>fans paid him over $1000 to play through the game
>doesn't even beat it for them
Other urls found in this thread:
Who gives a shit
what jrpg was he even playing?
Who gives a shit
If you donate money to DSP you desrve to be fucked over
Why would you pay money for someone else to play a game? Are you retarded?
Persona 3, i believe
Who gives a shit
>e-celeb shit
you were supposed to save us hiro not leave us in darkness
If you actually donate money to this literal fat retard you should probably be killed
Atlus themselves commented. Not enough keks in the world.
literally every twitch streamer. "okay random game day" "Wow this shit is boring I'm done after 20 minutes"
>back to [Hearthstone]
>ragequitting a game on easy mode
holy fuck how much of a pleb is this guy?
why would you post on an anonymous image board with a tripcode, when your identity has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation?
this. I saw a guy play Rare Replay who had literally no interest in any of the games and neither did his chat. It was painful
The best part of all this? He received a record low amount of Patreon money last month and expressed concern over it. On the first of the next month, he quits a game he had been playing for months at the very end. How do you think this is going to impact his income?
He's still in active denial mode and pretending that he hasn't just shot himself in the foot.
>DSP saves the mc
i did this for ffx yunalesca fight long ago. who the fuck enjoys to just get fucked over.
You put 40 hours or so into a JRPG and then quit because one of the major bosses took more than one try?
no, i quit because i sat through a long ass cut scene, fought through 2 or 3 phases of this shitty boss, just to get memed on by some gimmick. i simply lost interest and never went back.
It's one of the best bosses in the game, it's just unfortunate there is no warning for its gimmick.
>i bash the based god of Sup Forums dsp
what did he mean by this?
>Persona 3 on Easy
Phil finds a new low.
oh shit
>AtlusUSA 2 hours ago
>The charm salt is real.
>Reply 184
Man even Atlus is laughing at Phil that's gotta hurt
I don't blame him, that boss was pretty fucked.
I remember when I finally beat it, I spent at least 2 hours fighting it because it kept making me heal it up to full.
>I can't figure things out
i've never played p3. should he have easily found charm resist items?
so is dsp right for once? is there bugged charm mechanics?
No. You won't have any anti-charm equipment unless you know you need them ahead of time.
wait, what boss are they even talking about? It must have been a tower boss.
Final boss.
Nyx. He had it almost dead, it uses Night Queen, Aigis heals Nyx to full. He continues fighting it since it's easy mode and it's practically impossible for him to lose. When he gets Nyx low on health again, he gets Night Queen'd again and Aigis heals Nyx again. He ragequits and ends his playthrough permanently.
Read the thread
>goes on vacation because getting paid to play video games is too hard
>comes back and his patreon takes a huge hit, doesn't reach the goal
>ragequits a jrpg boss on easy mode, essentially cheating his patrons from their promised playthrough
DSP is based, he can get paid and doesn't have to deliver anything, hell, because he only got 800 of the 1k he doesn't even have to deliver anything, he basically got 800 free burgers from the fans he abuses and doesn't need to give anything back, he is a true youtube star now.
Its not impossible though. You can prevent it plenty of ways. Its not like no one's beaten the game, there's thousands of playthroughs WITHOUT charm protection up on youtube. The boss is a huge test of endurance, the first few phases go down in a turn or two, but by the end you'll probably be fighting her for an hour or two. Hell, Night Queen has a CHANCE of charming you, it won't every time. And even then there's still a chance your character won't heal nyx, and just will heal a random character.
P3 does have its share of frustrating moments, Charm on Nyx's final phase IS one of them. But come on, its a turn based RPG, just let her heal, chill out and beat her down again.
so instead of putting another half hour in, he angered his viewers and made himself look retarded. got it.
>there are people here who spend more time harassing phil than playing vidya
Phil can only wish he was half as pathetic as you autists
>those people who actually have hour long podcasts discussing Phil
Yeah. I think what happened is this:
He got angry and foolishly declared the playthrough over instead of just calling off the stream, getting what he needed offstream and then finishing it a day or two later, pleasing everyone while still letting him rant about the RNG bullshit.
