Is Bloodborne a JRPG?

Is Bloodborne a JRPG?


My dad touches me

It's an RPG made by japanese people so yes

no, it's an ARPG (action RPG)


People that don't understand how language works might try to argue that JRPG stands for "Japanese Roll Playing Game" and that since Bloodborne was made in Japan that somehow makes it a JRPG, but we are not fucking mentally retarded shitniggers that eat their own feces here so we can all agree that it's not a JRPG.

Shut up, kid.

Stop being so stupid friendo

someone post the RPG classification picture

It's a Japanese ARPG, making it a JARPG

>Dragon's Dogma
>Dark Souls
>Demon's Souls
All JRPGs.

>Japanese Roll Playing Game
Well played.

It's a Third Person JARPG


Japanese Souls Game

I touch your dad

It is also not on PC.

It's a horror TPJARPG, making it an HTPJARPG

it also runs at sub 30 frames per second

Let's see...

>JRPG == Japanese Role Playing Game
Bloodborne == Japanese
Bloodborne =/= Role Playing Game

So no. It's not a JRPG.

Can we somehow bring in that it has a dash instead of a roll like Dark Souls?

No, a JRPG is not just an RPG made in Japan, autists here will tell you that, but at the same time they're also hardpressed to define exactly what an RPG is.

JRPGs are games that play like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Breath of Fire, etc. I will not be convinced otherwise. Sorry this means you can't appropriate the term as you please.

It has a roll, though.

It's a J

Why would you ever use that though

It has a roll, though.


This is how language works, it's a genre and not a literal description.

It has more iframes

No, it's actually a good game. Really.

Even if it has a roll then i'll try.


It's a SRPG (Sickdark Role-Playing Game).


>there are no JRPGs or WRPGs similar to BB
>people coined the term soulslike because they're too retarted to just settle with RPG

it doesn't have the stupid "jrpg" cliches, so no
it's essentially a dungeon crawler with an action game presentation
thats right, not all dungeon crawlers are wizardry or diablo