Your only hobby is video games

>your only hobby is video games

>Can't associate self with TV shows because you just don't get what's so good about them
>Can't associate self with western cartoons because Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon have mostly gone down the shitter these days
>Only way down in hobbies is either moar vidya or become a weeaboo and indulge in anime

>only hobby is video games
>video games are shit but you're stuck with it because its the only thing you know

>everyone's fav hobby is pr0n
>we all pretend it's not

>your only hobby is browsing Sup Forums

>your only physical hobby requires a partner to get great at
>don't have one

>only hobby is anime and vidya.

I had unironically read this wiki page before it got memed

What a miss

>unironically reading wiki how

>your hobbies are film, music and art
>only come to Sup Forums to shitpost

Foolz became 100% better without you, stay here spicshit.

>Only ever enjoyed videogames
>TV and movies became mostly shit and expensive
>Enjoy anime but there's so much of it and it takes so long to watch so don't care anymore
>Look at steam library today and just could not give a shit about playing anything
>Post on Sup Forums instead
>Don't even have fun doing it
>All other hobbies just make me tired the same as anything else
>Hate exercise but force myself to do martial arts and shit
>Don't care about the people
>Doing masters study
>Am the biggest idiot in the class with handwriting like a fucking 5 year old which never got better
>Probably autistic and think about killing myself daily

fuck everything about this shit. relatively I have a pretty good life but if this is what passes for the top 10% then life is garbage.


Quit talking to me

>You're only hobby is video games.
>You can't afford it.
Fuck I can't wait to graduate, I am sick of education.
17 years of education and 1 more to go then I get a decent job and move the fuck out.

Anyone else having a quarter-life crisis? I'm coping with mine by getting a sports car.

I want to get good at soemthing, but I cant for the figure out what to do. Like all i do is computery video gamey bullshit but im too dumb to figure out tech and stuff

QUICK, everyone must list their hobbies:
-video games
-occasionally reliving toys from my childhood

I have other hobbies but videogames are more fun.

Video games
I get a new hobby every other year or so thinking about going into martial arts or boxing.

You should consider picking up cockroach sculpting.

It's fun.

exercise? go jogging? play a solo sport?
i'm bad at it, but it's still something

Kill yourself you fucking cockmongering Attention-whore.

>get laid off
>put off getting a job
>now im too lazy to think about it

fuck, I cant get motivated to look, Im now a mystical Sup Forums NEET

Oh my god I'm going to throw up

I play guitar, I built guitars and various effects pedals and shit in the past. I put that on the back burner because I derive more pleasure from video games. Deal with it

My hobbies.
>sports ( to impress the normies)

Touching a roach is the one the few regrets I have.


>Other hobby is music
>Take a break from vidya and play some piano
>End up playing vidya tunes

Oh wow, are you me?

Also these threads are sad. No wonder you're all so mean spirited, heh

That just sounds like depression, I turned 23 and realized I basically had no youth and am now trying to make up for it.

Not just video games, I cosplay too


What is that fucking abomination?!

I've started learning more cooking to save money on eating out. I only went out once this past month. The flip side is I need more cookware to help me get shit done. Like a new chef's knife. Now, I just need a baking.

>Video games
>Television & Film
>Making """humorous""" videos haven't uploaded in a little under two years
>Can play guitar but very rarely do these days

What the hell

Is masturbating a hobby?


I'm impressed, but also disgusted beyond belief.

And fuckin your bitch

It looks kind of awesome in the image but you would have to pay me by the month to actually set that on my shelf.

That looks disgustingly cool.

>animu and mango
>swing dancan

dammit user i'm hungary now

Are you Turkish, if so how could you do that to your fallen brethren?