Then his followers got angry and tweeted at him to keep playing, and he put his foot down and spat in their face. He then spent the next several hours tweeting at them and basically digging the hole ever deeper. I imagine at some point it dawned on him how foolish this move was, and how it will negatively impact his income. but now if he goes back on his word he's admitting he was wrong and was a dick to his fans, and he's obviously a piece of shit and could never bring himself to do that. He has too much unearned pride.
So now he's just going to keep digging the hole deeper while hoping this all blows over quickly and doesn't impact his income and future too much.
Plus it's on fucking easy
>he angered his viewers and made himself look retarded.
This is your first time experiencing DSP huh
How is mocking a fat faggot on an anonymous imageboard for breaking promises harassing him? Phil pls.
>using Ken
Holy shit DSP, what the fuck?
Bravo Phil
>I dreaded the idea of playing P3 on my channel.
Then don't fucking do it. Research the games you offer up/accept to play. He keeps screaming how this is his business but he surely does a terrible job of maintaining it as a proper one.
>I will let the patrons choose what game I play, except for a whole genre of games that they can't choose from
Based DSP lays down the law, how dare those who pay him money to play games even think about having him play a game of their choice, fucking fans need to know their place.
>paying to see someone else play a game
I shouldn't be this mad, but I am.
Especially because he's just ranting about the game and saying it's garbage saying that P4 is better.
I've met P4 fanboys and not even them say Persona 3 is trash even if they like P4 more, this guy is clearly just buttmad so he trashtalks the game.
Again, I shouldn't give a give but honestly this makes me genuinely mad.
normally that would be enough to laugh at, but when the person playing the game quits the playthrough and keeps all the money anyway, that is failed kickstarter levels of stupid.
I'm shocked that he has enough of a fanbase still to actually have a Patreon. Is it all Sup Forums contrarians or are there still retards who actually like him?
He doesn't even dislike it. He still maintains it is a good game. His only problems are the pacing, party AI and the fact that the fusion system requires you do the sidequests to fuse any great ultimate personas.
The real reason he quit is here . If he had actually simply disliked the game he would have quit a long time ago. Nobody makes it to the final boss if they don't enjoy the game and are willing to quit on the basis of not enjoying it. They would quit much earlier instead of making it a dramatic clusterfuck.
Sounds like RNG shit without proper gear. Unless there were some hintscto the final boss having charm abilities I'm calling bullshit. Why even have mechanics if the player can't properly strategize either on the fly or before the fight without having to restart.
>giving money to DSP for him to BEAT games
You have to be the ultimate retard to do this
>His only problems are the pacing, party AI and the fact that the fusion system requires you do the sidequests to fuse any great ultimate personas.
So he's fucking awful?
And fuck retard, he literally says that everything is better in P4 and basically calls P3 trash
>The game is so inferior to 4
>The playthrough is far too dragged out to be enjoyable
>Plot is drawn out
The complaints are all justified. The pacing is poor, the party AI is poor, and completing a social link, unlocking an ultimate link persona, and then finding you can't make it because you didn't do a series of completely unrelated sidequests is really lame.
It's still better than P4 because all P4 did is dumb the systems down while adding nothing good, but P3 has plenty of flaws.
>If he had actually simply disliked the game he would have quit a long time ago. Nobody makes it to the final boss if they don't enjoy the game and are willing to quit on the basis of not enjoying it. They would quit much earlier instead of making it a dramatic clusterfuck.
He literally said he wanted to quit the game multiple times but did it "for the patrons" because they paid him to do so, if he can't even do this much I wouldn't trust a person like DSP to unclog my toilet if I actually wanted results.
Reminder that DSP is actually based and Sup Forums has been brainwashed by Arin and The Zaibatsu into believing he's an idiot.
Stop being a sheep.
MURDERS Homefront: The Revolution:
His MGS5 review (finally a truly objective review you can trust):
BTFO Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
BTFO Tony Hawk 5:
BTFO SJWs (0:30):
BTFO Tim Schafer
DNF review:
RE6 review:
Halo 3: ODST review (part 1/3):
AssCreed Unity review:
1886 review:
Evolve review:
Calling out Bungie (Destiny) (30:00):
His mature stance on GamerGate (39:16):
Anita Sarkeesian, the Professional Victim:
Dropping Twitch Truth Bombs (27:25):
His thoughts on shitty video game reviewers (Revelations 2):
Also, as a streamer:
>Does not accept donations.
