P4 characters sure did have it worse

But they went to the beach together, ate together, went to the hotsprings together and overcame their existencial crisis together.

>he calls SEES yesmen to the MC
>while praising the MC

Holy shit kill yourself

*praising the IT

God I'm so mad I made a typo

you might want to learn what sarcasm is

Why is Teddie so tall, shouldn't he be his bear height for logical reasons?

plot twist, it was a hentai sex dungeon prostitution inn where the buck tooth teacher goes and fucks Yukiko and rips up her love letters to Yu

Friendship sure is great, isn't it? Sure would be rotten if someone where to go and mess it up by, Oh I dunno, blowing up the planet and stabbing the lead heroine with a holy relic.

Oh, whoops. Well we can fix it. All you have to do is give up all your memories, sacrificing your most important bonds and never ever so much as LOOK at each other again or all hell will break loose. Cool? cool.

play mainline FAGGOT

That's what happens with people. No matter how good of friends you become life forces you apart.

I haven't hung out with my pal in months

Rise and Naoto already have full time jobs they were just either taking a break or actively doing them during P4.

They're not going to be in Inaba forever, Naoto is too talented to waste her abilities in a random podunk shithole, and Rise is going to miss that money after awhile. Yosuke will probably move for college, but Kanji, Yukiko, and Chie will be in Inaba forever. They might not all ever be together again but that doesn't mean he can't visit them throughout his life at different times.

People get older and drift apart. I don't talk to a single person I was friends with in high school. Of the many many people I knew and was close with in the military, maybe only 3 or 4 of them are people I'll ever see again.

That isn't as bad as them all fucking dying or losing your memories of them.

he's an hour away

MC became a seal, controlled his husk of a body for weeks to uphold a promise, and then died before he meet up with his friends. Not to mention in The Answer, you find out that seal is the only thing holding back Nyx from ever returning, so now until the end of time, he' ll be there guarding the door. While SEES is still fighting shadows and shit like that, Junpei and Yukari are doing everything they can to bring hope into the world for MC's sake. Not only was P3 sadder, it also much better story than anything P4 even tried.

>it also much better story than anything P4 even tried.

in fairness that's a pretty low bar. P4 didn't even HAVE a story

Literally play DAN and tell me that P4 has a bad ending.

The DAN trailer explains her struggle nicely. Just because it wasn't shown throughout the whole game doesn't mean it didn't happen.

P4 has a bad ending.

That's an understatement. Persona 4 didn't just not have a story, it also didn't have gameplay, a soundtrack, any graphics whatsoever; it was literally nothing.

>Just because it wasn't shown throughout the whole game doesn't mean it didn't happen.

actually that's exactly what it means. If you don't show the events on screen or at least the consequences then no they basically didn't happen. You can't just have your characters say shit and think that's enough.

We see Eikichi want to do something with his life. We see his abusive father terrify and threaten him. that's a story.

The only thing we see out of Yuki is her pouting. That's not a story. In fact it makes her look like a brat.

She was stuck in an infinite feedback loop of wanting to change her lifestyle while simultaneously thinking her life is not in her own hands. It doesn't help that she was initially an introvert. I don't blame her for having a problem with that.

>kanji became normie
>chie hair got worse
>naoto lookin' better but the goldfish eyes ruin it
>teddie embraced his inner fukboi
>yu gonna yu
>yos still my nigga
>rise still a shit
>marie 'literally who' even pictured
>yukiko somehow better but still has that stick up her ass

Nope, he's taller in human form for some reason. He probably squats inside his costume.

>yos still my nigga

1. normies don't dress like that. he's fine
2. what stick? she's fine
3. yosuke will never be a nigga

>his abusive father terrify
Whoa what? His father may have been harsh but not abusive.

>Your eyes feel heavy...

Close your eyes


That'd have more impact if it wasn't for stuff like Arena/DAN/Golden's epilogue showing that they did actually keep meeting up after the ending.

P4s ending was nowhere near as sad as P3s, and I don't really think it was trying to be anyways, when you look at the tones of both games

Sorry but as someone whp understands her with dealing with a similar problem. Like the idea of having to have your freedom tied down to something you didn't choose. It's less about the actual inn and more about her freedom. She loved the inn and her family but hated the idea of her freedom being taken away.

It's realistic.
It's not sadder than Persona 3's ending, but the realism of growing up and becoming distant with people that you were best friends with is more relatable than becoming a door for everyone's sins.

