This boss is so fucken stupid

This boss is so fucken stupid

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I beat it 30 levels underleveled on Hard in FES, what's your excuse?

Persoa 3 is an easy game

its the final boss faggot, what were you expecting?

Not on your first time I'm sure.


Fuck off DSP

Holy shit what game doesn't he quit nowadays

The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are... Death awaits you.

It's a boring as shit game.


I've only played it once.

Took me a few nights though and I only beat it because I discovered how to fuck with its AI.

I have a tattoo of this boss

Bullshit, post pic

I save stated my way through it.

>charm protection is only available through like 4 sources in the entire game, two of which you are viable to miss as the method to get them isnt explained nor is it 100% guaranteed
>the other 2 involve using either some horribly low level shit persona no one would use for anything without already knowing it had null charm as its final skill, or being such a high level pre-nyx that you could fuse raphael and level him up

You guys had trouble with this? Wow, casual alert.

Just about everyone will have access to Raphael for Nyx. The problem is getting charm accessories for any party members that have healing abilities.

Holy shit Sup Forums is fucking casual

I mean fuck it's not even a proper SMT game it's fucking persona

Only had 2 sessions and way not done yet. Line work is shitty because guy doing it is still a student.

Well that's not entirely fair a lot of the line work is GREAT I just flinch and flex a lot and fuck him up by accident. It's the sword mostly that's not straight everything else is great.

Looks sweet so far

I haven't played a Persona game, but would letting the healer die near the end work?

It absolutely would, but he isn't very smart. Hell, he gets charmed before the party member does - despite having a persona that is immune to charm. He could have equipped it pre-emptively. Keep in mind this is the second time it happened. He knew it was coming, because it fucked him earlier in the stream, not shown in the video.

Jesus and even now when he knows his pattern he won't spend 1 more hour to finish the game he took 4 months to nearly complete. Amazing.

Don't tell me DSP is that you?

>First battle with Nyx and totally unprepared.
>Takes like an hour to get him to his final form.
>Awhile later he finally has 1/4 HP left.
>Accidentally click Auto battle and forget to heal when I needed it.
>"Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to it's pray"
>Fast forward another long ass battle.
>He adds a party wide status ailment inducing attack in the final moments.
>MC is charmed!
>Literally cannot do anything, but watch.
>Nyx is fully healed.
I wanted to cry so badly.

>Nyx enters final phase
>use Armageddon

The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...

Fucking savage earned a persona 5 buy from me.

Oh god where is the video where they posted this?