>No follow/subscriber alerts
>No stream gimmicks
>No facecam
>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
>Literally just the video game
>Moved to YouTube streaming because Twitch wouldn't allow him to stream at 1080p/60FPS
DSP's M.O.? Video games. The video games come first, and he as a player comes second. More Lets Players should be like this, but only DSP has the integrity to actually follow through.
>literally known for being shit at games
Who the fuck are these people?
>Ywn fugg dsp
Who is this guy and why should I care?
e-celebs are not Sup Forums.
Sage and report.
For being fair P3 doesn't let you control your party and he did not have Mitsuru on his'.
However the game is on easy, what the fuck.
The funny thing about this is that I think this is the second time his patrons have paid him to play a specific game. The first time being Persona 4. He's completely shot this new element of his business model in the foot as it was a newborn.
Funny how posts like yours never show up in the many GiantBomb/Best Friends/Game Grumps threads.
>No stream gimmicks
>>Keeps circlejerky viewer-interaction to an absolute minimum
>Does not accept donations.
You need to update the pasta my man
and here i was thinking about watching this playthrough.
at least it was the final boss....i guess?
Nyx isn't that hard. theres so much you can do to prevent that.
I mean its the last boss, he probably put in at least 100 hours into the game and he made it that far without figuring out how to get around a simple spell you probably encounter 5 hours into the game?
what a fucking idiot
Imagine telling your boss "90 mins wasted is far too much already"
>GiantBomb/Best Friends/Game Grumps threads.
I never understood the difficulty people have with Nyx. I was super excited before I fought Byx because I heard the fight could take over an hour and I love long ass boss fights in RPGs. I ended up beating Nyx in 20 minutes and I did't have any resist charm shit.
On the other hand FF8's Ultimecia fight took me close to an hour and a half for each attempt and I had to try 3 or 4 times. I never rage quite, in fact I thought that shit was awesome. I loved that fight and it didn't hurt that it had a different kickass song for each part of the fight.
If you beat him in 20 minutes you were seriously over-leveled. 20 minutes is what it should take just to make it to the final phase, which is half the fight.
Ultimecia is similar to Nyx. Long fight, not too tough, but with some absolute RNG bullshit as well.
>Lucky for him, I actually have productive work to do
That's even more hilarious, I have no sympathy for the people who paid to see that happen lmao fucking retards
He is actually seeting fucking mad because he got BTFO by Atlus.
>easy mode
>cant handle early spell
>using ken and aigis
I wish I could just stream random games that I like. I'mnot autistic enough to play the same game every day, I don't know how people play nothing but SC2, Hearthstone, CSGO, etc.
>90 minutes wasted
what a spoiled nu male faggot. he has enough time to waste posting on fucking twitter.
>he says while paying for a Sup Forums pass
>people pay wheelchair-bound person to stand
>doesn't even run
based fucking DSP, he clearly showed how he is far more important than the people who bring us weeb games, and even spared the person who commented his job! If only more people were as forgiving as DSP, the world would be a better place.
I probably was, my part was all in the low 90s, I was miss informed and thought that that was the the level you were suppose to be at toward the end of the game.
What did Atlus say? where?
On a fred fuchs video showing the rage quit
check the comments
>ALL of wich were improved in P4
>game about literally not giving up and fighting against the dissolution of the world into apathy
>gives up
All the sweeter.
What pass
Did it get deleted? I don't see it.
It is gone. Deleted.
where are the drawfaqs
i want to see Nyx BingTFO of phil then make it a Sup Forums banner
>hiding your pass
you're on the same level as the people you're criticizing
>cares about upholding rules and the quality of Sup Forums
>publicly announces reports
>fans paid him
Stopped reading there. You're an advocate for imbeciles.
Sure thing, I don't know why you're offended that I'm making fun of people who paid to watch DSP play some shitty game
So have there been any actually good TIHYDPs lately, or are they continuing to all be shit that shows every single moment he gets a little whiny instead of the entertaining combination of complaints and incompetence, and tries to fill the massive amount of resulting dead air with irrelevant comments from the videos?
thought you were being a mad lad but I just refreshed the page and the comment isn't there anymore