The problem is that not only is that not interesting they just don't explore it. at all.

Her whole story is

>I can't go to the mall today *Pout*

we don't see her miss out on anything important like trips and festivals nor we don't see her talk to her mother about it only to be rebuked. Do we even see anyone's parents?

Maybe it is normal for teenagers to feel like that, but for the interest of the story it's not a compelling problem and it's not conveyed worth a damn at all.

>be p3 prot
>be p4 prot
>get pussy

Persona and mainline are seperate entities. It's not like saying SMT 4 is worse than nocturne because they deal with similar themes and have similar appeals. Though Persona in general deals with entireley different set of thematicscand has a different appeal. What I'm getting at is that you're a faggot for telling people what to like.

we see kanji's mom though

Why do P4 fags think the critics don't understand the characters problems? We understand the game and characters just fine, the problem is they're not written well and the games plot doesn't make use of any of any of their issues.

Never mind that shit.

Who's ready to Freidyne some bitches with Makoto?

>parents cool as fuck with friends staying over as long as they want
>treats his friends when they out together
>would die for a nigga if he had to
>considerate of which bitch you want to smash on and ask you first before he tries to fuck with her
>sense of humor
>don't like faggots
your loss

He's an annoying teen rom com sidekick and nothing more

Screentime is a bitch sometimes. And that's your opinion.

I'm not saying it was good. But I feel like I'd like to bring some empathy to the situation. Sinve that's the point of art.

>And that's your opinion.

Uh duh, that's why I said it. I at least can bake it up.

Im not unsympathetic but Im not gonna give the game pity points.

Come on, he's a poor wagie and he's a faggot himself.

I just finished P4G a few days ago for the True Ending/ Epilogue, now i feel empty inside...

It's still a problem no matter how you want to spin it. Too bad you can't relate.

It's more like making up headcanon to make the characters deeper than they're presented or make excuses for them.

They get way more screentime due to the sheer amount of slice of life anime hijinx and plodding pacing of the game on top of social links, it wouldn't kill them to include the actual important parts of the characters.

Like almost every social link for the P4 party is straight up regurgitating their confrontation with their Shadow that we already saw and almost invariably leads to just going with what the public opinion wants of them, even though you learn those Shadows aren't accurate of the person they're imitating in the first place.

The only exception is Chie, who for some reason has a 100% unrelated shadow from any other character development she receives in the rest of the game. It feels like they forgot that they changed her personality or future planned story/character development from an early draft but had already put that Shadow boss in for her and just said fuck it.

That's normal. I also felt jealousy though.

Did you forget that people grow at that age too?

Although (slightly) unrelated anyone know how to emulate/get P3 on pc?

you can cut out any of the characters and not change the plot but Chie was especially superfluous

I personally think her hair got better...

Not it's called understanding the intension of a character. Characters are supposed to be hypothetical people, so relating them to yourself and other people is the fucking point. Art is meant to be interperted. It's like those fags that don't understand EVA and say it's too cryptic and say it's shit because of that.

At least Chie grew tits

Can't the same fucking thing be said about the P3 gang? The only reason Mitsuru/Akihiko/Aigis continue to be around each other is only for Shadow related incidents. And im pretty sure Akihiko just fucks off to the mountains only to pretend to be Ryu and do training.

Fuuka goes to some university, and only shows up when she is called for as part of the Ops.

Junpie is busy being a baseball coach, he probably sits on his couch after a day of coaching just to drink and watch tv. Or cry about his DEAD girlfriend.

Bitc- I mean Yukari is busy being an actor and student. Only gets called for when needed.

Ken is busy with highschool and being a try hard cool guy, probably lives at the same dorm.

Meanwhile, Shinji's finally finished decomposing into a pile of bones. And everyone's best friend in the whole world starts to crumble little by little as he acts as the statue the holds the evil door together.

So yeah. I think bother sides are pretty sad, but at least the Inaba crew doesn't have to worry about dead team mates or a dead leader.

>Shinji fucking died too
How is this sad? he was in the game for like an hour and was hardly a character

He was Akihiko's close friend. And saved Ken's life. And died in front of everyone. Thats a blow to them.

Look closer

It's fake

No it's called conveyance. It's not our job to empathize with the characters nor is it our job to understand them. It is the writers job to make us care about them. They didn't.