>started playing ping-pong with a friend
>really feeling it, helped me to do some exercise and meet other people
>he stops playing
>I insist a lot on playing since I loved doing it
>he makes excuses
>suddenly he plays with other people

>start a football team with other friends some time later since it was a promise for another friend that got cancer
>we are short in people
>invite this friend
>he gets dodgy and creates excuses once again
>I really try to convince him every day
>he never really says no, nor yes, so we thought it was a possibility
>suddenly, he plays in another team

I still play football with my other friends, but god damn, him doing all that really felt like treason man.
hobbies are supposed to unite people, not break relationships

That's, pretty cool.

nah, im not depressed, just lazy and unmotivated

>started off with vidya as a hobby
>try branching off onto other hobbies
>keep defaulting to vidya because it's all i have energy for after work

I hate steak but fuck this makes me want steak

post your channel


Please included me in the screencap for reddit!

>Finish sculpting it
>Try picking it up to set it with the others
>Forget you're a pussy when it comes to bugs
>Freak out and drop it

>I've started learning more cooking to save money

I got to start doing that too, I made some stir fried rice once and had the most amazing sense of accomplishment ever.

Also that steak looks fucking delicious, I want it in my mouth.

Explain to me why are you tripfagging? you are nto just an attention whore are you?

>waited years for my new goat
>turned out to be a blunder
What else do I have to live for

I'm disgusted yet i can't stop looking at it.

Ew, that's fucking raw

>Waiting for a game that looked shit from the start

The amount of bullshitting I have to do in job interviews is insane.
>tell me about what motivates you
>where do you see yourself in 5 years
>why did you choose engineering?
Christ I just want to make money so I can spend it on shitloads of vidya, figurines and computer parts just look at my qualifications

Check my 5

Cartoon Network has long since passed its worst years.

What are yonna do with a goat? Eat it?

>End up playing vidya tunes
You say it like it's a bad thing.

Do you ever see one of those images that just completely derails a fucking thread?

It's magical. I love seeing shit like this. The influx of reaction images of similar emotions reminds me I'm not a complete fucking retard.

Godammit user.

Nah it cool, not like I wanted the dinner to stay in my stomach.

Do the people that ask these questions realise that 90% of people are lying when they answer them? Is it the point of the interview to lie?

There's no fucking way every person in university classes/job interviews is answering those questions honestly when they say shit like "I see myself developing as a person" or other garbage like that.

Personal questions are the biggest curve balls. It's not like I can be honest.

I also read literature and philosophy, play the piano and recorder, play golf, tennis, euro football, and basketball, study biology, economics, and physics, drive cars, ride motorcycles, fly airplanes, kayak, hike and camp, shoot guns, skate and ski, and juggle.

All that and I still suck as casual conversation with randoms.

Shut the fuck up.

>Image search throws nothing

So this is the power of Sup Forums?

How does one even get into a hobby like this? What in the name of all that is holy would compel you to pursue this as a form of entertainment?

Beetle sculptures would be pretty cool
>beetle xenomorph

video games aren't my hobby

they're my life

Whats there to derail faglord?. Just have it (You)

>don't want to go fishing because it's too fucking hot
>can't go to the range because ammo is too expensive

Video games it is.

But why?

Im famous, so no choice.

>So user, what do you do in your spare time


Video Games
Cooking (Food in general, I like to travel and try different cuisine, not sure what to call it.)

am i the only one who finds this fucking hilarious

>Think you're an internet badass, nothing phases you, no snuff video, scat porn or anything else can break you.
>See this

>so user what do you enjoy doing
>arguing with strangers online over the same meaningless details, day in and day out for months at a time

>You're only remembered for cartoon parodies of yourself

I honestly made this thread because i was depressed and didn't want to be a fag and vent to one of my friends. Now i'm intertained. 10/10 user

How are they stuck together? Glue? Pins? Or just roach blood?






>mfw only go to gym, college and home for games
There is nothing else to life

Roaches have little hooks on their body used for mating.

Video games
Lifting weights (I guess this is a hobby?)
Longboarding while playing Pokemon Go
Listening to music and going to concerts

Yo you have much expiernce with fishing?
I wanted to get into to it so I bought a pole and a tacklebox



You mean dicks?

I'm also writing two philosophy books.
They'll be done in maybe 40 or 50 years.