>Terry Crews lifts
>Terry Crews has a family
>Terry Crews is part of the pc master race
why aren't you doing any of this?
Terry Crews lifts
Other urls found in this thread:
>streams on twitch
>Terry Crews doesn't play an adventure game on his phone where catching animals and forcing them to fight is the normal
He's also a feminist :^)
Hey, at least I'm not a filthy NIGGER.
That just makes your situation all the more pathetic.
Nah, I genuinely love me some Terry Crews. I just know mentioning that fact will upset some random neckbeards here
How can not being a nigger make anything more pathetic? Fucking niggers
He's still a nigger
Black are descendants of the Hebrews. Whites are descendants of the Jew (or the tribe of Judea).
Black are not only stronger, faster, and smarter than whites, they are also better looking.
In the Book of Revelation, John the Revelator was given a vision of Holy Allah himself and he wrote down that he was of dark skin with white hair like that of a sheep's coat. Only blacks have curly hair like that.
Literally if you're not black you're a white devil, as blacks God's chosen people.
Also somebody will fall for this and Cheese Burger Eddie is a cool guy
Terry Crews is a nice guy. It would make him more sad than angry if he were to hear you call him a nigger since saying such mean things means you don't want to be friends
what's more pathetic is a nigger making more money than you, being loved by way more people, and will likely have a packed funeral following his eventual death.
This mindset is too autistic for people to unironically believe it
>durr even though I'm a loser, me being white somehow makes up for it
>we wuz newton
I actually am.
I lift quite a ton actually AND have my own PC building business.
The day I meet Terry Crews is the day I will finally hug him.
Doesn't matter we're all worm food at the end and no one will give a shit 200 years from now so we can do as we like
I love putting things into perspective for shitheads like you
>I-i-it doesn't matter! None of this matters!
But I am.
Today is Chest/Tricep day.
I'm not the father in a family, though.
Nice damage control lad
You think this doesn't matter but it does.
>Like pokemon, now everybody likes pokemon
>Like Terry Crews now everybody likes him
I have to stop being a contratrian...
nice chimp out
but don't beat yourselves up over it
because it doesn't matter
I liked Terry ever since Malibu's Most Wanted and My Wife and Kids
Someone explain why any of this race bait shit is video games?
Jesus Christ Tumblr and pol alike clash in a duel of fates every other thread on this shifty board
There are some people that you just don't call them niggers
you call faggot thugs niggers
Crews is a very respectable person
hang yourselves underages
>Wah wah e-celebs suck
Kill yourself autistic PCucks. You're cancer on this site.
>caring what a porn addicted degenerate does
He only plays on PC to fuel his addiction on the second screen. Fuck anyone who aspires to be Cheeseburger Eddy.
It would be the same thing with a console and a different celebrity.
But you can always try to start a console war.
>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though
>buy console version instead so I have a legal version and devs get my money.
because he;s part of the masterrace bro
>You can always try to start a console war
The OP is the one making yet another irrelevant thread about le PC master race because some famous nig bought his son a computer.
Congratulations. What dose his race have to do with video games?
>Nigger has a better life than you
Literally nothing you can say will make your life seem any more meaningful than the shit it is. You lost.
And yet you still choose to play his game. You can't start a war with only one.
Thanks, where's my prize?
Shit what's his channel?
I'd watch him
I'll keep giving you (you)s if you explain why the race of someone who plays video games is relevant on this board?
Wasn't me who fucking turned into an asian gimp gay faggot on a sesame street tho.
>tfw not sure anymore if trolling or stupid
>Terry Crews
pick one
>tfw rich, respected, humble and people will still call him Nigger online
Uronically he's still a better person, yet people still want to feel special about themselves.
Pardon me? I'm asking why you think race is important on a video game board? What is so hard to understand?
>le only certain blacks can be called niggers meme
*tips upvote*
Being a nigger is a cultural thing, entirely a choice by retards who think education and hard work is for chumps
>only thing you have on terry is a weak word you wouldn't dare use within earshot of him
Sorry. Face it, you're bitter friendless kissless virgin hambeast/twigfag shota weeb scum.
Speak for yourself, nigger-lover.
why are you guys so obsessed with the spice commercial guy
he's just some ripped rich dude who plays video games on PC
>unironically using the word nigger as a derogatory slur
neo-Sup Forums, everyone
you proved his point
Oh Great another one of these threads, I bet you think you're real sneaky Sup Forums. Yet all the Racist newfags always fall for the bait. I at least expect better from Sup Forums, but at the same time, i'm not the least bit surprised
But Realistically half of you on here are Fat, Autistic, Neets that feed on Hotpockets and shitposting about memed video games that you haven't played
>inb4 Muh Intellegence
>inb4 Muh Heritage Meme
>inb4 Muh Newton
>inb4 Muh Crime rates
The Bible says most Hebrews were black. That means most people in the old Testament and probably Jesus too. But of course ya'll don't believe that because mu pride memes and denial
fucking newfag
Speak for yourself, nigger-lover.
No, it's not. It's a racial slur for blacks. He is a nigger. No doublethink rhetoric-pushing will convince anyone otherwise; the "only bad blacks can be called niggers" meme has always been reddit shit.
>but only some whites can be trailer trash
>builds a 10k gaming rig
>uses it to get addicted to porn
Man, that dog did not look like he was feeling being disturbed.
ITT Newfags fall for Obvious Sup Forums Bait
Who legitimately cares about this race baiting shit?
We couldn't just have a thread about a famous guy building a PC gayman rig, could we? Nope. He's black. Sup Forums screams nigger because nigger, and the defenders of the black race seem to think someone typing nigger on the internet means something.
Can we have console, PC wars? At least we talked about video games then?
That was actually a thing before reddit even existed.
>At least we talked about video games then?
>implying implications
Hey Sup Forums found yah
Are you new?
>Le Sup Forums was always shit
Yea true, but fuck the race baiting was never this bad and you know it.
Sup Forums has ruined this entire fucking site
>browsing Sup Forums
>have a thread about Hindi food
>100 posts in
>thread pruned
>browsing /m/
>mech with an afro
>thread turns into race baiting
>browsing fucking /tg/
>some Sup Forumstard gets hissy when D&D official art portrays a curly haired black girl as a paladin
>browsing /wsg/ for christ's sake
>some Sup Forumslack gets pissed when a black guy in the shot of a city skyline
>you've have to zoom in REALLY fucking close to even notice
I hate Sup Forums so god damn much, it needs to deleted
>Can we have console, PC wars?
ah, you mean the cancer that shits this place up?
and who the fuck cares about the word nigger on Sup Forums. you some kind of crybaby pussy bitch? fuck off.
>>Terry Crews has a family
I almost forgot that this is an accomplishment if you're black.
>master race
>bought all the most expensive parts and didnt even know how to put it together
No smoke without a fire.
I know Sup Forums shit is shitty, but I think when people like race baits, it's also not helping anybody.
I don't know. I wish ALL politics was kept in Sup Forums, that's all.
>delete Sup Forums
>degeneracy filters into other boards even more
Nah, it's too late now.
This so much
Why are they on every fucking board?
the '80s called
More like a hindrance.
If you read my post, one of my points was enquireing WHY people seem to think words like nigger on the Internet effect anyone.
I would rather a thousand PC console shitposting threads about VIDEO GAMES then this racebaiting shit.
Sup Forums was created to keep those tards where they belong.
Maybe if the mods of all other boards actually did their job deleting threads like this, this wouldn't be happening.
Pretty much this to be quite honest. Anywho I wonder what vidya terry will buy in the future?
Hey Captain Sisko is lookin' pretty good
If people aren't so eager to respond to them every time then maybe they wouldn't derail threads so easily.